
Border Patrol Employee John Demery Arrested For Murdering 27yo Father of Two

Published On November 12, 2014 | By CopBlock | Articles

This unfortunate and unnecessary incident was shared by Amanda Hendriks, cousin of Adam Thomas who was killed by John Demery.

Date of Incident: 11-08-2014
Individual Responsible: John Demery
Outfit: Border Patrol

John Demery, who wears a Border Patrol badge, is now on “administrative leave” after having shot a man multiple times, killing him.

From a KABC-TV write-up:

“Adam heard his friend outside. He came outside to see what the commotion was. The guy pulled a gun. Shot at him three times. Adam and his friend tried running away. He (Demery) said ‘Who’s going to fight now?’ Pop, pop, pop, shot him (Thomas) again,” said Stephanie Bell, Thomas’ former girlfriend.

Upon arrival, deputies found Thomas suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. Thomas, the father of two children, was taken to a hospital, where he later died.

Demery was later arrested for homicide and booked at the Southwest Detention Center.

His family started a GoFundMe campaign in four days have almost reached their goal of $8,000.



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  • Thenumber4

    Man I love this site, it has gay guys, lies, imposter’s, wannabes, thieves, retards, insults, and a war that is never gonna happened. It’s like the Game of Thrones but with a lot false information.

  • JC

    Interesting. He was off duty. I hope more information will be posted later on about what happened.

  • t

    Hmmm. Interesting story.

    Now I’m torn about this so maybe you CBer types can help me out on this one.

    By CBer logic and statement… guy should be protesting this officers arrest and demanding his release. After all:
    – He DIDNT involve the POLICE (you guys always preach not to call the police)
    – He used a firearm and you guys love guns. (Heck….a couple of commenters have bragged about 2.5 million crimes being stopped by citizens with guns)
    – And of course….there’s the violence you love so.

    And then of course there is the fact that this guy was INVESTIGATED and ARRESTED by the police that you hate so.

    Hmmm. I’m torn.

  • Shawn

    “- He DIDNT involve the POLICE (you guys always preach not to call the police)”
    Nonsense. That is in regard to self defense, because a confused cop will just shoot the first person he sees with a gun, rather than understand the victims of a crime may be armed too. When you can’t trust a cop to restrain himself, better to leave him out of it. But this is a crime.

    “- He used a firearm and you guys love guns.”
    Is that your anti-gun mentality showing? A love of guns is not the same as a love of crime. Or do you equate the two?

    ” (Heck….a couple of commenters have bragged about 2.5 million crimes being stopped by citizens with guns)”
    Is that a problem for you? That sounds like a good thing, and certainly has nothing to do with this incident.

    “- And of course….there’s the violence you love so.”
    So says the guy who loves SWAT raids and cares not that far too many are attacking dry holes where they never could prove they had cause to terrorize a family, or flat out terrorize innocent people. And in far too many cases, get people hurt through incompetence of judgement. But you’ll criticize other people’s violent comments?

    “And then of course there is the fact that this guy was INVESTIGATED and ARRESTED by the police that you hate so.”

    And of course a police investigation of a cop is never suspect No, they’d never do less than their best to critically investigate their own.

    As to why this is here? I can’t answer for the host, but I can easily see this as pointing to the “I am above the law” mentality far too many in LE have. Eventually, many of them go farther than anyone can cover, like that Saratoga NY cop, and fall hard. But it is clear a lot of you don’t see rules as applying to you. When you teach someone he is a power unto himself, he is going to exercise that power.

  • keepitreal

    So all “CBer” people ascribe to your bullshit above, huh? Well, fair is fair, so you must be a steroid using pedophile who steals dope from evidence rooms and embezzles money from the police union. You know, because I read so much about cps doing that sort of stuff. Fucking douchebag. By the way, why don’t you point out one of these cases where a cop sued somebody for false complaints. All I’ve been able to find is decisions saying you can’t sue somebody for what they say about you in your public capacity. Yet you’ve won these 3 cases. Funny how none show up despite how I search.

  • keepitreal

    And the world’s only recorded instance of an IQ which actually has a negative value. -15 folks, you saw it on copblock first.

  • Thenumber4

    Man I wonder how a man “Keepitreal” knows how type such things when he only has negative 15 iq points

  • Thenumber4

    Funny how all your information is from the internet, because every thing on the internet is true of corse

  • patriot156

    let the pig rot

  • wickeddevelopment

    what a twisted mind you have.. CBers? liking guns.. shooting innocent people… again you justify illegal actions and no doubt claim you do not yet again

  • wickeddevelopment

    do you really think the mentality is changed when he is on duty? wow this is the attitude of many LEOs and it has to be stopped

  • wickeddevelopment

    fake cops..

  • wickeddevelopment

    funny he dont claim its from the internet… i see who the one who believes is

  • BuelahMan

    Torn? No, just a cop dick sucking idiot.

  • Common Sense

    Seems it was arrested, but not yet charged. Seems the DA is reviewing the information. They apparently were to decided his charges yesterday. Demery remains in custody with a $ 1million bond.

  • Common Sense

    Rubber, meet glue. Zing! u r so funny 4

  • jeff

    It wouldn’t have half as many of the gay guys, lies, imposter’s, wannabes, thieves, retards, and insults if you weren’t here all the time

  • jeff

    “knows how type”? …. something tells me he was talking about you. What a dumbass! HAHAHAHA!!!

  • keepitreal

    He’s typically on your side, moron. Him and slappy make such great allies, don’t they……..

  • keepitreal

    I manage to “knows how type such things” just fine, thanks. My IQ is just a tad bit higher than the -15 you call home.

  • keepitreal


  • keepitreal

    Of corse. Or is it coarse? Cores? Oh well, I guess there is a lot of slack in that -15 vocabulary.

  • keepitreal

    Probably giving his buddies a bit of time to figure out how it was a justifiable shooting.

  • t

    Lots of whiners, too. Definitely don’t mean you, bro.

  • monkeywrench

    two steaming #2s =the#4

  • JC

    There was an argument. A gun was used. It doesn’t say what the argument was about or how many weapons there were. The PD are still trying to get witnesses to come forward. If he was in the wrong, he will go to prison. You talk about LEOs attitudes on and off the job. Am I to assume the multiple hateful, homophobic, statements of murder, by copblockers are carried over in these people’s jobs or in public?

  • t

    Look more. Lots of defamation cases

  • RAD
  • Common Sense

    Perhaps you should reserved judgement until more information comes to light, you now, “innocent until proven guilty.” Perhaps John was hammered drunk and when the confrontation took place, Adam was shot down. Or, Adam was the aggressor, started the fight and John finished it.

    One site claims Adam was a white supremacists with a great dislike for authority.

  • t

    Well….what a bunch of contorted think those replies were

    I think if I reply to @Shawn’s I can cover most of that stupidity
    Let’s try:

    • he didn’t involve the police..”
    “That’s is in regard to self defense”
    Hmmm. Let’s all refer back to the article shall we? K
    “Went outside to see what the COMMOTION was” & “Who’s gonna fight now”
    Wow. That kinda sounds like self defense. Hmmm

    • “anti gin mentality”. Hmmm. Wow that’s pretty stupid when I said that the CBers should be defending him because he used a gun.

    • “2.5 million”. “Nothing to do with this incident”.
    Hmmm. 2 civilians (remember….he was off duty and not performing a job related task) settling in the street ‘old west shootout style’. 1 used a gun to stop a crime. Hmmm

    • loving the violence “SWAT”. Hmmm. SWAT is used to keep there from being violence. The CBers however have a constant call for violence in every situation….like it is the answer to every question.

    •the police investigated and arrested him. And that’s wrong now?

    • “I am above the law”. Hmmm. And yet….he got arrested. Hmmm

    I’m still waiting to see you activists “activating” for his immediate release.

  • amanda

    They’re in court today. I’m waiting on information. John Demery was out looking for the cars who were racing around the neighborhood. He got into an arguement with Adam’s friend because he was checking out their cars. Adam came out to what all the fuss was about.They argued and he pulled he gun. Adam tried to back away and Demery shot and missed. Adam then ran and demery shot him multiple times and then shot him 2 more times while on the ground from what I know.
    My cousin wasn’t racist. He had a ton of non white friends. He was very proud to be white. There’s a big difference.

  • keepitreal

    Then cite one, douche. If you did 3 times, there must be hundreds, if not thousands of other cases. But I could only find 1 (ONE) which resulted in a victory for the plaintiff (plaintiff, slaps, not plaintive), and it was reversed upon appeal with the ruling that nobody could sue for something said about them in their official capacity. 1st Amend issue or some such. But I guess it’s different in the court of your fucking imagination.

  • keepitreal

    LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Douchebag, who invariably put his own spin on shit “probably a dope violation”, etc, now saying “wait for all the facts”. You are a hypocritical douchebag.

  • keepitreal

    Don’t pay any attention to these morons. A couple of the idiots here will attempt to paint your cousin in the worst possible light, rather than admit that one of their own was a drunken psychopathic murderer. Watch his lawyers try to drag your cousin through the mud.

  • wickeddevelopment

    So you say its ok then… Expected..

  • Texas_Twister

    Oh! Now I understand a Border Patrol security guard that has no jurisdiction over an American, was searching all property of everyone he lived near, in America without a warrant or evidence of any crime having been committed. When an American says what are you up to on my yard and with my friend, the security guard shoots and kills the property owner.

  • Common Sense

    That’s it? That’s all you’ve got?

  • Texas_Twister

    In a civil society, especially one in which the population is armed, you must be polite on the property of others including public property. The Border Patrol security guard was not being polite, therefore not afforded the immunity from prosecution for murder. defense of ones values is something all together different. This security guard was a killer and would have done so without the firearm.

  • Thenumber4

    Not saying I’m a retard gay guy or any of that, but By Your logic you should half correct. So there’s still that other half which is you guys. So you heard it from Jeff half of all you guys and gay and retarded

  • Thenumber4

    Man that’s awesome you finally learned math

  • t

    He “was not being polite”.
    And your proof of that is….what exactly?

    Guy I have openly made fun of the continued double standards that CBers live by.
    I’ll give you quick example:
    • Cops are all hyper-nosy rights violators that are constantly fucking with people and “harassing” folks
    • Cops are all lazy and dumb and sit around doing nothing while getting paid by the taxpayers

    Now….while neither of those are direct quotes…..they some up the ideas expressed by almost every CBer. And most of them express both Ideas whenever it suits them.
    See how that works?

    Now I don’t know any of the involved parties. I wasn’t a witness to any of what happened that night.
    I can only comment from the available information.

    But I make fun of the CBers as, like your comment…..that two faced approach is showin in a bright Spotlight.

    Nothing in the story shows the the off duty officer was in the wrong….other than the fact that HE was arrested which would lead to at least an inkling of an idea that te responding police found that there was at least PC to beleive that a. Time had been commited and that he was the one the probably commited it.
    I’m just exposing the exposing the CBer two faces to everyone

    Thanks for the help

  • t

    You always do

  • monkeywrench

    it was the smell of constant bullshit

  • JC

    We will have to see what comes of the case.

  • t

    It took about
    To find case

    You need look past the California cases/rulings. They are the only state that had a crazy statute about it.
    So again….look deeper. Case after case after case. Heck I found one about a rapper who lost to an officer because he was
    Lying in his raps about the officer. That even surprised me.
    But the point is….SCOTUS has ruled that we can and many have done so successfully.

  • RadicalAwesomeDude

    “Guy I have openly made fun of the continued double standards that CBers live by.
    I’ll give you quick example:
    • Cops are all hyper-nosy rights violators that are constantly fucking with people and “harassing” folks
    • Cops are all lazy and dumb and sit around doing nothing while getting paid by the taxpayers”

    That’s just stereotyping, it’s not a double standard.

  • RadicalAwesomeDude

    t > Texas_Twister • 5 hours ago

    He “was not being polite”.
    And your proof of that is….what exactly?”

    Well, there’s the video documentation of the violent aggression. Pretty solid proof.

  • RadicalAwesomeDude

    Are you trying to say this was self defense? This looks like the classic drunken off duty cop rampage. This is actually a pattern you see alot. Not saying he was drunk at the time but it seems to fit the pattern.

  • RadicalAwesomeDude

    He probably doesn’t get so drunk on duty. I mean I don’t know but this just seems like the drunken off duty rampage. It’s actually a pattern with cops. They get partied out till they basically go on an insane boozed up rampage. Hard to come up with any other explanation for this sort of thing except alcohol rage attack.

  • keepitreal

    So if you’re finding all these cases, post a link to one. No reason why you wouldn’t.

  • keepitreal

    And coming from the douchebag that constantly says “CBer’s”. Hypocritical pile of dogshit, this guy is.

  • keepitreal

    I don’t “got” anything. Just pointing out what a hypocritical douche you are. As well as a bitter old man.

  • keepitreal

    Funny. Just searched “rapper sued for lyrics” Cop sues rapper for lyrics” and about 10 other combinations. Nada. You must have a special law enforcement only search engine.

  • t

    I do. It’s called “Google”.
    You’re inability is wel….your inability. Heck… found the mess in California which is what you were talking about earlier. Go another page or 2 on.

    BTW….I be
    I believe that case came out of Philedelphia and was either a philly cop or a PA trooper.
    But there are tons of others dude. Just look.

  • t

    As you’ve said…do your own research.

  • t

    “Classic drunken….rage”, “To menace and attack”

    Wow. Where did you find any of that info? Just making stuff up again?

    The point there dumbass is that you don’t have any idea about what happened here. And neither do I. And what you don’t get is….you and the rest of the idiotic CBers defend this exact kind of action when it is done by someone other than a law enforcement officer. Of course….you’re such a colossal dumbass and so dishonest that you won’t even acknowledge that this has nothing to do with this guys employment.

    This is a perfect example of why YOU should call the police and not confront people on your own.
    And it’s. Crystal clear example of why confrontations with guns lead to bad things.

    It may be murder. It may well be self defense. We don’t know.
    I’m just gleefully pointing out the CBer two faced views of the world

  • t

    Oh. Just keep making stuff up then guy.