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resilient communities.


Food & Water

Back-To-The-Future Agriculture: 'Farming Like the Earth Matters'

It is easy to forget that once upon a time all agriculture was organic, grassfed, and regenerative.

MoGro: Innovations in Health and Well-being for New Mexico’s Food Deserts

The challenge of local and healthy food access is a complex puzzle being addressed across the country, from pre-boxed home delivery companies like Good …

Land, Co-ops, Compost: A Local Food Economy Emerges in Boston's Poorest Neighborhoods

From a community land trust that preserves land for growing, to kitchens and retailers who buy and sell locally grown food, to a new waste management co-op …

Falling Fruit: Mapping Free Food Around the World

Today, Falling Fruit is the world's largest foraging map, and the only one (to my knowledge) to be fully open source and open data.

Regenerative Agriculture: The Transition

In the face of peak oil and in order to curb carbon emissions, methods of farming that depend less on oil and natural gas, respectively to run machinery and …

Why GMO labeling in the U.S. needs to win only once

There were no doubt celebrations last week in the boardrooms of corporations that own patents to the world's genetically engineered crops. Proposals to label foods containing these crops--commonly …

Genetically Modified Escalation

How much money, effort and time must be wasted in the service of feeding today's GMO escalation trap? By the time one side wins, society will have …

Slow Money & the new Beetcoin

We need to learn how to earn, save and invest a new kind of coin. Consider BEETCOIN.

Pedalling the way to cleaner food

In keeping with the Dutch traditions of cycling and pragmatism, an off-the-grid, solar-powered, cargo e-trikes logistical delivery service has been born.

The Local Food Challenge wind up

Being a local relational eater in a consumerist world takes courage and commitment. A lot of it.

Slow Food Movement Growing Fast

What is good, clean and fair, and doesn’t cost the Earth? The answer is ‘Slow Food’, according to a growing number of people worldwide.
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