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Fracking Across the United States

The United States is in the midst of an unprecedented oil and gas drilling rush—brought on by a controversial technology called hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. Along with this fracking-enabled rush have come troubling reports of poisoned drinking water, polluted air, mysterious animal deaths, industrial disasters and explosions. We call them Fraccidents.

The Fraccident icon. symbols represent some of the fraccidents related to the oil and gas drilling rush, overlayed on areas of potential fracking and active/proposed fracking.

Shale basin and plays geographic data were retrieved from the U.S. Energy Information Administration and were current as of May 9, 2011. Information on fraccidents were compiled from the source(s) cited with each fraccident. (View Larger Map)

Frack Targets & Resources

Learn about shale targets and water resources at risk in some of the states affected by fracking:

Spotlight Features

Fact Sheet: On Fracking

The United States is experiencing an industrial gas rush. Industrial gas development in the Rocky Mountains region, in the Northeast’s Marcellus Shale deposit, and in other parts of the country is skyrocketing. Learn about industrial gas drilling, "fracking," and Earthjustice's work to protect communities across the country.

Spotlight Video

Finding Their Way

What do you do when the oil and gas industry forces its way into your community, threatening your health, your way of life, and your future? Join together. Fight back.

Explore: UnFracktured: Joining Together To Fight Fracking