my baby

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    I am remembering way back in 1997 when this picture was taken, while visiting my parents in Ruidoso. Little Rachel was about 3 years old. That person with her is ME . . . . my former, healthy, tan self.

    1. Sellinstix..inactive at the moment 54 months ago | reply

      You look grand!! But then, you always look grand!!

    2. Josette Myrick 54 months ago | reply

      So pretty! xoxo

    3. mflowers444 54 months ago | reply

      You are still just as beautiful! Great photo!

    4. Red Snapper9 54 months ago | reply

      Will Rachel hate me if I say I recognise that expression
      she was gorgeous then and has now grown into a real beauty
      but then she does take after her beautiful mother

      you're both lovely, lovely, lovely
      I have to be terribly british otherwise you'd having nothing to poke fun at
      seriously, you haven't changed at all, you are as gorgeous as you were then

    5. 2wheelz 52 months ago | reply

      Hi good lookin'!

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