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StreetAbout the Adopt-a-Street Program
Adopt-a-Street is a free program that allows organizations, businesses, groups, families and individuals to adopt and maintain areas within the Southlake community. Southlake is growing, and a surging population means more cars on the roadways and unfortunately, more trash. Volunteer efforts reduce litter cleanup costs and save taxpayers money. The City of Southlake's Keep Southlake Beautiful program encourages you to become a partner and adopt a street.


Adopting a street is an easy way for groups to help their communities, make a visible impact and earn some well deserved Southlake pride. Adopt-a-Street partners will be recognized with a Keep Southlake Beautiful Adopt-a-Street sign at their adopted street.

When you become an Adopt-a-Street partner, the following commitment is expected:

  • Participation in a minimum of four cleanups per year - Citywide cleanups are usually held in January, April, July and October. Trash bags, gloves and safety vests will be provided to you at no charge at your request.
  • Completion of a Quarterly Cleanup Report after each event - The Quarterly Cleanup Report will require you to record the number of volunteers, cumulative volunteer hours and bags of trash collected during each cleanup event.

Sign Up
Ready to become a partner? View a list of available streets and fill out an Adopt-a-Street Agreement form.