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    This guy is everyone's best buddy -- if you'll give him a snack. Approached at Tonto Canyon in AZ. Rex would have had this guy for lunch.

    1. PidderBear 4.Oh! 54 months ago | reply

      I can has popcorn? KTHXBAI!
      I can has cheese? KTHXBAI!
      I can has crackers? KTHXBAI!
      I can has ham? KTHXBAI!
      No thank you. I don't care for softened brie with roasted garlic on wheat wafers.
      I can has peanut-butter? KTHXBAI!
      I can has sunflower seed? KTHXBAI!
      I can has rice crispies? KTHXBAI!

    2. Sellinstix..inactive at the moment 54 months ago | reply

      I think he looks a lot better as a beggar, than he would look as lunch :)

    3. Red Snapper9 54 months ago | reply

      looks like he's just about to break into a song and dance!!!

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