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Federal Way at N. Carroll Avenue Intersection Improvements
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Project Information
This project includes intersection improvements at the intersection of Federal Way and N. Carroll Avenue to help ease traffic during peak traffic hours when entering and exiting Town Square from N. Carroll Avenue at Federal Way. The scope of the construction of a traffic signal, a free right turn lane, ornamental poles, a pre-emption system for Fire and Police vehicles, and a sidewalk. These intersection improvements will increase motorist safety and ease traffic flow.  

Project Details
Engineering Consultant
Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc.
Contractor: TBD
Budget: $315,000
Construction Start Date: 2014
Anticipated Completion Date: 2014
Status: Engineering is in progress
Strategy Map Focus Area:  This project supports City Council's Critical Business Outcome CB04 -
Improve mobility by proactively completing traffic analysis of key areas.
Citizen Survey Focus Area: This project will address the Citizen Satisfaction Survey focus area of managing traffic congestion.
Staff Contact: Steve Anderson, P.E., C.F.M.
Title: Civil Engineer
Phone Number: (817) 748-8100

For a more detailed description of this project, please see the "Public Works Capital Projects Update" quarterly report. 

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