you're the bright spork in my day

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    14:365 of my Year in Pictures.
    Alternate title: light my fire

    Are these not the coolest utensils ever? I can't wait to bring one to work.

    1. LareBear440 59 months ago | reply

      Ah.. The new sibling will be orange. The red is the second mate. The previous sporkin' blue mate must have run off with a KaNife!

    2. DayTripper (Tom) 59 months ago | reply

      How cool! I've never seen those before.

      Seen on your photo stream. (?)

    3. grace_tee 59 months ago | reply

      Eddie Bauer. Brother of Jack Bauer (24).

    4. Red Snapper9 59 months ago | reply

      I've got a red one... they're great
      I keep mine in my suitcase... I don't suppose anyone is remotely interested to know that, but there you go... you do now!!!

    5. mflowers444 59 months ago | reply

      This is really great - feel like i could pick up one of those forks and use it!

    6. lisa parucker 56 months ago | reply

      so cool! it works well like a knife?

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