Bob Sturm: Given one Cowboys draft do-over for past five years, here’s the switch I’d make

Cowboys cornerback Morris Claiborne. (Tom Fox/The Dallas Morning News)

The Ticket’s Bob Sturm answered questions in a chat Wednesday. Here are some highlights.

Question: Admit it, you will miss me when I am gone. Seriously, don’t you think my stock is going up as a GM? This last draft is not so shabby. Jerrah

Bob Sturm: I have no way to quantify the Jerry Jones stock price since he will never be fired nor will he ever be up for another job anywhere. Is the personnel office doing better? Sure. Is the job done – even close? No. They have so many contract issues to work through and 7-3 is not accomplishing anything in the big picture. I think personnel improvements for me go mostly to Will McClay, Jason Garrett, and Stephen Jones, but I suppose Jerry has had a role. If nothing else, he is at least sharing phone calls with Adrian Peterson and fighting valiantly for Johnny Manziel.

Question: will Hitchens be a start next year? Likely to have Lee, Durant, and McClain back.

Bob Sturm: Quite likely. McClain Carter and Durant are all UFA. You will most likely sign McClain and otherwise, they will have to be very careful how much money they spend in that department.

Question: Do you support no salary cap in the NFL?

Bob Sturm: No, I like my sports with salary caps. I like competitive balance and I like teams rewarded for personnel acumen – not absurd money advantages. They can improve the system, but in general, I like it.

Question: Watching Sanchez play for Eagles the other night I felt like he was a quicker, better decision maker than Foles in that offense. I’m more afraid of Eagles now with him at QB. Am I insane based on his history?

Bob Sturm: No, that is not insane. But, I loved Sanchez at USC and I didn’t think much of Foles at Arizona. So, from a pure prospect standpoint, I think Sanchez was better in college and both have been so/so in the pros. But, I know people point to 27/2 for Foles in 2013 and say he was superior. I don’t agree and I think he is pretty mediocre overall.

Question: If you could go back in time and change any draft pick for the Cowboys in the last five years, who would you have picked?

Bob Sturm: In 2010, they took Dez. In 2011, Tyron over JJ Watt. In 2012, Claiborne over Fletcher Cox. In 2013, Frederick over the chance to get Sharrif Floyd, and 2014, Martin over Calvin Pryor. So, at this moment in time, I would say that the biggest mistake would be Claiborne over Cox. Would love to see how that would have changed history.




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