
Ed Brown, Caged For Questioning Ransom, Shares Thoughts

Published On November 12, 2014 | By Pete Eyre | Articles

A while ago I wrote to Ed Brown, caged, along with his wife Elaine, for asking for proof that they owed some strangers the money they had earned. Ed wrote me back and his eight-page letter is shared below – not necessarily because I personally am aligned with everything Ed puts-forth, but because:

  • I know his caging to be unjust (he was never accused of harming a person or property not his own, only for failing to comply with the dictates of self-proclaimed “authorities” – something any questioning person should do)
  • his ability to reach and interact with others is limited, and, as he took such a principled stand, wanted to help make sure more folks are aware of his plight and perspective

For daring to question the statist quo, Ed, who is now 72-years-old, is told that he’ll be caged until 2045.

I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire



Write to Ed:

Federal Correctional Institution
Edward J. Brown
14601 Burbridge Rd. SE
Cumberland, MD  21502

RELATED: Dan Riley Parallels Our Time to that of Founding Fathers



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About The Author

Pete Eyre is co-founder of CopBlock.org. As an advocate of peaceful, consensual interactions, Eyre seeks to inject a message of complete liberty and self-government into the conversation of police accountability. Eyre went to undergrad and grad school for law enforcement, then spent time in DC as an intern at the Cato Institute, a Koch Fellow at the Drug Policy Alliance, Directer of Campus Outreach at the Institute for Humane Studies, Crasher-in-Chief at Bureaucrash, and as a contractor for the Future of Freedom Foundation. He later hit the road as co-founder of the Motorhome Diaries and Liberty On Tour, and now resides in the 'shire.
  • Common Sense

    Sorry, you MUST pay.


    Its 62 pages but is destroys the sovereign tax arguments one by one.

    37 and 35 years in federal prison, but guess that’s a free will decision for you. Once again, someone who bought into ideals from the internet costs them….just about everything.

  • definitelynotperfect

    I know a little about this case, I agree what happened was over the top, but in the end…you do have to pay taxes. I had a gf yrs ago whose parents tried this, cited Constitution invalidities etc., but in the end they lost. The father hoofed it out of town for the rest of his life & left her mother holding the bag. She lived a horrible life of debt and shame. My point? We have to pay our taxes.

  • JC

    Lets see, a little while ago, Brown decided to not pay taxes. The county gave him many options. When they went out to arrest him, he had an armed stand-off. His arrest was more than justified. The sovereign nation ideology does not apply.


  • jeff

    shut up

  • jeff

    shut up.

  • Thenumber4

    Did the get their taxes reduction

  • ymygody

    taxes suck but you gotta pay them, the only reason we have roads, power lines, and all other structures of a civil society. this has been played out in court too many times, and the Court finds that you must pay your taxes.

  • Sikko

    So, Mr Brown claims the DOJ ordered that he be abused and tortured when he was “kidnapped” in 2007? Got any evidence of that? No? Gee, wonder why.

    Just slinging the BS, aren’t we, Pete? I mean, seriously, could the title of this “article” be any more misleading?

  • RAD

    Any actual facts to support that assertion, or just blind faith in the scriptures of the government religion?

  • State’s Advocate

    If a politician writes something in the sacred book, it magically becomes true.


  • Sikko

    Wait, pulling a single word out of a court decision or from a law and running with that doesn’t make for a plausible legal argument? Go figure.

  • Thenumber4

    I don’t think they have bingo night in prison

  • Eric will not be forgotten

    Eric was fond trying to escape prison this morning, sadly he surrendered but the prison guards still shot him while he was trying to scale the fence. He was then left in holding cell where he bleed out, before paramedics could arrive. Get justice there will be a petition, on cop block later today, join and get justice

  • Thenumber4

    Really awesome

  • freewheelinfranklin543

    It’s people like you who are destroying America!

  • Thenunber4

    America was created on the ideas you now call ” unconstitutional”, you my sir are an asshole

  • t

    I use the constitution as toilet paper.

  • Thenumber4

    Uh I normally yes it as a tissue

  • t

    Can I feel your butt

  • Common Sense

    Harry Potter told me.

    Here, lets try a test. You, get a job. Then, decline to pay federal income tax on that income. Then, promptly call the IRS, say after 3 years of not paying/filing. When you “go before those costumes” tell them that you don’t have to abide by any laws. Then, and here’s the kicker, record and publish what happens.

  • Common Sense

    No, it become law.

  • JC

    Another rant by a streetsheep copblocker.

  • t

    I violate the constitution every day at work…..We do whatever we want.

  • ymygody

    do you believe a country needs infrastructure. Infrastructure cost money. Or we can become a third world country like South America and have dirt roads everywhere. No running water no sewer no electricity. That sounds great.

  • Marine Andy

    This guy was a true patriot

  • Jerad Dorner

    Don’t you dare fucking lie about Eric. If Eric wanted to he could escape easily. No jail can hold him. The only reason he let himself get captured is because it lets him get close to the enemy. They have all fallen for Eric’s plans. They are now sitting ducks.

  • keepitreal

    Another spewage by a fake-ass probation officer impersonator. And all around douchebag. Otherwise known as slappy the clown.

  • Thenumber4

    Man me too I love it

  • Thenumber4

    Yeah he let him self get captured, also a prison is holding him right now. And well I guess he hasn’t escaped nor do I think he can or ever will. And how are “all cops” sitting ducks for a man in prison with no contact with guards or inmates. Yeah keep dreaming buddy.

  • Thenumber4

    You should come out of the closet already, Mr. imposter

  • Dan Wareham

    How in the world do you expect anyone to read that???

  • 29mojo66

    artical 1 section 8 is the only taxes legal we should be paying, an excise tax.. your income tax does not go to build roads/schools and what not, its used to pay off the money we borrow from the federal reserve, when you pay income taxes you are losing your buying power to buy goods that have excise tax on it… get it?

  • Rob Meier

    The Court system is not going to shoot the goose that lays the golden eggs. Cases like these will not make the MSM only the few wealthy people (like Wesley snipes, irwin schiff, etc) make it.(Look at these rich buttheads that dont pay their taxes, please despise them). If only a million people did this at once!

  • Rob Meier

    You need an education in the US tax system. Werent there roads before 1941? Actually the income tax was passed in 1913, but everyone didnt start paying until WW2.

  • 29mojo66

    artical 1 section 8…only imposts and excise taxes… we fought for this country because of high taxes and now your going to copy paste an artical that shows you have to pay? wake up…when you pay income taxes your only paying the federal reserve to pay off the debt, your losing your buying power that has an excise tax, are we in debt to ourselves? lol

  • Chris Bandrosky

    Roads come from a gasoline tax, power lines are owned by the utility companies. Boy you have a lot to learn!

  • Chris Bandrosky

    Income tax was for capital gain ie investments…NOT for wages earned by the common man! Another one that needs to do some reading!

  • JC

    Look, it’s Rain man. How’s the weather in Las Vegas? I looked at your criminal record a few hours ago. I’m sure you will add too it.

  • Rob Meier

    Yes you need to do some work rebutting. Thats NOT a rebuttal or an argument. You obviously are not a lawyer.

  • Truth, nothing but the truth.

    Wrong ! Taxes are taken to pay against the National Debt. The unlimited funding comes from International Creditors (Owners of Federal Reserve). The Government gave American Soil and every American Birth Certificate as collateral. This is the real truth. This is why you see the United Nations symbol on all National Parks. The very International Creditors that were just fined this week for 3.2 Billion for rigging the market. Pocket change to the elite and NO jail for any of them. We need to take control by getting rid of the Sovereign Immunity ACT. One of these days, America will rise up and break away from the U.N., as the Bible says. Maybe sooner than we think. I have been doing research for 3 years about all government actions available. This is why they want to make Internet a Utility like lights and water. More government control. Control, Fear, Oppression condoned through silent and docile consent and corruption. These are the viruses that will cause patriotic and sovereign decay. This is a Nation of Parentless people. This is a Nation Full of Prisons and Violent oppression. Where the police kill innocent people and get away with murder. This will not last. The Lamestream news has so many brainwashed about Ferguson. That it is only about Ferguson. They want to keep people divided. Only as a whole Nation can we take the Power Back!!!!!! The government is trying to force us into an invisible prison. Only the strong and the intelligent will know this. God Bless America!!!!!

  • keepitreal

    Nope. I don’t go around impersonating probation officers, slaps. that’s your gig. I wish you really did live in San Diego. I’d see you served with a civil suit by a naval commander, and that shit would be funny. Lying pile of dog shit. And arrested if you repeated that horseshit in front of a buddy of mine.

  • keepitreal

    Were you foaming at the mouth while you typed this? Just curious.

  • keepitreal

    That’s incorrect. A simple Google search turns up numerous MSM articles dealing with this case.

  • Dana Lo

    all your answers are fairly incorrect…..
    Your tax’s go to welfare leaches and overseas wars , and out to other countries feeding them , NOT US, not you or I. Only about 10% stays within a state and go towards infrastructure. , rest pays for 5th cars , vacations and helicoptering O’bola’s dog around cause the dirty muslim can’t ride with animals.Oh yeh , it pays for million dollar bombs and war machines too, also your corrupt COP department.

  • Brandon Banks

    I’d argue, Freewheelinfranklin543, that your the one destroying America. get your facts straight, dude.

  • patriot156

    too bad this guys already jailed and not in Las vegas or Nevada where more patriots could bring thier guns like on Bundy Ranch!
    If We’d ever man up and repeal the IRS we’d be free again.

  • JC

    Another childish rant by Rain man. Tell, me, when you wake up in the morning, do you want to open your wrists or your eyes? You are obviously a hateful little man and that is why you advertise on sugar daddy websites. You will never find anyone because you don’t have two nickles to rub together. Like I said before, I don’t care if you don’t believe I am a probation officer. How’s that criminal record of yours? I will keep checking it to see if you have added to it. How’s the weather in Las Vegas Rain man?

  • ymygody

    taxes suck but you’ve got to pay them. If you don’t believe me you can go ahead and not pay taxes. Good luck at your court date.

  • ymygody

    feel free to not pay taxes and tell me how that goes.

  • ymygody

    so you argue not paying taxes by paying taxes?

  • ymygody

    because Jesus, I get it now. Fucking wacko Bible nut

  • ymygody

    no its people like me that pay for America. Its people like you that leech off of people like me.

  • ymygody

    did I say income tax or did you just assume that.?

  • ymygody

    it does appear you just assume that though

  • Truth, nothing but the truth.

    Bible. Haha. That is funny. You think i read the bible.

  • Truth, nothing but the truth.

    I love how people talk sh** on here but will not even post their picture. You got mine. You see me in public, confront me. Until then, you know me? Did i flip you off in traffic? How are you going to talk sh** to a complete stranger. I know why most will not put their picture up, you see me, you see what a warrior is supposed to look like . You look in the mirror and see yourself, all you can think is liposuction. Hahahaha. Now before you comment with an uneducated guess, look at the obesity statistics in Tennessee. lol.

  • RAD

    So your point is they abduct and cage people for not paying? I get it that violent aggression is used to force people to pay. I’m asking if there are any actual facts that show the money is actually owed?
    You can’t prove a proposition to be true just by abducting people. This is like the argument that you can prove who is a witch by dunking them in water, it’s a fallacious appeal to consequences. You can’t prove the correctness or truth value of an assertion just by doing something violent or aggressive like abducting someone and locking them up. Are there any facts to support this dogma?

  • RAD

    So then when the “law” says money is owed, that’s not the literal truth?

    What facts prove that these “laws” apply to anyone? Abductions?
    Did the islamic state prove the truth of their scriptures by abducting people also?

  • RAD

    Fallacious appeal to consequences. Threats of violent consequences aside, what facts actually show money is owed to the banksters/government?

  • ymygody

    a bit full of yourself aren’t you. What a warrior looks like, laugh

  • Justsomeguy151

    Not from the perspective that these people are being wrongfully imprisoned.

  • Justsomeguy151

    Wrog. The federal income tax was instituted in 1913 when the Banksters bribed a few members of CONgress to create the Federal Reserve, a PRIVATE bank with NO regulation, NO limits and we aren’t allowed to know who they are. Roads were built by the private sector for over 100 years before the federal income tax was created to rob Americans. The courts side with the criminals that pay them. Period. If you do yr research about what has been done to America, you will be pissed and want to arrest/hang them (Banksters/politicians) all.

    CONgress is supposed to be the only entity that has the ability to coin money in America but that was stolen in Dec.1913. They create money out of thin air and “loan” it back to the US, AT INTEREST. That means the US will NEVER EVER be able to pay the money back. All yr taxes go to pay the INTEREST on the debt. Listen to or read The Creature of Jekyll Island. It tells the story of how this huge criminal cartel was created. Also, research the most powerful, richest, evil family in history, the Rothschilds. They’re so rich they are too big for the Forbes “richest” list. Like in the TRILLION$.

  • Justsomeguy151

    Federal income tax which is THEFT, is far different than taxes on things you need, use, or wages you’ve earned.

  • Common Senee

    Then start your war, warrior…..

  • Common Sense

    You left out FEMA camps.

  • R Stefan Joseph


  • ThirtyOneBravo

    Uh uh uhhh, my good friend. They’re resorts and spas…

  • t

    I love the sovereign tax cheats. It always ends the same way. Reminds me of the theme tomBeverly Hills Cop….
    It always ends the same. A room without a view awaits downtown
