



Turkish Journalist Bilgin Şaşmaz Sues Police Over Ferguson Arrest

Categories: Ferguson

Danny Wicentowski
St. Louis County police make an arrest August 19.
It all started with the former cop who's now known as Officer "Go Fuck Yourself."

Journalist Bilgin Şaşmaz stayed close to then-St. Ann police lieutenant Ray Albers as Albers pointed his weapon at Ferguson protesters during protests on August 19 and said, "I will fucking kill you." Şaşmaz was doing his job, recording Albers' extreme actions and the rest of the protests -- which had been raging for more than a week -- for his employer, the Turkish Anadolu Agency.

But while Şaşmaz reported from the sidewalk, an unidentified St. Louis County police officer threw him down, shoved him into the pavement and arrested him, Şaşmaz alleges in a lawsuit filed with the ACLU of Missouri. The suit claims his camera, flash and lens were damaged, and his image files were confiscated.

The civil-rights lawsuit, filed on Monday, claims First, Fourth and Fourteenth amendment violations, false imprisonment and battery allegations against St. Louis County police and the officer who arrested Şaşmaz, identified in the lawsuit only as "John Doe."

"Mr. Şaşmaz should not have been treated like a criminal when he was only doing his job of reporting the unrest in Ferguson," said Tony Rothert, legal director of the ACLU of Missouri. "Democracy suffers whenever the police hinder our news gatherers."

See also: Cops in Ferguson Detain Journalists, Threaten to Shoot Cameraman, Mace Reporter

Şaşmaz was arrested just after midnight on August 20 after repeatedly saying, "Press, press," to the officer arresting him to indicate he was a member of the media, the lawsuit says. He was detained overnight and released in the morning.

Şaşmaz, who is of Middle Eastern descent, was not closer to the protests than any of the other reporters and photographers, most of whom were white, when he was arrested, according to the lawsuit.

"The ACLU will do everything we can to preserve the freedom of the press, which has been hampered many times in Ferguson," said Jeffrey Mittman, executive director of the ACLU of Missouri. "The public has a right to learn what is happening in their community and draw their own conclusions about the appropriateness of police conduct."

Albers, a.k.a. Officer "Go Fuck Yourself," later resigned from the force.

Here's the lawsuit:


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My Voice Nation Help
Alex Peck
Alex Peck

I like the New orleans Saints too.Doesnt mean Im going to risk my life living there tho

Jeff Willett
Jeff Willett

The press is really whipping it up into a frenzy again...

Kevin Gibbons
Kevin Gibbons

Yeah. That's why your wearing a cards shirt. Bandwagon. When they win your like I am from there. When something goes wrong your like that's why I left. If you are from here you know there is a couple bad patches like every city. Including the one you are currently at. All for a lie that's been proven. All for a lie that the media created for ratings. All for a bunch of racists punks complaining about rascism. You saw the looters with 2 year old's running around. Plenty of white journalists were arrested too.

Jamie Van
Jamie Van

Wow. Racist, hillbilly assholes.

Justin Tutankhamum
Justin Tutankhamum

Oh look, ^ a bunch of racist ass, dumb fucks. -_- Good for this reporter! Pretty pathetic, they continue to racially profile, while standing in front of protesters, protesting police racially profiling. Ri-fucking-diculous. 'MERIKA

Alex Peck
Alex Peck

Watching all this shit happen in shit Louis makes me proud I left 20 yrs.ago

Morph Ripley
Morph Ripley

yeahhh, lets beat the crap outta each other, yeah, maybe we stay away in other countries..hahah

Frederic Anjuere
Frederic Anjuere

The protests would have been over quickly enough... Source: I've lived there. :)

Couch Pig
Couch Pig

I hope there isnt a bunch of drive by shootings in st charles or chesterfield because of this

Ken Cusumano
Ken Cusumano

there are flights leaving every day Keith

Keith Gillespie
Keith Gillespie

This is why it's going to end badly in Ferguson because of jerks like the ones on this post . They don't want peace They want chaos - and people are tired - you can think it's a joke if you want to !

innocentbystander topcommenter

"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." (OR, Put the turk in the oven, and fork him when he's well done} 

David Enders
David Enders

Yep stay classy STL,bunch of racist assholes on here.

David Emrick
David Emrick

Now the muslims want a piece of this shit pie??good luck gettin outta the ghetto haji

David Hays
David Hays

I wonder how this would have gone in Turkey?????

Lisa Dowell
Lisa Dowell

Welcome to Merica, where anything other than white is wrong.

Robert Ora Lowe
Robert Ora Lowe

Yet again the whole situation could have been avoided if only they behaved like civil human being and not antisocial. This hate the police crap is so old!

Rob Smith
Rob Smith

So if you say you are with the press you think you do not have to listen to law enforcement

Rick Kohn
Rick Kohn

As if Turkey is know for thier human rights.

Matthew Ingmire
Matthew Ingmire

Oh boo hoo hoo. Cry me me a river, build a bridge, and jump the fuck off of it.

Ken Cusumano
Ken Cusumano

you would think Turkey has a few issues more important than what's going on in Ferguson , Mo to report on...just sayin

Greg Seltzer
Greg Seltzer

Ummm, why should he do that? What a bizarre remark.

Ken Cusumano
Ken Cusumano

well just like the Officer's name go **** yourself on your way back to Turkey!


@chadgarrison lol, sort of. He's suing police and Officer "John Doe" for arrest while/after covering Officer "Go F@$& Yourself"


@StLouisLindsay Whoops. Guess I'm doing my Hearst take on the "news" today. "You furnish the photos, I'll furnish the war."

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