100% Electric Vehicles nissan-leaf-rome-2

Published on November 6th, 2014 | by Chris Demorro


First Taxi Versions Of The Nissan LEAF And e-NV200 Delivered

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November 6th, 2014 by Chris Demorro


The Nissan LEAF and its van cousin, the e-NV200, have started to become a common sight on roads all across Europe. Consumers and commercial buyers are warming up to the idea of EVs, and Nissan hopes to get into the livery business as well with the delivery of the first taxi versions of its EVs delivered to Madrid, Barcelona, and Rome this past week.

The Nissan e-NV200 in particular is being positioned as a taxi cab replacement in both New York City and around Europe, with the electric version enticing governments wanting to reduce or eliminate emissions in crowded city centers. In order to better facilitate fast-charging and the rigors of livery service, a Nissan NV400 van has been converted into a mobile CHAdeMO station with up to 100 kWh, enabling the LEAF and e-NV200 to charge from 30% to 80% in just 15 minutes time. As part of an agreement with Rome, Nissan will run trials of its taxi fleet in the ancient city for the next year, with another CHAdeMO charger installed at Fiumicino Airport.

This will allow the cabs to top off between the mobile charger and one of the most common destinations for tourists and locals alike; add a few more chargers and a little more range, and the LEAF and e-NV200 could make an excellent taxi cab replacement.

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About the Author

A writer and gearhead who loves all things automotive, from hybrids to HEMIs, can be found wrenching or writing- or esle, he's running, because he's one of those crazy people who gets enjoyment from running insane distances.

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