Building a world of
resilient communities.



Creating Regional Resilience in New England

While Transition and other grassroots groups focus on the vital task of local resiliency, it is becoming clear to many of us that the demands of our time, and the transition now unfolding, also …

Dark Age America: The Hoard of the Nibelungs

Of all the differences that separate the feudal economy sketched out in last week’s post from the market economy most of us inhabit today, the one that tends to throw people for a loop most …

"Communities with Cooperatives, not Communities of Cooperatives"

The idea of Las Indias is that it is a community with cooperative businesses, not a community of cooperatives.

Peak Oil Review - Nov 11

 A weekly roundup of peak oil news, including: -Oil and the Global Economy -The Middle East and North Africa -Russia/Ukraine -Quote of the Week -The Briefs

Playing the Long Game

The dominant reality we face is one of substantial ongoing political stalemate and decay, and this sets the terms of reference for those serious about long …

Land, Co-ops, Compost: A Local Food Economy Emerges in Boston's Poorest Neighborhoods

From a community land trust that preserves land for growing, to kitchens and retailers who buy and sell locally grown food, to a new waste management co-op …

How Wellbeing can Transform Policy Making

Since 2010 the government has made great strides in measuring population wellbeing. The question now is how to use that data, and other evidence on …

The Rise of Multi-Stakeholder Cooperatives

While the growth of cooperatives in a wide variety of industries is promising, the bar for social transformation needs to be, and has been, raised.

Efficiency as a Vice

In modern economic thought, efficiency is paramount. The goal of economic systems, and entities within those systems, is to maximize efficiency.

Slow Money & the new Beetcoin

We need to learn how to earn, save and invest a new kind of coin. Consider BEETCOIN.

Priorities in Port-au-Prince: Iron Market Sparks Regeneration

Rebuilding the market was a top priority not only because of its vital role in the local economy, but also because of its symbolic value—representing …
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