Happy Birthday, Fritz That's It! Legendary Anaheim Gentleman's Club Celebrates its 20th TOMORROW

Courtesy of Fritz That's It
Pole Dance!

As Anaheim becomes more and more hipster-friendly, may the city's redevelopment ways NEVER take away Fritz That's It, the legendary gentleman's club that's celebrating it's 20th anniversary tonight. There's not need to; while hipsters think they're all classy as shit for going to burlesque shows, real men come to Fritz for a night of good drinks, good food and great lap dances. Take it from from the many men of distinction (whose names I won't mention out of respect) who have come here or continue to patronize Fritz.

It's going to be an all-day spectacle tomorrow at Fritz, and a press release promises "raffles, celebrities and, of course, the most beautiful ladies in Orange County." All of that is true--and all proceeds from the raffle go to the Susan G. Komen Foundation--but go to Fritz more for paying respect to this joint...oh, and for drink prices rolled back to 1994. And for those girls--oh, those girls...see you there!

Email: garellano@ocweekly.com. Twitter: @gustavoarellano.

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Location Info


Fritz That's Too

710 E. Katella Ave., Anaheim, CA

Category: Music


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