Energy/Environment Energy Voices

  • Oil supplies may not keep up with demand, IEA says

    Oil prices may be low now, but don't bank on cheap prices forever. The International Energy Agency's latest report indicates that demand will rebound significantly, and the supply side will have difficulty keeping up.

  • Republicans capture Senate; Report warns of climate change; Cheap oil creates price showdown [Recharge]

    Republicans won the Senate in last week's midterm elections, setting the stage for pro-oil and gas legislation and a fight over Obama's clean power plan. The International Panel on Climate Change released a report describing "severe, widespread, and irreversible impacts" of climate change. Tumbling oil prices threaten Saudia Arabia's profits and the US's shale boom.

  • Midterm election results: Good news for Keystone XL pipeline

    Republicans captured the Senate in Tuesday's elections, setting the stage for the GOP to push major energy issues – including approval of the Keystone XL pipeline. And with support from moderate Senate Democrats, Keystone likely has the support to make it through Congress.

  • Slow climate change or end energy poverty? Let's do both.

    The goal of curbing global greenhouse gas emissions can sometimes appear at odds with efforts to expand electricity access to the 1.3 billion around the world without it. But it is feasible to make progress on both fronts, write Goolman and Nicholson, so long as policymakers aim high. 

  • The case against US oil abundance

    The swift decline in oil prices has the media buzzing about an oil supply glut, Cobb writes. But can oil – which now trades at eight times its price during 1998's glut – be said to be experiencing an oil glut now?

November 12, 2014

Photos of the Day 11/12

Chinese children arrive for a rehearsal for a welcome ceremony for visiting US President Barack Obama at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

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