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The Globe and Mail

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Man given conditional discharge in prominent child porn case in Halifax: Man will be registered in the national DNA databank
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The soldier who wasn’t: How uniform mistakes gave him away: Ottawa police open investigation into man alleged to have impersonated a member of the military
Ottawa police open investigation into man alleged to have impersonated a member of the military
Mitch Sprague's profile photoRusty Rail's profile photo
This should be looked into,suppose the impostor had other ideas than to dress up and act like a soldier. 
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The Globe and Mail

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TD units agree to pay $650,000 for overcharging clients: OSC says errors involved at least 10,000 accounts held by current and former clients
OSC says errors involved at least 10,000 accounts held by current and former clients
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The Globe and Mail

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N.S. victim was dragged out to sea, ‘murder for lobster’ trial told: Prosecutor told a jury that Phillip Boudreau died as the result of a sustained attack by a three-man crew of a lobster boat called the Twin Maggies
Prosecutor told a jury that Phillip Boudreau died as the result of a sustained attack by a three-man crew of a lobster boat called the Twin Maggies
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The Globe and Mail

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Moment in time: Nov. 13, 1973 -- Morgentaler acquitted in jury trial
The jurors took 10 hours to deliver their verdict: Not guilty. Doctor Henry Morgentaler was still at the start of his legal crusade to secure safe abortions for Canadian women. He would go on to face Crown appeals, jail, more arrests, more trials and a lifetime at the centre of an issue that divided the country. But the 10 men and one woman who first acquitted Morgentaler on charges of performing an illegal abortion in Montreal set a pattern that would stick for successive juries. The day after the verdict, Morgentaler was back at work in his Montreal clinic, confident that public opinion would pave the way for women to access abortions ''safely and with dignity instead of going to butchers.'' It was a principle he defended until the day he died. -- Ingrid Peritz
Photo: The Canadian Press
Drew Harris's profile photoDavid Berezowski's profile photoNORMAN EARL LONG's profile photo
Great post. Thanks.
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Veto looms for U.S. Congress’s push to approve Keystone: Obama takes ‘dim view’ of proposals to force decision on oil pipeline, spokesman says
Obama takes ‘dim view’ of proposals to force decision on oil pipeline, spokesman says
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‘We’re not about phones this time’: BlackBerry unveils new software: Smartphone maker announces enterprise-focused partnerships, deal with Samsung
Smartphone maker announces enterprise-focused partnerships, deal with Samsung
Chuckie Canuckie's profile photoMehdi Kianpour's profile photo
sounds good
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The Globe and Mail

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PEI Premier Robert Ghiz says he is resigning: Robert Ghiz, the long-serving premier of Prince Edward Island, says he will resign his office as soon as the Liberal party picks a new leader
Robert Ghiz, the long-serving premier of Prince Edward Island, says he will resign his office as soon as the Liberal party picks a new leader
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Islamic State fighters ‘likely’ killed in strikes by Canadian jets: A Canadian air strike targeting a piece of Islamic State artillery in Iraq may have killed fighters with the extremist group but did not injure any civilians, a military official says
A Canadian air strike targeting a piece of Islamic State artillery in Iraq may have killed fighters with the extremist group but did not injure any civilians, a military official says
Vinoth Ragunathan's profile photoHoober Doober's profile photo
Or maybe they hit a falafel stand instead.
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Philae’s first comet photos include ominous signs of probe’s fate: Images suggest Philae may not have settled in an upright orientation, which could severely affect the lander’s science capabilities
Images suggest Philae may not have settled in an upright orientation, which could severely affect the lander’s science capabilities
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The Globe and Mail

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Buffett’s Berkshire to buy Duracell from P&G: Battery business is one of the major brands being shed by Procter & Gamble
Battery business is one of the major brands being shed by Procter & Gamble
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The Globe and Mail

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FIFA corruption probe clears Russia, Qatar as World Cup hosts: FIFA ethics judge Joachim Eckert formally ended a probe into the bidding contests, almost four years after the vote by the governing body’s scandal-tainted executive committee
FIFA ethics judge Joachim Eckert formally ended a probe into the bidding contests, almost four years after the vote by the governing body’s scandal-tainted executive committee
Niels Jensen's profile photoChuckie Canuckie's profile photoNoel Monk's profile photogeos intern's profile photo
wow, a corrupt body claims that there wasn't corruption by the corrupt...and I thought Qatar was such a logical choice
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