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Compensation and Benefits
Summary of Benefits

The City of Southlake offers benefits to all regular, full time employees. View the Summary of Benefits document for more information.

Compensation System

The City of Southlake City Council adopted an Employee Compensation System at its August 6, 2013 City Council Meeting.  The purpose of the City's compensation system is to support the City's desire to be an employer of choice by attracting and retaining a skilled workforce, rewarding high performers and motivating employees by offering pay opportunities commensurate with their position's internal and external value.   The objective of the system is to support the City's strategic approach, provide for a financially sustainable model, and ensure a fair and predictable method of career progression and compensation for employees.

View the pay plan
for more information.

I²ACTion Values Award Program

The I²ACTion Values Award Program is a recognition program that allows employees to nominate co-workers for going above and beyond their normal job duties while demonstrating the city's core values of of integrity, innovation, accountability, commitment to excellence and teamwork. Employees who receive an I²ACTion Award will be recognized in the employee newsletter, invited to have lunch with the City Manager and receive an I²ACTion award certificate.  

At the end of each year, one employee (or employee team) is selected to receive an I²ACTion Superhero award for each value. This prestigious recognition is awarded to those who have shown exemplary dedication to living one of City's core values everyday. 

2012 I2ACTion Superheros:
Integrity: Ryan Adams
Innovation: Shannon Barton, Debora Richardson & Tammie Suski
Commitment to Excellence: Daniel Ford
Accountability: Kyle Flanagan
Teamwork: Jenni McClure