



St. Louis Ranked the 4th Most Dangerous City in America, Again

Categories: Crime

Daniel.Wormek via flickr
St. Louis is the fourth most dangerous city in America, behind Memphis, Oakland and No. 1 Detroit, says a new study from Law Street.

If this story is giving you deja vu, that's because St. Louis was ranked the No. 4 most dangerous city in 2008 and 2011. River City took the No. 1 most dangerous title in 2006, 2010, 2011 and 2013.

See also: Dangerous American Neighborhoods: Chief Sam Dotson Slams Study With St. Louis in Top Spots

The Law Street study says it based its ranking of the most dangerous cities in America on violent crime and property-crime rates from the FBI and demographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau. Here's what the study revealed about St. Louis:

St. Louis continued its downward trend in violent crime this year, moving down one spot to be the #4 Most Dangerous City in the United States. The city saw its fewest number of total crimes since 1966. Despite this trend, St. Louis still has the fourth highest violent crime rate among large cities in the United States. The city's encouraging 20 percent drop in crime during the first six months of 2013 continued through the year's end, as violent crime went down 10 percent for the entire year. St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson has attributed the trend in crime reduction to several of the city's new policing changes, such as the implementation of hotspot policing, movement from state to local control of the police force, and the redistricting of its police districts.

Violent Crime Rate: 1,594/100,000 people

Murder Rate: 38/100,000 people

Population: 318,563

Officer to Population Ratio: 1:248

Median Household Income: $34,384

Pop. Below Poverty Line: 27.0%

Rank Last Year: #3

St. Louis is consistently named one of America's most dangerous cities, though the statistics that back that up aren't always entirely accurate. The division between St. Louis city and St. Louis County often skews the numbers, making crime look worse than it is.

Here's a helpful (if whitewashed) video to explain:

St. Louis has been ranked one of America's most dangerous cities for nearly ten years.
In 2006 a 20 percent crime bump rocketed St. Louis to the No. 1 spot. River City dropped to No. 2 in 2007 and No. 4 in 2008.

CQ Press ranked St. Louis as the second most dangerous city, behind Camden, New Jersey, in 2009. St. Louis also got a No. 2 ranking in a 2010 Forbes report that didn't include data from Chicago, Las Vegas or East St. Louis.

St. Louis earned the crown again in 2010 when CQ Press named it the most dangerous city in America.

By 2011 St. Louis dropped down to fourth place in the CQ Press rankings but jumped up to No. 1 in U.S. News and World Report, beating out Atlanta, Detroit and Baltimore. In 2012, St. Louis dropped back down to third most dangerous.

In 2013, St. Louis was known not just as the most dangerous city but as the deadliest because of a combination of crime and natural disasters.

Last year's CNN Money analysis put St. Louis as the No. 5 most dangerous city in America behind No. 4 Oakland and before No. 6 Cleveland.

Follow Lindsay Toler on Twitter at @StLouisLindsay. E-mail the author at


My Voice Nation Help
Kevin Ransom
Kevin Ransom

We will be number one after this weekend.

Starr Sisco
Starr Sisco

Cant believe we arent number 1.the way things are going

Tim Smole
Tim Smole

This statement is ludicrous. 5 yrs we were worse. And what the hell does sports teams have to do with crime in a city. Heres a tip. Stay out of north and east st.Louis and dont walk in shady ally ways by yourself. Most(not all) crime is not not on regular bystanders. Its drug dealers shooting up people who stole from them and shit like that. So all us white people ( with season tickets) can feel safe enough to enjoy the beauty that is downtown st.louis.

Derek Feldman
Derek Feldman

I'm sure he said "ya'll" in reference to ANYBODY that is playing the race card. Or perhaps the people trying to say the brown stuff is about race. That would be used in a plural term. Thus the ya'll. Not just some specific people. But you can keep a close minded thought process if that works for you?

Bob Cook
Bob Cook

Sorry. Still understandable. Don't even care to watch the news anymore.

Daniel Nathan Tinker
Daniel Nathan Tinker

Go fuck yourself. Don't bring your political high horse to my positive mental state comment and try to drag others down you fucking prick.

Mark Sullivan
Mark Sullivan

Derp, can't really do much at this point and time, the Douche Bags in Ferguson, the rioters, looters and other morons who cannot handle the truth are just going to drag everyone down. And then they wonder why people don't want to visit or send their company here. Stay classy Ferguson

Lizette Daniels
Lizette Daniels

Yeah I'll come after that. I'll go to Victorville first then stop by the healing house

Ken Cotton
Ken Cotton

Because some people were saying if u include the whole stl metropolitan area we wouldn't be so high on the list

Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy

Wait till Monday when the grand jury makes their decision ... Regarding Ferguson

Lizette Daniels
Lizette Daniels

Hahahaha wtf can't wait to visit. OMG will I return home?

aaronmccoy242 topcommenter

Perhaps we'll hit #1 after the riots? #reachforthestars

Carla Roeper
Carla Roeper

Im sure that will change real soon. Unfortunately.

Bob Cook
Bob Cook

Thanks you Ferguson. Such a pleasure to have the trash that caused this. Not naming any disrespect to the good people that live there.

Kathy McBride Thatcher
Kathy McBride Thatcher

Depending upon how you manipulate the statistics, St. Louis could be the "safest" city, too. These lists are super bogus and dumb. I wish media outlets would reconsider sharing them.


So if st louis was part of st louis county the numbers would be better? Why? Wouldnt the rate be the same whether or not St Louis is municipality in St Louis County?

Ken Cotton
Ken Cotton

They rank inner cities only..metropolitan areas are never factored in

Blake Randolph
Blake Randolph

Like metro east areas like East St. Louis, Sauget, etc,.?

Ken Cotton
Ken Cotton

They're not including the metropolitan areas, cities only

Jamie Stepka
Jamie Stepka

And being that big can be a weapon and it sounds like he was using THAT weapon to attack the officer. If you're walking in the middle of the street and a cop asks you not to and then you struggle with the officer in his vehicle where his gun went off-im sorry but I would never do that. Guess why-cuz you're gonna get f*$@%ed up!

Jamie Stepka
Jamie Stepka

If in fact he tried to take the officers gun and attack him then he had every reason! I've known not to attack an officer or you'll get effed up a loooonnng time ago

Kimberly Smith
Kimberly Smith

I find that excessive force that leads to (death) against an unarmed man, woman or child is punishable!

Blake Randolph
Blake Randolph

Thank you for what is probably one of the few intelligent comments on this thread.

Benjamin Sawyer
Benjamin Sawyer

It's not the post, which lacked any real ammunition. It's the comments. Proceed at your own risk. It might ruin your day.

Blake Randolph
Blake Randolph

I'll take anything from Jim Hoft with grain of salt and a shot of penicillin. He's like the Fred Phelps of hard right extremist propaganda.

Blake Randolph
Blake Randolph

Ferguson is a St. Louis County municipality, and not factored into these statistics, which make them flawed in my opinion.

John Merz
John Merz

Well at least you beat Chicago.

smdrpepper topcommenter

At least its dropped in the ratings..

Peggy Long
Peggy Long

Keep takin out tbe trash st Louis one day your streets will be clean..


We? Most likely the riots will be in the County, so they wikl have no effect on st louis' crime ranking. Thansk for playing County boy, #youdontliveinstlouis

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