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Chapter Two of

A Climate Solution Within Reach

The most important action on climate change in a generation has been proposed by the White House and EPA. But it needs to be strengthened. Learn how it works, and how it can go further to safeguard our communities.
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The most important climate change action in a generation has been proposed by the White House and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. But it needs to be strengthened. Learn how it works, and how it can go further to safeguard our communities.
Chapter Two

Getting a Clean Power Plan

Power plants are the biggest single source of climate pollution in the U.S.Zero. Power plants have had no federal limits on their climate pollution. Until now.

Power plants are the biggest source of climate change pollution in the United States. They account for one-third of all U.S. carbon emissions.

After decades of inaction on this problem—and this source of the problem—a sharp and time-tested tool to cut climate change pollution is now at our fingertips: The federal Clean Air Act. This law has had enormous success efficiently and effectively getting many of our nation’s air pollution problems under control. Finally bringing this law to bear on power plants and their carbon pollution is a long overdue step.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, acting at President Obama’s behest, recently released a proposal to do just that. This new “Clean Power Plan” will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from American power plants by 30 percent by the year 2030.

This proposal could become the most important anti-pollution and public health safeguard in a generation. It offers the best hope of blunting and even reversing some of the worst effects of climate change that we are already starting to see. It would spur innovation and efficiency and demonstrate once more the American tradition of responsible global leadership.

But the proposal needs to be strengthened. It should be more ambitious and aggressive.

The Clean Energy Plan is a good start, but it must be strengthened. As increasingly urgent warnings from climate scientists have made clear, we are running out of time for delay and half-measures.

  1. The Clean Power Plan needs to be clean, fair, and enforceable.
    • EPA must also set binding annual targets to make sure that real progress is being made in cutting carbon pollution as quickly as possible.
    • The Clean Power Plan must have clear, fair rules that apply equally to every state, along with strong enforcement mechanisms to allow the EPA and citizens to keep industry and the states on track.
  2. It needs a consistent process for tracking and confirming carbon pollution reductions.
    • It needs binding milestones to keep us on track to achieving the pollution reductions that are critical by 2030.
    • The EPA must have a stronger oversight role to ensure that every state does its fair share to reduce carbon pollution.
    • Past experience tells us that polluters exert outsized influence in many state capitals, and they routinely use that influence to try to evade accountability for their pollution. They should not be allowed to push the cost of dealing with their pollution onto the public nor operate as though they are above the law.
    • Even the best environmental standards can become largely meaningless if the public and EPA are not able to monitor compliance and enforce those standards.
  3. We can’t wait until 2030 to make sure states are meeting the goals in the Clean Energy Plan. EPA must set stronger and faster pollution reduction targets.
    • The EPA must re-evaluate the baseline it used to set the plan’s state pollution reduction goals. The current baseline fails to account for progress that is already occurring and therefore significantly underestimates what is readily achievable.
    • The plan gives states 15 years to achieve reductions, even in cases where states are already halfway or most of the way there. States can and are already doing better.
Limits on power plants could prevent more than 100,000 asthma attacks in kids every year.$13 billion: Amount saved in U.S. electricity bills by cutting climate pollution from power plants.

The transition to clean energy is no longer an option. It is an urgent necessity, and every moment of delay brings us closer to the brink of a global disaster.

Moving away from dirty fossil fuels won’t just help avert the calamity of climate change; it will vastly improve the lives of many now suffering from immediate effects of toxic pollution from dirty power plants.

Polls show that overwhelming, bipartisan majorities across the nation understand the urgent need to take action.

The public understands that the safeguards proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are vital to protect the health and well-being of families and communities in America and around the globe.

On the other hand, and out of touch with public opinion, the fossil fuel industry and its congressional allies are bringing all their money and influence to bear to crush this cleaner-power proposal.

Polluters are spending massive amounts of money on this lobbying effort, as they have done for every effort offered to clean up pollution in recent history.

But this time, it’s different. We are seeing unparalleled political spending by dirty energy industries to squash this Clean Power Plan. Before the proposal was even released, fossil fuels special interest groups were using distorted attack ads and inflated cost estimates in an attempt to frighten the American people and undermine this effort.

When acting on climate change has the added benefits of cleaner air that’s easier to breathe, healthier communities, safer people and homes, economic protection and even growth, why would elected officials oppose it?

Why So Much Climate Denial in Congress?Why So Much Climate Denial in Congress?Follow the Money: On average, climate deniers in Congress take 3.5 times more dirty energy money than everyone else.Follow the Money: On average, climate deniers in Congress take 3.5 times more dirty energy money than everyone else.And Congress's climate deniers have been busy putting their dirty energy money to work.And Congress's climate deniers have been busy putting their dirty energy money to work.But they're out of touch. Because the American Public Demands Climate Action.But they're out of touch. Because the American Public Demands Climate Action.
Source For All Political Money Data:
Source For Congressional Denier Data: Center for American Progress War Room

Now is the time for people power to overcome special-interest power. People power can win over polluter power and make a stronger and cleaner Clean Power Plan a reality.

For the sake of future generations, and for the sake of communities now living with the impact of power plant pollution and the climate change that is already happening:

we must do this.

How You Can Help:  Days Left

The EPA has asked to hear from you by December 1, 2014, about limiting carbon pollution from existing coal-fired power plants. days remain for you to join us in speaking out. We demand common-sense limits on carbon pollution—and we want them to be strong.

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