
Peaceful Zane Kane Targeted by Maricopa County Injustice System Actors

Published On November 13, 2014 | By Pete Eyre | Articles

Zane Kane, an advocate of peace who holds the world record for giving the longest continuous massage, was snatched up by some strangers wearing Phoenix police badges last month. He’s since been caged at Durango Jail.

Donuts and Steroids in Paradise Valley

Zane Kane, peace advocate caged in Maricopa Co.

Durango Jail
3225 W. Gibson Lane
Phoenix, AZ 85009

Booking #T118832

Those who care about Zane have had very little ability to communicate with him. I called the Durango facility and only heard a pre-recorded message that listed visiting hours. My call to the Maricopa sheriff’s outfit was no better – instead of talking to a person, I was only cycled through a phone tree. My limited knowledge about his situation comes from a friend of his father’s, and one of Zane’s friends. It’d be great if someone more local could get involved and look out for Zane, as it’s tough to do much when caged besides think.

Zane is slated to appear in legaland in less than two weeks. He is accused of having a plant (which, even if true, caused no victim, also, Zane sought and had a “medical” card) and “unlawful flight from law enforcement” (I know no specifics of this claim but I do know that if aggressors are trying to kidnap you, it’s smart, in the interest of self-preservation, to flee).

To see the threats levied at Zane Kane click here to visit the court site and search by name (Zane Kane) or by criminal case (“CR2014-147511″).

If you’re in the greater Phoenix area and can stomach walking into an environment where logic and commonsense is suspended in favor of legalese and dictates from a person others unquestionably refer to as “your honor”, consider showing up to support Zane – Maricopa County’s “Superior Court” on November 24th, for 8:15am.

If you’re a visitor to you may recall Zane’s name, and that – his proclivity to question the statist quo and to live free – is thought to be the reason he was targeted by those who purport to “serve and protect.”

March 15, 2014 Donuts and Steroids in Paradise Valley, a video interview I captured when in the Phoenix area in early 2014, in which Zane recounts a less-than-ideal interaction he had with Paradise Valley police employees David C Hutchinson, Joe Diventi, Carney, and Clement.

September 06, 2014 Phoenix Police Employee Not Too Happy When Questioned, was a video captured by Zane that shows a visit by a questioning Phoenix police employee who isn’t too receptive when Zane poses the questions.

September 16, 2014 Phoenix Cops Question and Chase Me – I Don’t Stop, was submitted by Zane, and depicts another unrequested visit from Phoenix police employees who, in stark opposition to serving, issue commands.

Known Police Accountability Groups in Arizona

  • Arizona Cop Block – Facebook
  • Arizona Copwatch – website / Facebook / Twitter / YouTube / [email protected]
  • AZ Maricopa Cop Block – Twitter
  • Kingman Cop Block – Facebook / [email protected] / P.O. Box #6693, Kingman, Arizona 86402
  • Tucson Cop Block – Facebook / [email protected]



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About The Author

Pete Eyre is co-founder of As an advocate of peaceful, consensual interactions, Eyre seeks to inject a message of complete liberty and self-government into the conversation of police accountability. Eyre went to undergrad and grad school for law enforcement, then spent time in DC as an intern at the Cato Institute, a Koch Fellow at the Drug Policy Alliance, Directer of Campus Outreach at the Institute for Humane Studies, Crasher-in-Chief at Bureaucrash, and as a contractor for the Future of Freedom Foundation. He later hit the road as co-founder of the Motorhome Diaries and Liberty On Tour, and now resides in the 'shire.
  • Common Sense
  • Common Sense

    Perhaps he can try and top his “world record” while he’s locked up. Might get him some perks while he’s in the pokey.

  • Thenumber4

    Who gave this guy the “world record” of longest message. I didn’t seem to find it in gennius world record

  • t

    Pete, did you really calm the jail and think that they would Zane the Pain like he was their CEO and put you on hold while they hurried to get him so you two could rap about his arrest? Really?

    What’s so sad is that there are places where he can grow, possess and use his plant without issues. But he still wants to impose his will on everyone else without consquences or accountability.
    Guess that didn’t work out so well.

  • ThirtyOneBravo

    “…but I do know that if aggressors are trying to kidnap you, it’s smart, in the interest of self-preservation, to flee.”

    So, Pete, if I read this correctly you condone evading arrest?

    Smart. Real smart.

  • jeff

    I don’t even read the articles anymore. I just zip down here to get my fill of retard from you and your friends for a laugh.

  • jeff

    If you live in an area where everyone wants that plant, then you are imposing your will on everyone else. Do you know what everyone else wants? No? Didn’t think so.

  • t

    “everyone wants”


  • t

    CB isn’t about accountabity.

  • JC

    I believe Pete is losing his grey matter and not the stuff in his shorts. Zane Kane refused to register his vehicle, he taunted the police, when they wanted to talk to him, he speeds off and a police chase ensues. It appears he is where he needs to be and will be staying there for a while.

    Here is his mug shots. The officers had to throw mace into his vehicle because he refused to exit the vehicle.

  • RadicalAwesomeDude

    Accountability for what? To whom? Who is the “victim”?
    Whom did he force or “impose his will” onto? Where do you come up with this?

  • keepitreal

    LOLOLOLOL. You are too fucking funny. Freaking moron.

  • keepitreal

    You’re going to be his roomie if you keep making your fake claims of being a parole officer. That shit is just as illegal as what this dude did. So I guess you need to be there too, right? LOL. Hypocritical douchebag.

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  • Uncle Arty

    I’d go one further, It would be justified to kill your would be kidnapper. Even if that kidnapper is wearing his badge and magic clown suit.

  • Uncle Arty

    Neither are the police and the slimeball unions that protect them.

  • Thenumber4

    What? You mad bro

  • ThirtyOneBravo

    Thank god arresting someone isn’t kidnapping. Not in a sense that the entire general public can disagree with.

  • ThirtyOneBravo

    Dang. That’s right – I forgot.

  • Uncle Arty

    News flash dumb ass, the general population is getting fed up with your bullshit. You just better hope people don’t rebel in our lifetime.