thirty two birds on the wires

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    Like a bird on the wire
    Like a drunk in a midnight choir
    I have tried in my way to be free
    Like a worm on a hook
    Like a knight from some old-fashioned book
    I have saved all my ribbons for thee
    If I have been unkind
    I hope that you can just let it go by
    If I have been untrue
    I hope you know it was never to you

    Like a baby stillborn,
    Like a beast with his horn
    I have torn everyone who reached out for me
    But I swear by this song
    And by all that I have done wrong
    I will make it all up to thee
    I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch
    He said to me "You must not ask for so much"
    And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door
    She cried to me "Hey, why not ask for more?"

    Like a bird on the wire
    Like a drunk in a midnight choir
    I have tried in my way to be free

    --Leonard Cohen

    nicholsphotos, 2wheelz, {carole}, and 4 other people added this photo to their favorites.

    1. nicholsphotos 59 months ago | reply

      I love your photo and the song--was already starting to sing it when I saw the thumb

    2. 1bluecanoe 59 months ago | reply

      super graphic feel to this processing.

    3. grace_tee 59 months ago | reply

      Thanks, DeAnna. What's your favorite version? Do you channel Johnny Cash or Cohen?
      Yep, lots of processing.

    4. Red Snapper9 59 months ago | reply

      great shot .... I tend to go for the Leonard Cohen.... sometimes it's good to be miserable!

    5. {carole} 59 months ago | reply

      love bird shots!!

    6. LareBear440 58 months ago | reply


    7. Soleil is me. 58 months ago | reply

      On.. my way...just for you;

      Your image such the beautiful work from camera.

      SPLENDID PHOTO!! YOUR PHOTO IS THE BEST.. by The Admin. considered.

      INSPIRE Invite ONLY
      You are INVITED to display this wonderful photo
      in the INSPIRE Pool

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