The 10 Best Industrial Bands

Categories: Metal

Nine Inch Nails
Industrial music is such a vague, broad term. But in general, one might imagine a typical sound attached to it. Yet there are countless subgenres of Industrial, and the lines between these types of music are blurred with many bands incorporating multiple styles into the music.

Industrial music can be rock made with bass, drums and guitars. But mostly, the music is made with keyboards, electronic mechanical drum beats, experimental noise machines, and often avant-garde methods of incorporating samplers, distortion, synthesizers. The results usually produce cerebral, and raw, sometimes malevolent sounding beats. The scene can be related to punk, with some slightly different philosophies, style, attitudes, and lyrical subjects mixed in with their DIY approach. This is experimental,  sometimes dystopian, and unpredictable music that borrows heavily from DJ subculture, heavy metal music, the use of samplers, synthesizers and other machines to create what is commonly referred to as Industrial. It's also popular all over the globe, especially in places like Germany, Canada, and even North and South America. We now present our list of the 10 Best Industrial Bands.

10. Wumpscut
This electronic-based Industrial music project finds its origins in the mind of Rudy Ratzinger, a German DJ, who gave up the turntables in the early '90s to create a form of Industrial music with heavy hints of Goth and Electronic, Acid House and more. It blew up in Southern Germany and across Europe, to eventually reach fans in North and South America as well as Asia and Australia. The music was always mixed and sprinkled with various random political audio samples and quotes from German films. With Wumpscut, Ratzinger has managed to earn an underground, cult-like following for his numerous albums and releases, but to this day never having played a live show under his Wumpscut moniker.

9.Die Krupps
This German Industrial band have been making music since 1980, and was formed by Jurgen Engler.  The group's sound has varied from techno electronic, to more of an industrial rock/metal direction.  This group has always had a consistent and huge fan base and following in Germany and the rest of Europe but are also world wide, among Industrial fans. The band's use of synthesizers is matched by an equally powerful metallic percussion throughout with heavy textures of very processed and danceable beats rhythms and brief spasms of electro thrash, and continues making electric musical noise to this day.

See also: The 10 Best Viking Metal Bands


My Voice Nation Help

I would have put Front Line first as Tactical Neural Implant remains to be my fav CD.

Edu Gomes
Edu Gomes

Ministry é sensacional! Uma das principais influências do Rammstein!

Edu Gomes
Edu Gomes

O Frontline tbm vale me muito à pena!


You're talkin Industrial metal but you ain't talkin about Godflesh?  What a crime, I can't get with this publication if that's the case.


Where's Nitzer Ebb, Front 242? Hell, where is Einsterzende Neubauten??

Joseph Miller
Joseph Miller

Yes, there's a difference between EBM and Industrial, but it's stupid to say EBM isn't Industrial. If you read the article you'd see they respected that there are sub-genres. You can't, however, say that EBM isn't industrial any more than you can say soft rock isn't rock and death metal isn't metal. I think the confusion is that the actual article is titled "The 10 best industrial bands" but the Facebook dufus put the word "industrial metal" by accident.

Kal Schultz
Kal Schultz

Rammmmmmmm........Stein!!!!!!!!! #duhast


I am a Hot Topic Twat and I ♥ CUNTICHRIST

Phoenix Conrad
Phoenix Conrad

Ew. Total shit list. Half of it isn't even industrial... It's EBM. Way to generalize about 10 sub-genres into.


Throbbing Gristle "industrial metal"....


Also You'll put VAC up but not rammstein, VAC a band who i addore who define themself as an electronic band and about 30k fans on facebook, and rammstein THE BIGGEST INDUSTRIAL METAL BAND OF FORGEIN ORGIN THAT HAVE MILLIONS OF FANS AROUND THE WORLD! A BAND THAT SOLD OUT MADISON SQUARE GARDEN!...


... half these bands arn't even metal. and trobbing gristle arnt even anything relating to metal or rock.

also thanks for name checking die krupps and nothing off of II the final opinion,


Dear Alex, read few books about music before you write anything. 


I signed up for an account on this thing, just to tell you to stop. Don't write lists about music anymore. Especially ones you know nothing about. Especially with tons of spelling errors. A 5 page 10 part list? Stop. Just f#cking stop.


@djdaem0n Wow. Guess he should just erase this then. Don't you get that these lists are made just to anger internet tools like you? Why don't you grow up and read Time magazine then, you red-faced cocksucker!


@Boohoohoo Hah, nice one. Did you come up with that all by yourself? "Internet tool" is about as creative as "Thanks Obama". Trolololololol!

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