Judgmental Expat East Coaster Visits California Dunkin' Donuts, Whines About His Experience

Dave Lieberman
Look, ma, no line!

I'll admit it. I was one of those breathless hype monsters who posted with glee about the impending opening of Dunkin' Donuts in California. I grew up in New Jersey; Dunkin' coffee flowed through my veins so early and so often it probably stunted my growth. To this day, the thought of a Dunkin' Donuts French cruller makes me salivate.

I tracked their every move. I even allowed their PR company to rip off my post about how to order coffee. I literally couldn't wait--and then a friend of mine sent me updates about the line at the first location in Santa Monica that included the words "hundreds" and "hours" and "blocks". I couldn't drag myself all the way to the People's Republic of Santa Monica to fight for parking and wait hours and hours for a doughnut and coffee.

Dave Lieberman
Definitely not the run-down lunch counter look of most Dunkin' Donuts locations.

But then, another location opened, this time in Downey, and without the hellacious queues of transplanted New Englanders. I made a beeline, only to be brought up short by the decor. I've never seen such a fresa Dunkin' Donuts in my entire life. Stone and wood and squashy chairs and recessed lighting? At a Dunkin' Donuts?

Nevertheless, I wasn't there to critique the Pier 1 Imports theme, so I approached the counter. "A large coffee regular, a French cruller, and a chocolate glazed," I said brightly, my New Jersey accent returning just in time.

She stared at me. "Regular? Like, black?"

"No, regular. Three creams, three sugars."

"Well, we have a station, but I can do it for you."



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gregbpc topcommenter

I liked the old DD on Brookhurst & Adams.  Had a coupon every week for 1 dozen donuts for $1.99.  I liked all their different flavors.  Fortunately (or unfortunately) I have a good Cambodian shop by my house.  Gotta love all the East Coast people bitching about California and how great the East Coast is.  If they all went back, California would be much less crowded and better.  


Reminds me of when Krispy Kreme came to the west coast...only to disappoint those of use who grew up in the Southern US with the original locations.

Steve Dieli
Steve Dieli

This place sucked Los Angeles asshole the first time around and this second time around isn't going to make any difference. This shitty doughnut store will fail the same way Krispy Kreme did, as a box on a shelf. Despite the shallow nature of most Angelinos, the long term success of any business model is not centered on hype. Fuck you crappy doughnuts, leave my City please.


I share the East-coaster history and upbringing with DD. I just returned from Boston and Philly where I got my fix. I'm good for a few months now until my local store in Laguna Hills - now under construction - is completed.
Some change is inevitable with the brand as they compete. I remember when they added bagels and now I see they are into the fancy coffee drinks as well. The "regular" coffee (meaning with cream and sugar) may be a regional vs. DD thing. I had a hard time with it in Philly when I wanted the regular coffee vs. the new dark roast - asking for "regular" now means two things back East.

So we like DD and there's some fanatical fun with it - all the negative posters need to chill. There are folks that salivate for In-and-Out and I can't stand them, but I understand those that love them and all the more power to them. I for one wish DD success and will enjoy my visits. Thanks for the fun article.


What are your thoughts about the traffic and housing costs?

Loriann A. Leota
Loriann A. Leota

Neither of us said the east coast was "lovely" or even indicated it was better than the west coast. Clearly, you didn't read.

Cindy Bock
Cindy Bock

Feel free to go back home to the Waste Management State. lol.

Cindy Bock
Cindy Bock

Who cares. Go back and get your donuts on the "lovely" east coast. lol.

Cindy Bock
Cindy Bock

Yeah. They need to stay back east. They don't fit in here.

Veronica Piña
Veronica Piña

Face it, it's not great on the East Coast either. Get over it.


I do not care for any corporate mass produced crappy donuts. I ate Winchells when I was in High School, but I did not know any better. I tried several Krispy Kremes, Blah... tasteless and massed produced. Mom & pops are a gamble, some great some not so great. My favorite donut shop is in Los Alamitos across from Los Al High. it is a mom & pop (yes Cambodian) donut shop they make all items fresh daily, Their Apple Fritters are to die for. The owners/operators have the biggest hearts. They support many of the High School organizations & often they send the left over donuts to seniors, Did I mention Their Apple Fritters are to die for? Oh, and they are one of the few donut shops that do not water down the hot cocoa.


The DDs in my town resulted in all but 1 panederia dropping donuts. Panaderia were twice as big with better frosting and glazes.


Winchell's was the SoCal staple for decades. But went the way of the Red Car when the baby boomer started forsaking fried anything. The mom and pop operations were always there to a lesser extent. But once all but a location or two of Winchell's was left it opened big void in the market. That void was soon filled by the mom and pop independents

Krispy Kream and Dunkin, the transplanted "regional favorite" chains will never dominate here because they see all of these independent doughnut shops as too small to bother with competitively but when looked at as a whole they represent a majority of the SoCal market that I feel they cannot compete against. Krispy Kream is a fine example. Dunkin's success might be good at first but will ultimately fall short of their expectations. 

And tearing down a neighborhood land mark to build your store while paying lip service  to your neighbors DON'T HELP!

Brandon Newsome
Brandon Newsome

Way to stereotype. If that's the case your just an east coast prick

Insomnio Somnolence
Insomnio Somnolence

I knew it DD is most likely gonna suck waiting for that LB location to open. I have high standards I want them to taste like my first time LOL!!! Ooo Wee that was a tear jerker :)

Carol Rowell
Carol Rowell

There putting one in Whittier...............

Peggie Jones
Peggie Jones

I don't understand this. There have been DDs in California forever!

Michelle Lau Reynoso
Michelle Lau Reynoso

I'm born here in Socal and as much as I dislike the east, the food tastes different


is the word "fresa" supposed to be in this article? is this an english word i'm not aware of? serious question.

Cassie Wood
Cassie Wood

It's funny- I just passed the one they are about to open by my house and was thinking A. Is anyone REALLY gonna show up? And B. I hope Long Beach is still pissed about the giant donut icon they likely will not use despite appeasing us by saying they'll "think about it". I'll give them one more chance.... But I have a feeling Krispy Kreme will win. \U0001f61d


Foods take make the trip across the country never taste the same as they do back home, and the experience is not the same.

949girl topcommenter

No thanks.  I'll stick to the local mom and pop donut shops.  Dippity Donuts is my favorite!

Alex Hernandez
Alex Hernandez

Here is the west, DD is nothing special. But Krispy Kreme donuts is maybe where you want To go. Need a bagel? Bagel me is pretty good. I'm sure there's better places then I know of or could name off the top of my head. But everything is different from the east coast. If you don't Cali then take off there's no problem. And all this talking tough crap. Hey we in the west smoke weed peace and love great food and beaches. The east is ?? I'm sure you got your own places to visit and see but I was born and raised in the west therefore I stay in the west. I don't like the east coast so, I don't go there I don't bitch about it though but I prefer so cal home sweet home.

James Fitzgerald
James Fitzgerald

I work with a guy who is now called Rob the East Coast Snob. Bitches about eveything that is in CA. #beatitchumps

Janis E Martinez
Janis E Martinez

Awww sorry mamas! =\ Maybe they had a bad day when I went, I did send a donut back because it tasted stale, and got another one that tasted the same, haha. I went to the Downey store, maybe other stores are better.

Loriann A. Leota
Loriann A. Leota

This makes me very sad! I was getting excited about going soon! :(

Janis E Martinez
Janis E Martinez

When even the fresh donuts taste old and the the only ok thing is a plain bagel, than yes East Coasters have a reason to whine. DD in CA does suck, admit it CA.

Daniel Pirz
Daniel Pirz

John, Buffalo is like another planet. Should have told them to fugetaboutit.

Jim Thornburg
Jim Thornburg

Sounds like this is set up to appeal to CA scene. I went to a DD in Chicago and my coffee was over sweet, but I figure that's how they like it.

John Anthony
John Anthony

People from Long Island are cool though. ;)

John Anthony
John Anthony

Daniel Pirz Yes. A little. But I listened to a bunch a whiny east coasters whining this weekend in Vegas. It's like, if Buffalo, New York is so damn awesome, just stay there.

Michelle Lau Reynoso
Michelle Lau Reynoso

Thanks for the clarification. I thought you were implying Downey was part of the OC. As for thinking a West Coast franchise will be the same as an East Coast version of DD, you should have known it wouldn't be the same. For one, the water makes the difference in taste, and, there was a reason DD left SoCal in the 90s... DD belongs in the East. Just saying... if you want your fix, East Coasters need to make a trip back to your motherland.


I wouldn't wait in line for that with Bea Arthur's dick...

David Moyle
David Moyle

Dave Lieberman I too grew up in the NE and have romantic memories of visiting my grandparents house and hearing my grandfather (who was a CT police officer) sneak out at 5 am to return home with a newspaper and a dozen doughnuts from Dunkin. And as I age, I realize it was more about the tradition than the actual doughnut maker.


"This shitty doughnut store will fail the same way Krispy Kreme did"

By fail do you mean make millions in profit?

Kripsy Kreme has in no way failed. Cute rant though.


@spencerj05 Except for the simple fact that the majority of people in Southern California couldn't tell you where a Krispy Kream location is. I personally have not seen one in my day to day travels for years. Ten years ago you could not sneeze without getting snot on one. Are they even still here? If that is success then I ain't buyin'.

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