Man beaten at Ferguson protest strategy meeting

2014-11-07T23:45:00Z 2014-11-12T13:57:25Z Man beaten at Ferguson protest strategy meetingBy Paul Hampel 314-340-8104

ST. LOUIS COUNTY • Some Ferguson protest strategists turned on one of their own Thursday night, allegedly beating a man they accused of sending out unauthorized video of a meeting at Greater St. Mark Missionary Church in an unincorporated area of north St. Louis County.

County police confirmed that they are investigating.

The victim, identified as Chris Schaefer, a University of Missouri-St. Louis student, was chased from the church, at 9950 Glen Owen Drive, and beaten outside. He was treated for his injuries at a hospital. He details his story on a website where he asks for donations to cover the cost of his medical care.

Patricia Bynes, a stalwart of the protest movement who attended the meeting, blamed members of the group Lost Voices for the attack.

“If we’re going to hold police accountable for beating us, we need to hold ourselves accountable for incidents like this,” Bynes said. “I’m not saying all the Lost Voices were involved, but those that weren’t need to get their group under control because they have gotten increasingly violent lately.”

Bynes said the meeting at the church was intended to be confidential. Some in the crowd accused Schaefer of using his smartphone to “live stream” the proceedings to the Internet.

On Friday afternoon, a member of Lost Voices denied that the group had been involved in the assault. The member, who identified himself as Bud Cuzz, spoke outside the group’s headquarters on West Florissant Avenue.

“I was at the meeting and I didn’t see anyone get beat,” Cuzz said. “I can tell you that (Schaefer) was told specifically at the start of the meeting: no cameras, no pictures and no recording.”

Cuzz said Schaefer should have “followed directions.”

The pastors who had called the organizational meeting Thursday night held a news conference Friday night to publicly apologize for what happened. They said they had been able to quickly remove instigators from protest groups before but weren’t sure who had beaten Schaefer, and didn’t know whether the assailants were part of the Lost Voices group.

“We want to reiterate that violence is not a part of our message,” said Renita Lamkin, pastor of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in St. Charles. “We deeply regret the actions of last night. This is not who we are.” She said the aggression toward him “was the result of nerves being on edge as we await an announcement” of a grand jury decision.

In an interview Friday, Bynes described the circumstances. “The meeting started at around 7:30 and I got there a little late and sat down front,’ she said. “I was listening to what was going on and, all of a sudden, somebody yells out, ‘There’s a phone off the hook!’”

“Others started repeating it, and then I see some members of the Lost Voices moving towards this young man.”

Bynes said the group chased Schaefer outside.

“They got him up against the wall. I couldn’t really see what was happening to him but I assumed he was getting beaten up,” she said.

Bynes said Schaefer ran in a panic onto Chambers Road, where he tried in vain to flag down passing vehicles for help. She said Schaefer was able to reach the relative security of the Walgreens pharmacy at Chambers Road and West Florissant Avenue in Dellwood.

County Police spokesman Brian Schellman said officers were called to the Walgreens.

“The victim told officers that five or six men had dragged him from St. Mark’s Church and beat him in the head and body,” Schellman said Friday.

Schaefer, 24, was transported by ambulance to Christian Hospital Northeast on Dunn Road.

“We are seeking suspects,” Schellman said.

Bynes said that, before she got to the meeting, organizers had asked those in the crowd of about 30 people to turn off all recording devices in order to keep the proceedings confidential.

“Apparently, this young man did not get the message or chose to ignore it,” she said.

In a live stream that Schaefer sent out from the hospital emergency room, he discussed the incident and his injuries.

“I was not live streaming at this meeting,” he says in the video, posted online. “I did nothing wrong. I have been a peaceful protester and live streaming, just trying to protect people from getting hurt who are protesting.”

“Maybe they thought I was a cop,” he adds, “or they thought I was live streaming something that shouldn’t have been live streamed.”

At one point, he holds up his heavily bandaged right hand.

“I got hit pretty badly in many different places — my head, my hands, my sides, my stomach, and my legs,” Schaefer says.

As to his alleged assailants, Schaefer said, “Unfortunately, there’s always a few bad apples.”

Bynes said Ferguson protesters are under heavy stress as they await the grand jury’s ruling on whether police Officer Darren Wilson will face criminal charges in the fatal shooting Aug. 9 of Michael Brown.

“Everyone is feeling the strain,” she said. “A lot of people are really on edge right now.”

Bynes and another protester, who asked to remain anonymous, said Schaefer was fairly new to the movement.

“He had been live streaming for just the last couple of weeks,” said the protester, who asked not to be named. “Honestly, he struck me as kind of a naive college kid who is out of his element.”

Meanwhile, the Ferguson situation was the topic of a telephone conversation between President Barack Obama and Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon on Friday.

A media report from the White House said Nixon discussed his work with the Ferguson community over the past three months and the president said the administration is committed to providing assistance as needed.

Valerie Schremp Hahn of the Post-Dispatch contributed to this report.

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