
Our Commitment

Using the latest science, we identify and eliminate the toxic chemicals that pose the greatest threats to your family’s health. more

Our Approach

We give you tools to protect your family, we support communities fighting for clean air and water, and we take legal action – all to protect you from toxic chemicals in air, water, food, and in products you and your children use every day. more

Our Work

We take aim at toxics wherever they threaten you and your loved ones, from baby products to energy production, and we pressure lawmakers to adopt policies that truly protect your family’s health. more

Our Successes

For 18 years, we’ve changed industries and won victories that make children and families safer and healthier. And we’re just getting started. . . more

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MOMS: Making Our Milk Safe
A program of The Center For Environmental Health

MOMS: Making Our Milk Safe

The MOMS Project works to protect babies' health by eliminating thegrowing threat of toxic chemicals and industrial pollutants in human breast milk.

Subscribe for up-to-the-minute news about our work, tips to keep your family healthy, and our latest victories.