Did Swans Play a Cruel Joke on Their Fans in Aliso Viejo?

Categories: WTF

When experimental rock outfit Swans slowly announced tour dates on their Facebook page, one particular tour stop caught the attention of fans in Orange County. The rockers announced shows in Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Europe and...Aliso Viejo? That's right, the small town nestled between Mission Viejo and Laguna Niguel and Laguna Beach was supposedly hosting the band's only scheduled California show in February 2015 at some place called the "Theatre National." Never heard of it? Neither have we. But no matter...Swans? in South County? "Hell yeah," we thought. However, we were quickly disappointed.

If it seems a too good to be true that the New York-based sextet would choose to play a show inside this sleepy suburb it's because it is. It turns out that the date was somehow mistakenly posted since they're scheduled to be in Montreal on that night. Was this just a a dumb mix-up? A cruel, very late April Fool's joke by the band's social media team? Maybe we'll never know. Just when we thought Aliso was about to become OC's next big rock Mecca--thanks for nothing, Swans.

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