
Pretrial Detention is an Assault on Liberty

Published On November 13, 2014 | By CopBlock | Articles

The write-up below by Kaetan Mazza was originally posted to NewYorkNatives.com on 2014.11.12. A relative of his shared it, and it is reposted here as it makes clear the misallocation of resources and rampant rights-violations caused by the structure and actors of the injustice system. 

Hear Me Out: Pretrial Detention is an Assault on Liberty
by Kaetan Mazza

America locks up a lot of people. By any metric you consider, it tends to be at or near the top of any list tallying prisoner populations. This fact, in itself, is not so damning until combined with the fact that most of those locked up are charged with nonviolent crimes. What’s worse is that the vast majority of the jailed aren’t even proven criminals. They’re suspects awaiting trial, languishing as the slow wheels of justice churn through their case.

I’ll admit, I have kind of a unique perspective on criminal law. I have close friends and family who have served honorably in law enforcement; my kin specifically in the NYPD. I understand their various opinions. From them I can begin to appreciate the complexities and subtleties of protecting and serving. I, on the other hand, have instinctual criminal tendencies. As a rule, I try to break any law I find idiotic, and often violate even the ones I agree with. This amalgamation of influence in my life has afforded me the opportunity to see the penal system from both sides of the bars.

Last year, while driving around Brooklyn, scrambling to accomplish tasks for work, I made the unfortunate decision of answering my phone while behind the wheel. Immediately, and seemingly out of thin air, one of NYC’s finest appeared in front me and signaled for me to pull over.

After several minutes a female officer arrived at the scene and approached my window with cuffs drawn and a hand on her service pistol. Apparently I had an unpaid ticket from 2008. Not surprisingly, I did not recall the incident. I was, as she said, “going down.” Having several hundred dollars on me, I pleaded with them to allow me to pay my fine with late fees. My appeals were met with unsympathetic assertions of protocol.

RELATED: Cage Complex, Why is America’s prison population soaring? by Wendy McElroy at FEE.org

From there I was placed in a holding cell by myself for several agonizing hours while being processed into the system. During this time I was refused food, water, and any contact with the outside world. The thought of the worry and fury my absence was causing was extremely stressful.

Following a spell of solitude a man was placed in the cell with me. By his own account, he was in the thralls of severe PCP intoxication. If you have never witnessed anyone under the influence of this obscure drug, it can be both hilarious and terrifying.  Luckily he remained somewhat calm, alternating between twitchy incoherent rambling and comatose distant stares. I remained acutely aware of the possibility of an uncontrollable freak out at any moment.

About four hours in, I was given the opportunity to make a phone call. Unfortunately I was also told by a guard that I would have to spend the night and see a judge in the morning. I called one of my coworkers to let them know I was OK and discuss how to mitigate the problems my arrest had caused.

After about five hours in confinement, by which point I had been given about thirty seconds with a water fountain and no food, I was handcuffed again and put in a van with two other men.  As I was transported to another facility, one of those men told me, unsolicited, how sick he was going to get as his heroin withdrawal set in. He held back none of the disgusting details.

Upon arrival I was placed in a bigger cell that held about fifteen other unsubstantiated criminals, including my van mates. Chatter revealed that we were all low level offenders. There were a few shoplifters, drug possessors, and people like me who failed to pay tickets.

Looking around the room, one of the thornier, more insidious aspects of our justice system became strikingly apparent. Out of the fifteen men, ten would probably identify as black (with about eight of those men under the age of 23), four were noticeably unstable, most had admitted substance abuse problems, and all except myself would be facing the world penniless upon release. This is significant because they represent segments of society that bear the disproportionate brutality of the law. Most of the charges represented in the room would elicit no more than a citation, for most accused. If they did, most would easily bail out.

I slowly started to accept the miserable conditions. My discomfort with the metal bench that I would have to sit on throughout the night, the arctic air blowing in through the vents, and the smells of fifteen men began to dull.

Then my former van mate’s earlier predictions came to fruition. If you’re unfamiliar, severe heroin withdrawal involves explosive diarrhea and uncontrollable vomiting. Needless to say in this enclosed space, it was horrifying. Most of us clustered in the corner of the cell opposite the wretched oozing creature hunched over the toilet. Others, unfazed, took advantage of newly open bench space.

As if on cue, that was when it was decided that we should be fed, and when the corrections officers brought in several McDonald’s bags, a few of us were cautiously optimistic. That optimism was immediately crushed with one bite of the stale food. None of us could force down more than a few bites though we were ravenously hungry. I asked for water and was directed to a faucet near the toilet. It was so rusted and filthy and so near the source of the vomit-shit smell, I decided to go thirsty. We asked that the sick man be moved, they said they’d see what they can do; apparently they never saw anything.

The night wore on for what felt like months. The worst of it wasn’t the grime, gnawing hunger, smell or discomfort. It was the excruciating boredom. The room was bright, cold and crowded, so sleep was not an option. We were allowed no possessions. There wasn’t even any signage in the cell.  Minutes crawled along at a pace that made my balls ache.

Finally, I was released without charge because of a lack of supporting evidence, by a judge who acted as though he had done me a favor. Nearly thirty-six hours after I’d been arrested, I was free. In dirty clothes and with a dead phone, I trudged home wondering if I still had a job. I felt sorry for my cellmates with unsympathetic bosses, kids to pick up, and tenuous relationships. For at least two men this process had made them homeless.

Whatever your political persuasion (unless you’re a fascist), the idea that a mere accusation can result in extended confinement should offend your sense of justice. Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are our most fundamental rights. If someone is to be stripped of that for any period of time, before the due process of law has run its course, I believe there must be an exceptional reason. The only conceivable reason for this would be to protect the public from a potentially violent criminal. There may be a small case for the high-flight-risk, nonviolent felon, but GPS technology has made this concern nearly obsolete.

Why not end the practice of pretrial bondage for nonviolent offenses? Most of them don’t require jail time anyway. It’s cheaper and fairer to cite and release the accused than to house and feed them in despicable conditions. It doesn’t offer a free pass for low-level criminality — sanctions can and should be meted out, but only after allegations have been proven. Punishing people beforehand is a black eye for Lady Justice, no matter how obscured by her blindfold.



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  • Common Sense

    How does one “forget” a ticket? I do note that there is no mention of what the “ticket” was over, I’d assume it was a dope charge. If it was something lesser, he’d of mentioned it. And naturally, tickets have a funny way of turning into an arrest warrant when you “forget” about them.

    A “fury” of your absence? Really? An actually fury you were arrested on your warrant?

    Teachable moment I suppose.

  • t

    mmm hmm…………..sounds to me like someones got they’re pantys in a bunch…….. Can I smell them?

  • jeff

    whatever d-bag

  • keepitreal

    Just driven to share the misery you call your life, aren’t you……..Must be fucked to be so bitter.

  • http://www.brucecinko.com Pw4x3r

    Thanks for sharing.Valid idea!

  • Common Sense

    I merely comment on the article. Again, without all the facts. Per the usual of Copblock.

    ….and no, far from bitter

  • JC

    You decided to not pay your ticket in 2008. It then turned into a bench warrant. You also chose to drive. You got nailed and were arrested. Since you were busted and put in jail, you whine that you should be given special treatment. Sorry guy, you break the law, that is what happens.

    The author states, “I, on the other hand, have instinctual criminal tendencies. As a rule, I try to break any law I find idiotic, and often violate even the ones I agree with”. It would be safe to assume you can expect to be in jail many more times. You chose your path. Now take responsibility for your actions.

  • Thenumber4

    I’m sorry prison or jail don’t meet your expectations of wellness

  • Thenumber4

    Dr. Iq comes in for a comment and
    ……. he fails.. the crowd goes wild

  • Juicy Juice

    Did you let t know I was in the closet watching him hammer your ass. It was funny he looked like a donkey. JC no more kissing because I watched you lick t in the butt. My big black weenie makes you squeel like a pig.

  • keepitreal

    It’s your story, stick to it. And you merely assumed off the bat it’s a dope charge. Then made up your own reasons why it was probably a dope charge. And ANYBODY reading your posts can see the almost OCD-like drive to be negative. Doesn’t come from a super-positive outlook on life, right? LOL, sucks to be you is my comment.

  • keepitreal

    Things happen in your imagination like this all the time? Funny, I wouldn’t think somebody as stupid as you obviously are would even have much in the way of an imagination. Probably more of a psychosis.

  • keepitreal

    You impersonated a Law Enforcement Officer, douchebag. That’s a crime, which makes you a criminal, just like any of the criminals talked about on this site. A criminal. So shut your hypocritical lying douchebag mouth, ass-wipe.

  • keepitreal

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. You have the linguistic capabilities of a spastic freaking chimpanzee, you know that?

  • Thenumber4

    What’s wrong bad things happend to you last time you were in prison?

  • JC

    The copblock Rain Man continues to beg for attention. How’s the weather in Las Vegas?

  • JC

    The sad thing about your pathetic posts is there are probably gay people who come to this site like anyone else does and when they see the crap you write, they more than likely leave and then tell their friends not to go to this site. So keep up the good work of destroying copblock’s image. All I see are the same people posting all the time. There are no new people posting. You do good work.

  • t

    So……let’s make sure we got this
    You openly admit that you are a constant criminal and that you commit crimes just for fun
    You get arrested because your weren’t accountable for your actions.
    You do nicely outline the nasty side of drug use. The associated crimes and poor deduction making.

  • Common Sense

    So so angry. Hit a nerve have it?

    “sucks to be you is my comment.” That’s a good one. Thoughtful.

  • ThirtyOneBravo

    So… y’all bitch and moan at the lack of police accountability but when you’re clearly not holding yourself accountable it’s an attack on your liberty… Nice double standard there kiddo.

  • wickeddevelopment

    well writen and well said thank you

  • Shawn

    As has been commented, you don’t just forget to pay a ticket. Don’t buy that one for a second. As for going to jail before any conviction? There are several reasons for this.

    First, in your case, you did get let go without going to jail. You got a ticket, which is effectively a summons to either pay, pleading guilty, or challenge it. You did neither. So since you weren’t trustworthy to let go, you were taken in.

    As for other arrests? There are varying reasons for taking them in. Some will be a danger to themselves or others, either via drug induced behavior or deliberate danger. Others are hauled in because the nature of their crimes is sufficent that people of higher authority must be the ones to decide if charges will be pressed, and if you are trustworthy enough for release and on what terms.

    Now if you want to make an issue about conditions of jail, I can see some of that. Numerous people comment on the abusive nature of such an arrest. Idiots like the usual suspects here will make comments about “Don’t do the crime” and forget that such arrests are not for punishments, but place you in the hands of higher authorities to decide how you are handled. It is yet to be determined if you “Did do the crime”.
    An arrest is not and should not be a license for pre-trial punishment. And such conditions as you describe are exactly that. Especially for people who’ve not been convicted, they owe proper conditions. That means proper water, proper food, and proper living conditions. Dumping a bunch of people into a cold room without even beds is inappropriate. Forcing them to share accommodations with a sick person is inappropriate. Trash McD food is inappropriate. That is punishment before trial, not simply incarcerating until they can face the judge or the DA makes his decision to file charges or not.

    I’m all for harsh punishments for convicted criminals. The idea is to convince them to not want to go back to prison. But someone arrested and not yet taken to trial is a different matter altogether.

  • Shawn

    dumbass, jail is not supposed to be pre-trial punishment. As in my comments above, arrests have to be made for some crimes. But that is not a license to abuse before they even see a judge.

    Make prison hell, yes. Make jail hell, before even a a hearing, wrong.

  • Macorichi

    Whoever you are, ‘common sense’ is the farthest thing from how you’ve expressed yourself. What does it matter what his ticket was for? There was a lack of evidence to prove the ticket and the charges were dropped, that alone should be proof enough that what hes saying holds weight. He was just held against his will in confinement for 36 hours for NO REASON. All that came out of it was another person who feels the system has failed him, and to top that off a waste of tax payers dollars. Cities complain and raise taxes because theyre in debt, yet they go around frivolously spending money when they dont need to on useless shit like this.

  • Thenumber4

    I never said jail was pre trail punishment, how ever jail is pre trail holding before your case is heard before a judge. Also the arrest was made and that’s what landed you in jail. Make bail, or shut up

  • keepitreal

    LOL, you don’t have the ability to make me angry, moron. Mild disgust is about as close as you’re going to get. Mostly laughable though.

  • keepitreal

    No, it was last time I was in your mother. Bitch had rats up in the coochie.

  • Thenumber4

    Go back to your room big people are talking. Also but by using the same logic you did, you said the “the bitch had rats up her Cochie” not saying my mother does but this was after the fact. That would mean you fucked a women you has, I quote “rats up her Cochie” you my friend need to get that checked out. Also sorry if a woke you up last night, your mom really can’t handle anul.

  • SubvertedNationdotNet

    Sorry, but police do not serve and protect anyone but the corporations they work for. There is absolutely no such as police “serving honorably”. ALL police enforce unjust, unlawful “legislation” onto people it doesn’t really apply to, and cannot LAWFULLY apply to. ALL police fine and jail people (their only real purpose) for non crimes. Police are nothing but the terrorist arm of a conglomeration of corporations posing as a de facto government, with zero legitimacy and lawful authority.

  • http://www.infowars.com SteveQuaid

    I’m for traditional family values and am passionately opposed to Social Marxism and the religion of White Guilt, but I’m also entirely opposed to the infliction of cruel and unusual punishments as a matter of routine. We cannot claim first world status so long as we institutionalize the practice of inhumane treatment.