Building a world of
resilient communities.



Watching the Watchdogs: 10 Years of the IEA World Energy Outlook

Five years ago I wrote a summary of what the report has been telling us from 2005 – 2009, concerning issues related to peak oil: The IEA and World Oil Supply Projections. Given that another …

U.S. & China Emmissions Deal is First Step but More Needed  

The world’s two most egregious air polluters – the U.S. and China – announced a deal to cut greenhouse gas emissions during the next 20 years.

Peak Oil Notes - Nov 13

London crude traded below $80 a barrel on Wednesday for the first time since Septermber 2010, closing at $80.83, also a four year low.

US Oil Dependency on Middle East has Hardly Changed Since 2007

 US imports started to drop following the 2007 recession and the financial crisis in 2008.

Judge Rules Landowner May Sue Gov't in Landmark Fracking Case

A landmark lawsuit that challenges the lax regulation of hydraulic fracturing in Canada has just scored a major victory.

Peak Oil Review - Nov 11

 A weekly roundup of peak oil news, including: -Oil and the Global Economy -The Middle East and North Africa -Russia/Ukraine -Quote of the Week -The Briefs

US Oil Consumption and the US Tight Oil Boom

There is no statistical evidence that US oil consumption increased as a result of skyrocketing tight oil production which one would expect in an oil boom.

What We Can Learn from Fracking Bans Winning and Losing at the Polls

Whether or not a ban on fracking is favored by the American people is still up for debate after reviewing this year’s election season.

Regenerative Agriculture: The Transition

In the face of peak oil and in order to curb carbon emissions, methods of farming that depend less on oil and natural gas, respectively to run machinery and …

Resilience Roundup - Nov 07

 A roundup of the news, views and ideas from the main stream press and the blogosphere.

The Collapse of Oil Prices and Energy Security in Europe

Eventually, production must go down: there will still be oil that could be, theoretically, extracted, but that we won't be able to afford to extract. This is the essence of the concept of depletion.
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