Genetically Modified Salmon | Food & Water Watch
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I support Food & Water Watch simply because I have a family and want them to be healthy, happy and do not want anyone to take advantage of them.

Cassandra Nguyen

Genetically Modified Salmon

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About GM Salmon

The biotechnology industry says it has genetically modified a fish that grows at twice the normal rate, so it can get to market sooner and make more money, faster. But this dangerous lab experiment is all hype and full of downsides to consumers, salmon growers and the environment.

If approved, GM salmon would be the first “transgenic” animal allowed into our food supply. It’s also unlikely that it would have to be labeled, so you might not even know you’re eating it.

The FDA doesn’t even do its own testing of genetically modified animals: it relies on information provided by the company that wants approval. And because GM salmon are being considered as a new animal drug, the process isn’t focused on what happens to people who eat genetically modified animals. So on top of the health concerns posed by raising salmon in crowded factory fish farms that rely on antibiotics and other chemicals, the FDA could be adding the unknown risks of GM salmon to the mix.

If approved, GM salmon would be the first “transgenic” animal allowed into our food supply. It’s also unlikely that it would have to be labeled, so you might not even know you’re eating it.

Congress Unites Against FDA Approval of GM Salmon

At least 30 House members and 14 senators have written the Obama administration either expressing serious concerns about the manner in which the FDA conducted its review of Aquabounty’s GM salmon, or calling for the outright prohibition of its approval for human consumption. So why isn’t the FDA listening? Learn more.

Troubling Emails Reveal Federal Scientists Fear FDA Approval of Genetically Modified Salmon

“Nice work Greg,” Denise Hawkins, PhD, Fish & Wildlife Service Regional Geneticist wrote to a coworker in September. “Especially pointing out that there is no data to support the claims of low survival in the event of escape, which I agree with you all is a big concern. I also agree…that using triploid fish [which AquaBounty claim have undergone a sterilization process] is not foolproof. Maybe they [the FDA] should watch Jurassic Park.” Read more.

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