An Open Letter To Chefs Who Update Comfort Food

Categories: Indigestion

Mashed Potatoes
Thumbnail image for james_republic_mashed.jpg
Great mashed potatoes at James Republic

Remember when everyone obsessed over getting the perfect mashed potato texture? Ricers, stick blenders, graters, you name it, people tried to get fluffy mashed potatoes. Then they all gave up en masse and decided to serve chunky mashed potatoes. "Homemade style, like Mom made." No, my mother knows how to mash a freaking potato.

Then they started adding things: garlic, hazelnuts, cheese, and the race was on. I had "truffled smashed potatoes" recently that tasted like the kitchen staff blew hot farts at supermarket potato salad. While we're at it, stop pretending mashed sweet potatoes are a valid substitute for mashed potatoes. We are on to you.

Chocolate Desserts

Delicious chocolate dome cake from AnQi

If there were one food that you'd think would be immune to tampering and would be allowed to let stand on its own, it's chocolate. It's bizarre that people think they need to update chocolate, but try to find a good piece of chocolate layer cake these days. No one can make a chocolate layer cake anymore; it has to be red velvet, or it's got to have all kinds of crap mixed into it. Chocolate mousse? Forget it. Even just plain chocolate can't be plain anymore.

Go away and invent your own desserts, you Nutella freaks, you would-be Aztecs with the chile powder in their chocolate (no, damn it, you have NOT made "mole cake"), you bacon weirdoes (again), and you geniuses who decided to put speculoos (a.k.a. cookie butter or Biscoff spread) in everything.

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Also, if you are going to fry things use real "LARD" not some crap substitute. There I said it "Fry Things In Lard!"  Make pie crust with real Lard!    That is the real taste of comfort food.  


Yes and no.  Somethings are holy and should not be fucked with.  But mac and cheese done with fontina or gouda is out of this world.  And try M&C in a burrito, efff me its that good.

Poutine is fair game as well.

Samuel Baker
Samuel Baker

That was the most painful to read food article ever written.

fishwithoutbicycle topcommenter

"And let's not even get into meatloaf..."

But I thought Meatloaf would do anything for love! ;-)

gm0622 topcommenter

Mr Lieberman;

I will take you to task about the mashed potatoes.

I do not want silky smooth spuds. I have always quartered and boiled reds or yukons with the skin on, used a masher, real butter and cream for a semi- chunky crushed spud that I am proud to serve.

If I wanted completely smooth potatoes, I would go to the grocery aisle and a get bland library paste facsimile.


The best grilled cheese sandwiches are made with white bread and Kraft singles.  Serve with Campbell's tomato soup (MADE WITH MILK NOT WATER!).  Heaven.  You're a complete fool if you think you can improve that.

I also went to college with a cute Canadian girl.  Dated her for a while.  She made me start calling it Kraft Dinner and I still do to this day.  Holy crap I was in love with her.


Brilliant, Just Brilliant.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!


@KevaRosenberg  Yes, you are a fool if you think you can do better than canned soup and processed cheese food.

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