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First Nations Under Surveillance

Harper Government Prepares for First Nations “Unrest"

by Russell Diabo and Shiri Pasternak

Quebec riot police advance on Barriere Lake community members after a peaceful blockade in October, 2008 in north-western Quebec.
Quebec riot police advance on Barriere Lake community members after a peaceful blockade in October, 2008 in north-western Quebec.

Internal documents from Indian Affairs and the RCMP show that shortly after forming government in January of 2006, Prime Minister Stephen Harper had the federal government tighten up on gathering and sharing intelligence on First Nations to anticipate and manage potential First Nation unrest across Canada.

Information obtained by Access to Information requests reveals that almost immediately upon taking power in 2006, the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) was given the lead role to spy on First Nations. The goal was to identify the First Nation leaders, participants and outside supporters of First Nation occupations and protests, and to closely monitor their actions.

To accomplish this task, INAC established a “Hot Spot Reporting System.” These weekly reports highlight all those communities across the country that engage in direct action to protect their lands and communities. They include Tobique First Nation, Tsartlip First Nation, the Algonquins of Barriere Lake, Teztan Biny (Fish Lake) First Nation, Six Nations, Grassy Narrows, Stz’uminous First Nation, the Likhts’amsiyu Clan of the Wet’suwet’en First Nation, Gitxaala First Nation, Wagmatcook First Nation, Innu of Labrador, Pikangikum First Nation, and many more. They include bands from the coast of Vancouver Island to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.

What we see in these documents – from the hot spot reports themselves, to the intelligence-sharing between government and security forces – is a closely monitored population of First Nations, who clearly are causing a panic at the highest levels of Canadian bureaucracy and political office.

Fear of Aboriginal "Hotspots"

In 2006, INAC gave the name “hot spots” to those First Nations conflicts of “growing concern” due to “unrest” and increasing “militancy.” In a briefing presentation that INAC gave the RCMP that year, they identified certain communities as hotspots: Caledonia, Ontario (Douglas Creek Estates occupation); Belleville, Ontario (Montreal/Toronto Rail Blockade in sympathy to Caledonia); Brantford, Ontario (Grand River Conservation Authority Lands); Desoronto, Ontario (Occupation of Quarry); Grassy Narrows (Blockade of Trans Canada Hwy by environmentalists); and Maniwaki, Quebec (Blockade of Route 117).

But the “hot spot binder” prepared each week by INAC officials closely monitors any and all action taking place across the country and names dozens more communities as sources of potential unrest. A particular concern of the federal government is that these “hotspots” are unpredictable protests because they are led by what the federal government labels as “splinter groups” of “Aboriginal Extremists.”  As INAC describes in the same presentation to the RCMP:

Incidents led by splinter groups are arguably harder to manage as they exist outside negotiation processes to resolve recognized grievances with duly elected leaders. We seek to avoid giving standing to such splinter groups so as not to debase the legally recognized government. Incidents are also complicated by external groups such as Warrior Societies or non-Aboriginal counter-protest groups.

Telling in the INAC statement above is that the identified protests are “outside of negotiation processes” with elected councils. Canada is clearly spooked by the spectre of First Nations demanding Crown recognition of Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination, as well as Aboriginal and Treaty Rights, beyond the narrow confines of Crown land claims and self-government policies. These so-called “splinter” groups also threaten the status quo by demanding their own First Nation leaders, staff and advisors to pull out of the compromising negotiations.

Also telling here is the cozy cooperative relationship between INAC and the RCMP. The INAC briefing to the RCMP is almost indistinguishable from a presentation one would expect to see from security forces, rather than from a government ministry. Contrary to their claims, Indian Affairs is not an institution of reconciliation and negotiation, but rather appears to be a management office to control the costs of Native unrest, and they are willing to work closely with law enforcement to accomplish this task.

In addition to the hotspot reporting, the Deputy Ministers of Public Safety Emergency Preparedness Canada and INAC directed that a summer operational plan be prepared in 2006 to deal with Aboriginal occupations and protests. A progress report on the operational plan reveals the blueprint for security integration on First Nations issues.

The “Standing Information Sharing Forum,” for example, is Chaired by the RCMP and includes as its members the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), the Department of Fisheries, Government of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Transportation Canada, and involves weekly conference calls and continuous information dissemination by INAC to its partners.

Harper is moving towards a security paradigm familiar since the War on Terror was launched in 2001. The inclusion of Transportation Canada at the Information Sharing Forum should also alert us to the commercial threat of blockades to the free trade agenda.

Aboriginal people who are defending their lands are now treated on a spectrum from criminals to terrorists. On either side, under Harper, an intensification of intelligence gathering and surveillance procedures now govern the new regime.

Haudenosaunee/Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy

It is also clear from INAC’s presentation to the RCMP that they are particularly worried about the Haudenosaunee/Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy. They mention “Warrior Societies” and an “illicit agenda,” referring at several points to concerns around smuggling. The federal government deems the tobacco/cigarette trade as “illicit” because Canada is not getting paid taxes by the Mohawks who are operating the businesses.

However, the 1995 federal Aboriginal Self-Government policy, which was developed unilaterally by the federal government, does not allow for sharing jurisdiction with First Nations for real powers over trade and commerce matters.  The federal self-government policy only allows small business operations on-reserve. Historically, the federal government has used the Indian Act to control and manage on-reserve economic development so there was no real competition with surrounding non-Indian businesses and towns. On the prairies, First Nations agriculture was undermined and led to the failure of farming on-reserve because of complaints from non-Indians. This policy of non-competition is still the reality today.

The federal government is particularly concerned about the Haudenosaunee/Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy actions at Caledonia, as the INAC 2006 report describes it: “Caledonia was and remains a significant event in risk management.

The RCMP agree. In a 2007 report to CSIS, they state: “Caledonia continues to serve as a beacon on land claims and Aboriginal rights issues across Canada.

Canada is extremely worried about First Nations taking back lands and resources outside the scope of their one-sided land claims and self-government “negotiation processes,” as was done at Kanenhstaton/Caledonia.

In order to contain the situation, the Crown governments have dispatched hard-nosed, experienced negotiators who have presented unmovable positions from the Harper government, which is likely why there hasn’t been any negotiated resolution of the situation at Kanenhstaton/Caledonia to this date. The Crown government obviously remain worried more lands will be “occupied” by the Six Nations “extremist” “splinter groups.”

Ever since the 1990 stand-off in Kanesatake and Kahnawake, the federal government, the security and police agencies, and the Canadian army have been worried about a repeat of coordinated First Nation political actions across Canada.

The 2007 National Day Of Action 

Specific information about policing First Nations was obtained in a series of Access to Information requests about the AFN National Day of Action that took place on June 29th, 2007. A 2007 RCMP brief to CSIS lays out a number of concerns regarding the National Day of Action.

First of all, the RCMP is mainly concerned about protecting their men and women in uniform, both from the perspective of First Nations confronting the police on front lines, and from the perspective of negative public sentiment for their potential handling of the event: “The often disparate and fractured nature of these events can lead the police to become the proverbial ‘meat in the sandwich’ and the subject of negative public sentiment.

The RCMP also show concern that a lack of coordination, or “a fractured and inconsistent approach” by police forces, could “galvanize Nations throughout Canada.” Is this to say that violence instigated by police could lead to solidarity actions by First Nations across the country? Or that perceived weakness in policing could lead other First Nations to take a stand? Either way, in response, cooperation between departments, security forces, and ministries are deemed to be necessary to provide a strong united front against First Nations protest.

The RCMP also caution that, “Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal extremists often see these events as an opportunity to escalate or agitate the conflict.” By inference, we can guess that they may be referring to groups unaffiliated with the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), unwilling to negotiate under Crown policies, or prepared to engage in tactics not sanctioned by the official leadership, such as property destruction and armed conflict. Non-Aboriginal groups are also cited here as potentially threatening, giving credence to recent targeting of G20 “ringleaders” who feel their Indigenous solidarity work has made them targets of the Crown and police forces.

Cost is a serious concern to the RCMP, as well. Not only is the price tag for policing these nation-wide events “exorbitant,” and therefore can lead to rash policing decisions to use force in order to bring a quick end to conflicts, but the economic risks of blockades are themselves potentially catastrophic. As the RCMP warn, “The recent CN strike represents the extent in which a national railway blockade could effect the economy of Canada.

The RCMP also express this curious concern: “The police role may be complicated by the conventional and sometimes political view that there is a clear distinction between policy and police operations.” Clearly, where the distinction slips between police and policy roles, the RCMP become simply Indian Agents, carrying out the colonial work of the department. Given the information disclosed here, this distinction is impossible to maintain. Where police intimidate and arrest Indigenous peoples on their own lands, there is no law on the police’s side.

There is also a considerable public relations issue at stake here. The RCMP displayed concern at the potential fall-out of a number of “perception” problems that could befall the forces:

Perception of a two-tiered approach to enforcement can generate significant criticism and motivate non-Aboriginal activists.

An intense and protracted event may lead to long-standing erosion of relationships for the police and the community – they are usually always the victims.

Because there are limitations on what the police can negotiate and success often depends on others, the role of the police can become frustrating.

The RCMP realize to some extent that they must choose between First Nations approval of their policing tactics and the wrath of a public convinced that blockades are criminal, rather than political acts. The police, however, contrary to their assertions, are not the victims here. They are just the dupes in a much older game of cowboys and Indians.

The above RCMP statements show that even with all of the federal financial and managerial control over First Nation Chiefs and Leaders, except, apparently for the former AFN National Chief, Phil Fontaine, the Chiefs and Leaders were still not entirely trusted by the federal government and that a large concern in 2007 was the potential for a broad national coordinated series of local and regional political actions by First Nations.

One insight emerges strongly here: most threatening of all to security and government forces is coordinated First Nations action. This can be seen clearly from the reports. At one point in the 2007 INAC to RCMP briefing, concern is expressed about a First Nations conference because, “The 2006 Numbered Treaty Conference proposed a ‘national’ movement of independent actions to express discontent.

Their fear is palpable where they follow the trajectory of the Day of Action. It was first proposed by Chief Terrance Nelson at the Assembly of First Nations' general assembly, where the motion carried. The nation-wide event was later confirmed in a personal meeting between the RCMP Commissioner and then-National Chief Phil Fontaine. “Mr. Fontaine expressed his concern over the sense of frustration that seems to exist among First Nation leaders and the growing resolve to support a June 29th blockade,” a memo states.

The growing unrest, of course, cannot be resolved through greater coordination of security and government forces. First Nation frustration with this strategy will only continue to mount.

Crown Reward-Punishment System Divides Leaders and People

If coordinated action gets the goods, special attention must be paid to the government’s particular interest in “splinter” groups.

Under Canada’s colonial system, the struggle for Indigenous sovereignty, self-determination, Aboriginal and Treaty rights has historically been undermined by First Nations who cooperated with the Crown government turning in those First Nations who were resisting the Crown’s colonial system.

Over time this evolved into the Crown dividing First Nations into the “progressive” Indian Bands and the backward or “traditional” Indian Bands. The federal government through the various Indian Affairs departments, developed an approach to reward the “progressive” Indians and punish the “traditional” Indians.

This federal reward-punishment approach still exists, though the “Indian Agents” have been replaced by the Band Councils who now deliver Crown programs and services to their community members. The Band Councils and other First Nation organizations’ formula-funding are controlled by a system of legislation, policies, terms and conditions – all designed, controlled and managed largely by the federal Crown bureaucracy and politicians in Ottawa.

The First Nations Chiefs and Leaders who become more known and prominent are largely the individuals who have been trained and supported by federal bureaucrats. These individuals become known for their seeming ability to get federal capital dollars to build new houses, schools and other community infrastructure, or additional program dollars for enhancing Band programs.

However, the point is, none of these individuals would have gotten anywhere without federal support to advance their political careers. This is the reward system at work. For those Chiefs and Leaders who don not cooperate with the federal government, they can be ignored and/or stalled on funding requests. In some circumstances the federal government will even support “splinter groups” to take out the offending Chief or Leader. A current prominent example of this is the Algonquins of Barriere Lake in Western Quebec, but this also occurred historically at the Six Nations Grand River Territory.

The INAC and RCMP documents make it clear that while the Canadian State Security Apparatus is concerned about “splinter groups,” they also are somewhat concerned about Chiefs and Leaders from Indian Act Band Councils and First Nation establishment organizations like AFN and their Provincial/Territorial Organizations becoming Aboriginal “extremists.”

What the INAC and RCMP briefings show is that there needs to be unity on the ground with coordinated political actions between First Nations Peoples in order to protect, defend and advance First Nation pre-existing sovereignty, and First Nation Aboriginal and Treaty rights to lands and resources. Divide and conquer tactics can only be met with new strategies of alliance-building, and by bringing the leadership back down to the land.


An earlier version of this article appeared in the First Nations Strategic Bulletin.

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Martin Lukacs (Martin Lukacs)
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2461 words


DAMN all power money hungry

DAMN all power money hungry white folks and apple indians.

Apple Indians?? Your just as

Apple Indians?? Your just as bad as harper!

apple indian. means "red" on

apple indian. means "red" on the outside and "white" on the inside.

First of all saying something like apple indian is racist towards "white" and "red" people.

second. skin color is not important

3. what is important is the Mi'kmaq Nation and other Nations currently under oppression SELF ORGANIZE AS BEST AS POSSIBLE. !!!!


5. its not about white people vs native people. its about seeing the cage for the cage man!!! and right now your mind is in a cage of thought, ITS NOT ABOUT RACE, ITS ABOUT CONTROL OF OUR THOUGHTS AND OUR LAND




We are the same all across canada. Our blood is the same we are red no white blood we are all first nations people since the being of time. Apple is a term use by someone who does not know what they are talking about. The memory of our acestors still inside us our DNA. When we hear the drum it draws us to the sound and we awaken again because we respected all Creation. Proud to be aboriginal.

Under Canada’s colonial

Under Canada’s colonial system, the struggle for Indigenous sovereignty, self-determination, Aboriginal and Treaty rights has historically been undermined by First Nations who cooperated with the Crown government turning in those First Nations who were resisting the Crown’s colonial system.


The rights are undermined by application of canadas contitution onto our people, any one is free to leave at any time, but if you stand under a consitution you are limited to that world,  Six nations has a constitution writtin, and can not be abrigated or can it?


read the royal commision on aboriginal people, " the rights of aboriginals anf the constitution, meanin one and





It is sad to see how few people in this great country don't understand that we cannot function fully whilest we support apartheid. The way that we treat our Aboriginal Brothers and Sisters is a total disgrace to the country and abhorred by other countries. Time to embrace them and the traditions they bring so that we can move forward as a country of tolerance and grace.

this reply to the article of north americas continent across

a legal fiction of foreign interest by design and execution.


While I would acknowledge Fione Hoey as commenting and possibly reading this I must emphasize the ignorance of terms being applied and the responsibility of her comment to hopefully reveal why she does not know the difference between that which took place in the southernmost part of a large continent where people experienced what proceeded over time and becamed named apartheid and that which is knot the same in this north of the equator position and the foreign jargon trying to enslave the disheartened natural people whom are not one and the same as "african" continent nor swiftly banished to be known no more hebrews of biblical times.


red skin red road and the self sufficiency of all people whom live upon earth in respect and knowing... we do not seek advice nor permission and while our heart supported visitors... the flood of migrations will never alter the truth.

and while we may exist in our own time and space undisturbed by the strangeness of these days ...whomever finds theselves here now must be all that they are in eternal  soul and spirit and awake to know that the perpetrators of the lies and dishonour is met on their onwn thought and action  to knot be allowed to further.


It is better to walk and see natures support in food and places of quiet to rest thanto accept one ounce of deceit in the form of handouts contaminated when we can make grow hunt sow and reap of our own accord and as we did share with others who count only upon the replacable servitude from people under jsubjection of monarch royalty or theology.

who unrighteous have stood upon our land grieving loss and yet spit in our eye and lie of our ways and truth.

illegal foreign fiction~contracts void ab initio for unrevealed implications or under threat duress and coercion.  Russell Means and all whom have survived upon faith and knowing form rememberance of elders and ways and trying to think in a fashion laid before them by that which entraps themselves as well...whether it is the crown of england or france....or the roman empire strategic ploy to embrace truth with agenda as in holy roman empire church whose ceremony magi and intentions may invoke and evoke sevants of god in the form of lords whose rule is the material plane of existence and yet sin in the time after the son and the naming again of subjective ways to evaluate and comenseurate.





this reply to the article of north americas continent across

a legal fiction of foreign interest by design and execution.


While I would acknowledge Fione Hoey as commenting and possibly reading this I must emphasize the ignorance of terms being applied and the responsibility of her comment to hopefully reveal why she does not know the difference between that which took place in the southernmost part of a large continent where people experienced what proceeded over time and becamed named apartheid and that which is knot the same in this north of the equator position and the foreign jargon trying to enslave the disheartened natural people whom are not one and the same as "african" continent nor swiftly banished to be known no more hebrews of biblical times.


red skin red road and the self sufficiency of all people whom live upon earth in respect and knowing... we do not seek advice nor permission and while our heart supported visitors... the flood of migrations will never alter the truth.

and while we may exist in our own time and space undisturbed by the strangeness of these days ...whomever finds theselves here now must be all that they are in eternal  soul and spirit and awake to know that the perpetrators of the lies and dishonour is met on their onwn thought and action  to knot be allowed to further.


It is better to walk and see natures support in food and places of quiet to rest thanto accept one ounce of deceit in the form of handouts contaminated when we can make grow hunt sow and reap of our own accord and as we did share with others who count only upon the replacable servitude from people under jsubjection of monarch royalty or theology.

who unrighteous have stood upon our land grieving loss and yet spit in our eye and lie of our ways and truth.

illegal foreign fiction~contracts void ab initio for unrevealed implications or under threat duress and coercion.  Russell Means and all whom have survived upon faith and knowing form rememberance of elders and ways and trying to think in a fashion laid before them by that which entraps themselves as well...whether it is the crown of england or france....or the roman empire strategic ploy to embrace truth with agenda as in holy roman empire church whose ceremony magi and intentions may invoke and evoke sevants of god in the form of lords whose rule is the material plane of existence and yet sin in the time after the son and the naming again of subjective ways to evaluate and comenseurate.





@ Apartheid - have you

@ Apartheid

- have you considered the possibility of Indigenous Peoples having no interest in being "embraced" by you and Canada, or that Indigenous Peoples may not want to be included in the "we" you are referring to (assuming you are referring to the general canadian population, whomever that's supposed to be). The Canada you speak about and its ability to "function fully" can only happen upon continuous raping and pillaging of raw resources on traditional Indigenous lands. The raw resource extraction-economy that drives this "great country" (or should we call it a corporate state) and the protection of Indigenous lands and its Peoples are mutually exclusive - as are world views founded in conservation and the western world view of expansion and economic growth.

To the state Indigenous Peoples are in the way of the resources (have been since day one) and the state will stop at nothing and never has (maybe except unprecedented and yet unseen public pressure) to ensure guarantees for business investors - this is all Canada really knows. The founders of this arrangement called Canada did not come here to embrace the Other, but to build an empire that would feed Britain and make some very powerful people very rich. The rest of us are either in the way of those business investments when protecting land and ways of life, or imported workers at some point in history to power the wheels of economic growth. I don't see that having changed one bit. Being embraced by Canada leads to loss of land and away from self-determination. 




I am interested in seeing the document from which these quotes are taken. Is there a link to this information? 

Share the facts with the public

Hi,  I really enjoyed reading this piece but I have to criticize the opinions as being just the authors.  What I'd like to see if you would be supportive in sharing these documents for public consumption?  I like the story but the idea is you'll need to support it, there is no reference to any documents you talk about.  I think, journalistically, that's unfair to the reader and or verifiable.  Feel free to send the documents to me at,



Harper Sucks

Harper turned the Service Canada ARHDA/Assets Agreement into a "Mother may I" type of funding and he's a politician...someone that you should not trust.  he comes from the oil sands...Canada...get with the program and get him out!!

What a waste of money? they

What a waste of money? they would rather our children starve, be homeless, uneducated, what happend to INACs mission statement of existing to improve the lives of indians!!!! INAC is the modern day indian agent, which was oppressive than and oppressive now. We are terrorists because we want the same basic rights and freeedoms granted to non-Aboriginal people? PAY YOUR DUES CANADA, YOUR BEHIND ON THE RENT!

list all

Could you list all First Nations, Territories, bands etc that the Harper Gov't INAC & RCMP as opposed to 'etc' in your article.


Much appreciated.


It would be useful to have the people read and know that their communities, families are included, as some see it as a conspiracy- we need to wake up and realize that the Canadian government is going to these extents.... otherwise there will always be uncertainty.



my cynicism is vindicated

holy... I knew about the abuses of the government of Canada through the long history of colonization of this country, but I had no idea that the protest had struck this much fear into "the Harper Government" [sic ] - that in and of itself is a victory of sorts.


here's to a peaceful resolution, with respect, freedom and equitable communities for us all.

Flabby Cats in Ottawa never make changes for the better, as they  are afraid to lose their hold on the public teat.

the Indian chiefs and their

the Indian chiefs and their councils are now agents of the crown?  Yeah, I already knew that.

Wait'll Harper gets wind of Algonkian Nationalism; that'll cause him to mess his britches.

For the uninitiated, Algonkian Nationalism is where the Algonkian speaking nations (anishinabe, inninew a.k.a cree, abanaki, mic maq, siksika, etc...) unite for the purpose of establishing a sovereign state.  The end game is four seperate countries in North America: Mexico, the US, Canada, and the yet unamed Algonkian Union. 

Don't worry though Harper, Her Majesty's Indian Chiefs did too good a job of destroying the self-efficacy of our nations.  It'll take at least two generations to undo the damage caused by our own leaders. 

Oh yeah, really good article.

North American Apartheid

Here is the proof  that Apartheid is well and alive in North America in the unjust treatment of our Hereditary Traditional Governing systems by the Canadian Govt, the Apartheid began  when Prime Minister John A Macdonald, swore to abolish and annialate our Traditional systems and assimilate every indian into canadian society ay any costs. His vision and dream almost came to completion by using the centuries old tested and tried tactics of dividing and conquering, except there were among our people who stayed true their traditional teachings and systems and also passed them down to the priviliged few of us who have broken their grip upon our peoples. Canada  is losing its battle in assimilating our peoples and this uncovered document of how the Govt rewarded the indian act systems and starving our Traditional Govts proves that this age old strategy is not working, and the use of "might is right" is also not scaring our peoples into submission any more. We the Hereditary Traditional Systems are fighting back exposing their own illegal laws that they used  in stealing our lands and resources, not just in their Courts, but in the International Courts also, and that also scares the hell out of them, it is only a matter of time as what happened to the Apartheid in South Africa when we will prevail and finally break their yokes upon our necks, "free at last, free at last, Thank the Creator Amighty we are free at last"  

that was a very well said

that was a very well said statement. I very much agree with Apartheid. thank you for the beautiful words. Alot of people care about the land not the money and greed. Shame on Mr harper.

Unity in diversity

 The Nations in the USA have done an end run around the 'system'.  Even tho' decimated since 1471, the income from the casinos has aided education of Native Americans to become lawyers to negotiate treaties and land claims and aid.  Education is the key to free people's minds.  We have been promised not only equality, but also, because we are blessed with spiritual understanding, a leadership role in the revitalization of the spiritual awakening of the world.  This is the creator's plan.  BTW, Native casino money has aided outside towns devastated by nature, and even helped pay down town debt in one case.  Of course, aid to other reservations to help the poor has also been done, no strings attached.  Giving back, despite the wrongs in the past, is a tradition not to be ignored. 

Leak it

Hi could you share the documents with us please??


I am pleased that this information is public. keep it coming and provide the documents i would like to see them also . thank you keep up the good work!



 Hello my fellow natives

well  i saw this when my friend told me to look  this up and from what i understand this has to stop now!!! I THINK IT'S TIME WE STAND UP FOR OUR RIGHTS TOO!!!! 




                                                                         NATIVE PRIDE

Get off your asses already!

First of all, who's the idiot who wrote this shit?

Second... If people can come to this country from places as diverse as china, Germany, Sweden, south Africa, Iraq, Nigeria, Vietnam, Jordan, India, bangladesh, Mexico, Poland, Switzerland, Ukraine, Zambia, Egypt and who knows how many others, and find ways to integrate into society and make a place for themselves, then why can't these jerks who were born here? Why should they get special treatment? Why are there no Pakistani rights movements? Ukrainian separtist organizations? How often do you see Swiss or Korean people blockading highways and causing economic and security problems for the rest of us? You don't. Why? Because they know a good thing when they see it.

It's time to join the 21st century, people. Natives want respect? Fine. Earn it. Start sending your kids to universities, colleges and apprenticeship programs. Get them trained as doctors, engineers, plumbers, electricians, computer programmers, architects, lawyers, teachers, reporters and whatever else. Benefit from the skills they learn and contribute something to the country as a whole.

Stop whining a d fucking do something productive for once.

maybe if there were a "German

maybe if there were a "German Act" or a "Swedish Act" or  a "South African Act" or an "Iraqi Act", "Nigerian Act" a "Vietnam Act" a "Jordanian Act" an "Indian Act" (or wait, there is one, but is has nothing to do with South Asia, right?), a "Bangladeshi Act" a "Mexican Act" a "Pole Act" a "Swiss Act" a "Ukranian Act" a "Zambian Act" or an "Egyptian Act" then maybe your ridiculous rant may have a point.

but it doesn't.

Maybe if I came with my band of brothers and kicked you out of your house to build an unnecessary development (with all the toxic biproducts it comes with, right?), and locked you up in a basement apartment with leaky windows, mold contamination, lead pipes, asbestos insulation and all that, maybe you might dredge a bit of sympathy out of your atrophied heart.

it's evident from your post that you were born privileged, and that you somehow think that everything you have is due to your hard work and earning it.

doctors? why would you want to practice medicine as a stooge for big pharma, under a pile of legislation, learning how to use poison and cutting to heal? there was already a pretty good system in place - you know, let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food (that's Hippocrates - I don't know what any of these doctors sign the oath for).

Engineers - toxifying the only land we have to develop new box stores for walmart and sprawling suburbs. You can have them. They are cultural wastelands that show complete and utter contempt for everyone who lives there. Hope you like sitting in your car breathing carbon monoxide fumes and new car outgassing.

Plumbers and electricians are all part of the same industrialized system (I know, I work with them).

Lawyers - that's a joke right?

Teachers - depends what they teach - apparently, you didn't benefit from whatever teachers you've had.

Reporters - who for the most part are spreaders of one point of view.

Sorry, but your rant is completely ridiculous, uninformed, ignorant,  head-up-the-backside, gormless drivel. the tragedy is that it's hardly unique.


I see that I have struck some nerves of guilt by my comments on North American Aparthied, well what I have said is what I said, it is all recorded in the Canadian, Political, and Judicial Archives, the evasion of the Rule of Law in stealing our Lands and territories by Canada is as clear as the Day. There is no such law that exists in all the World that states, "we stole it fair and square" "or that Might makes Right," remember that your Christian commandments contains one that states, "Thou shalt not Steal". The two individuals who cowardly wrote their comments attacking me are nothing but racists hiding behind their hoods, they are the ones ranting and raving belittling our people to evade the truth of how they and their Governments stole our Lands and Territories. Pay us for what you owe us from the illegal extraction of our natural resources from our homelands over the last several centuries, and future compensation for the continued extraction, then we may stop being a pain to all Canadians, anything short of that, then you must continue to pay rent as what was negotiated in our treaties which recognized our titles to our Lands.     

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