Top Five Toxic Tunes from Troma Entertainment's 40 Years

Categories: playlist

Troma President Lloyd Kaufman's Hands-On Directing Technique
This year marks landmark independent film studio Troma Entertainment's 40th anniversary. Responsible for such worldwide cult classics as The Toxic Avenger and Class of Nuke 'Em High, they've been both on the cutting edge and in the backdoor of indie cinema for four decades.

Along with fiercely self-sufficient production and distribution of their one-of-a-kind films, they've both successfully ventured into the world of Saturday Morning cartoons and were the first film studio to both have a website and take full advantage of the extras capability of DVD technology. Not one to coast off of past successes, they've recently shot their Halloween Carol short in the YouTube Space New York Studio, staying at the front of the new Tromatic technology.

It's in celebration of 40 years of Troma, and their commemorative Blu-Ray releases of The Toxic Avenger and Blood Sucking Freaks, that we countdown our five favorite Tromatic theme songs.

5) Class of Nuke 'Em High 2: Subhumanoid Meltdown
One of Troma's most successful franchises, the Class of Nuke 'Em High films have become a rite of passage for any teenager curious about what high school adventures lay ahead for them, but are anticipated much more radioactivity than Fast Times at Ridgemount High or American Pie. Class of Nuke 'Em High 2: Subhumanoid Meltdown brought along with it one of the all time great movie themes that explains the film's complex plot in a simple enough manner so that even those of us outside the medical field can grasp it.

4) Grim Reaper - "Lust For Freedom"
Director Eric Louzil has four films in the Troma library, along with the aforementioned Nuke 'Em High sequel, he also boasts two of the finest budget indie action films this side of "USA Up All Night." What they all share are incredible title tracks, including Grim Reaper's theme for "Lust For Freedom." A metal classic, the band still plays the song to this day, over a a quarter century since its release.

3) Love Theme From Redneck Zombies
We've all been there. She walks out the door, and you're there alone, heartbroken with nothing but tears running down your face and flesh peeling off your arms as you sit next to the radiation-doused moonshine that's turned you into a Redneck Zombie. The shot-on-VHS horror classic Redneck Zombies gave plenty of memorable images over the years, and just as many undead earworms, including the title number "Love Theme From Redneck Zombies."


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