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Murphy Madison Gross, 17, was sentenced Thursday in Anchorage Superior Court to one year in prison for criminally negligent homicide, stemming from a distracted-driving collision that killed a 27-year-old mother of two in February 2013. 
Jerzy Shedlock
The Alaska Court of Appeals is asking the state and two defense agencies to weigh in on whether defendants who refuse court-appointed counsel are entitled to public funds to hire expert witnesses. 
Jerzy Shedlock
On Saturday, open enrollment begins for 2015 individual health care plans under the federal Affordable Care Act. Are you already enrolled or looking to enroll this year? Here's what you need to know.
Laurel Andrews
Alaska Cannabis Club CEO and President Charlo Greene is challenging the Alaska Public Offices Commission, which wants to subpoena records related to what APOC believes are campaign finance violations committed by Greene.
Suzanna Caldwell
Workers looking for a raise at the start of next year will have to wait a couple of months into 2015 for Alaska’s voter-approved minimum wage increase to take effect.
Devin Kelly
Freezers full of salmon, moose meat and Thanksgiving turkeys are thawing in the Western Alaska village of Tuluksak, most of which has been without power since Oct. 31 due to a failed generator.Rural AlaskaLisa Demer
The biggest part of the renovation of the Alaska Capitol in Juneau is structural, a seismic retrofit. The concrete walls, floors and beams holding the building up are in good shape, but the brick and sandstone shell of the building could fall in an earthquake.Alaska NewsPat Forgey
After saying he was done with the Iditarod, 64-year-old Sonny Lindner will return to the trail in 2015 -- on a snowmachine. The veteran musher plans to race the Iron Dog with his son.SportsBeth Bragg
More than a month after suing Gov. Sean Parnell for the release of public records related to problems in the Alaska National Guard, media outlets have received more than 2,000 pages of documents but the heavily redacted material sheds little light on how Parnell and his staff addressed guard-related complaints.   MilitaryJill Burke


Berlin Wall's non-violent fall still sending ripples through Europe

OPINION: Twenty-five years after the non-violent fall of the Berlin Wall, Europe has a different attitude toward political violence -- cause not just for celebration but for jubilation.Steve Haycox


Art attack: All Alaska Juried Show, 'Rarified Light' and 'It's All Material' at the Museum

The Anchorage Museum opened three notable exhibits on Nov. 7: the All Alaska Juried Art Show, considered the most important juried art show in the state, the statewide "Rarefied Light" photo competition and a show about Alaska craft materials.Mike Dunham


As waterfowl hunters know, Alaska's seasons are changing fast

Since the start of this month, every day has gone above the normal high in Anchorage, and only two have reached the normal low. Beyond that, the daily lows have barely dipped down as cold as the normal highs the last four days.Craig Medred


  • This historic landing of a spacecraft on a comet Wednesday turned out to be not one but three landings as the craft hopped across the surface.

  • President Barack Obama is expected to ignore angry protests from Republicans and announce as soon as next week a broad overhaul of the nation’s immigration enforcement system that will protect up to 5 million undocumented immigrants from the threat of deportation and provide many of them with work permits, according to administration officials who have direct knowledge of the plan.

We Alaskans

Agony of the Aleutians: The forgotten internment

When World War II threatened the Aleutian Islands, the indigenous Aleut people were displaced from their homes -- abruptly and without much explanation. Many died; all suffered. Eva Holland