aqua (does it matter?)

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    This week a whole bunch of women I know decided that posting their bra's color on Facebook was a smart way to raise awareness about breast cancer.

    I am not sure it was effective. However, I know some women were reminded to get mammograms, and that is always a good thing. If it were my own campaign, I'd recommend self exams, or calling someone you know who has been diagnosed and tell them you're thinking about them. Did you know that many breast cancer survivors don't own bras anymore? A little bit of breast irony.

    The smartest thing you can do is to stay on top of medical advancements that may affect you or someone you know. I subscribe to news feeds that inform me of pharmaceutical advancements, latest studies, nutritional information, and demographic analyses that help me understand this disease. I attend support group meetings and stay in touch with my fellow survivors. And I see my oncologist a couple times a year.

    Here's a link or two.


    Susan G. Komen

    Susan Love

    1. taylorkoa22 59 months ago | reply

      What is this.....I have never seen one before

    2. grace_tee 59 months ago | reply

      Marc, thanks for being the first! I knew I could count on you.

    3. a girl named kevyn 59 months ago | reply

      I couldn't agree more. Thanks for posting the links. And it's really a nice shot, too. The aqua on the olive really works.

      Seen in the group"2010: A Year in Pictures" (?)

    4. KatColorado 59 months ago | reply

      thanks for reminding people. I like the aqua!

    5. F r a n Stone 59 months ago | reply

      thank you Grace for this. you came to mind in this process of the whole posting on Facebook as well as my own very likely chances due to the (blessed-sarcastically said) high rate of genetics in my own birth family. i'll admit that i would be completely okay with not owning anymore bras when and if that day were to come. and always to you, Congratulations!

    6. LareBear440 59 months ago | reply

      Beautiful photo, beautiful sentiment...

    7. DayTripper (Tom) 59 months ago | reply

      Great reminders, Grace. My sister is a survivor, too. Keep up the good fight!

      Seen on your photo stream. (?)

    8. Simutis [nancy] 59 months ago | reply

      thanks for this. and absolutely.

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