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Clean Energy

Earthjustice is creating momentum to move to an economy where we fuel our homes and businesses with power from the wind and sun, reduce our need for power by using smarter technology, and reduce our dependence on costly and dirty fossil fuel-based energy.
Matt Mallams / Earthjustice

As a result of a multi-year collaboration with Earthjustice, Hawaiʻi's main electric utility has adopted a groundbreaking plan that helps tens of thousands of rooftop solar set-ups in the state connect to the grid—establishing a cutting-edge model for the rest of the nation.


Though a clean energy future is already beginning to materialize, dirty energy continues to block its way. Fossil fuel subsidies and lax regulations mean that the current price of coal- and gas-fired power does not reflect the costs of harmful air, water and climate pollution. In addition, our appliances are woefully inefficient, which increases energy consumption. Meanwhile, our energy utilities and state and federal regulators remain staunchly short-sighted when it comes to planning for and creating clean energy pathways.

And we're paying the price.


  • CREATING PATHWAYS FOR CLEAN POWER through advocacy before utility regulators to knock down barriers to wind and solar, increase investment in clean energy resources and supportive infrastructure, and ensure that long-range power planning fully accounts for the value of clean energy resources.
  • PROMOTING ENERGY EFFICIENCY through the adoption and enforcement of strong national and state-level energy efficiency standards and utility programs to meet these standards, and by holding regulators accountable for enforcing public disclosure of energy efficiency information for consumer products.


We’re working around the country to pave the way for clean energy. From Kentucky and Indiana to Colorado and Washington, we are seizing opportunities to generate energy savings and support the rise of rooftop solar and other clean energy resources. In Hawaiʻi, our legal work facilitated a ground-breaking solar initiative that can serve as a model for the rest of the country. In California, Earthjustice litigation helped secure a landmark decision that requires state utilities to meet consumer demand with clean energy first, before using fossil fuel power. And in Washington, D.C., we’re pushing for critical energy efficiency standards that can be applied nationwide, leading to cost savings for consumers and reduced emissions of climate warming gases for the planet.

"If we’re going to break our addiction to imported oil, we need to shift the focus from barriers and toward solutions.” –Jill Tauber, Earthjustice Attorney

Spotlight Features

A Climate Solution Within Reach: Coming Clean: The State of U.S. Renewable Energy

The Clean Power Plan sets different goals for each state to reduce its carbon emissions by 2030. As one pathway to meet those goals, the EPA suggests a renewable energy target for each state. However, many of the states are already on track to meet or even exceed those renewable aims. See how your state stacks up on the road to a cleaner energy future.


Number of letters sent by Earthjustice activists asking the Federal Trade Commission to make it easier for consumers to find and compare energy efficient products, one of the largest submissions ever on the issue.