The Chemicals In Commerce Act

Dangerous and misleading legislation that will hurt us all. Help us stop it now.


To learn more about the issue, read on:

Every day another chemical spill or a new study shows that dangerous chemicals surround us and that our nation’s regulations on toxic chemicals are failing our children in a shocking way.

Now moving through Congress is legislation that would expand the chemical industry’s virtual free reign to expose your family to harmful chemicals for years to come. It is called The Chemicals in Commerce Act (CICA).

This legislation would further weaken protections from harmful chemicals. It would allow new, untested chemicals into the marketplace. It would allow the chemical industry to keep health and safety information about chemicals secret from American families. Unbelievably, it would take away states’ rights to protect their residents from dangerous chemicals.

CICA and its cousin in the Senate, the Chemical Safety Improvement Act (CSIA), are Trojan Horses designed to create the illusion that they are fixing our nation’s broken regulatory system while in fact they actually dismantle the few safeguards currently in place.

It’s time to say yes to our children’s health and no to the chemical industry’s army of lobbyists and lawyers.

Please let your representative know that you oppose this dangerous law. Call if you can (phone calls matter most!), if not, use our online tools to send him or her a quick email message right now.