Fanatics! A Soundtrack for Another Strange November in L.A. | West Coast Sound | Los Angeles | Los Angeles News and Events | LA Weekly
Rollins Radio Notes

Fanatics! A Soundtrack for Another Strange November in L.A.

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Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 3:00 AM
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Fanatic! Hey, thanks for reading these notes. No matter how many times I say on the show that these notes exist, people still write and ask what song was playing at whatever time. It’s all here, Fanatic!

As I write these notes, I am listening to the remastered version of Wire’s awesome Document and Eyewitness album. Remastering great! What a collection. I was always fascinated by this record. The more I read about, the more interesting it became. I will let you do your own research as you see fit. I think in a way, it’s their best record.

Anyway, tonight’s show is again, the very best and designed specifically to bring two hours joy to your life.

I have been listening to Ex Hex’s album a lot lately, so again, we are rocking a track from it.

New Ausmuteants. Their new album Order of Operation is great! Been listening to this one a lot.

Tonight’s show has a lot of Kosmische Musik. November feels just right for these tunes.

Fanatic, November in Los Angeles is so strange. It’s hot. It’s dry. The sun keeps coming out. Bright and sunny! I am sick of it! I want cold and gray!

Tonight, we rock a track from Can’s Ege Bamyasi. I have been listening to this one a lot over the last two weeks. It’s a great one!

We rock a track from a band on Tess Brunet’s label called The Chambers. I don’t know anything about them. Cool band. Here’s an address to check them live. She put their single out on a label she co-owns in Louisiana. She sent me the files several weeks ago but didn’t want them played for awhile, so now, we unleash one!

Next week we have a great show, with the entire second hour celebrating the 10-year anniversary of the mighty Utech label out of Wisconsin. More info on this really cool label here.

It will be excellent. Until then, dig all the tunes Engineer X and I have put together for you. We hope you dig the show. Keep listening and if you feel like it, tell a friend.

See you at the show and STAY FANATIC!!!
–– Henry

See Henry's playlist on the next page...

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