November 13th, 2014
10:14 PM ET

RidicuList: Fanning the flames of Anderson's candle

Anderson got punked this week when he started reading the teleprompter, only to learn that he was the focus of Monday's RidicuList. The team let Anderson know they didn't like the smell of his basil-scented candle. If you missed the descriptions, just imagine what "Mario Batali's Croc" would smell like. Today, Mario had his say and so did Anderson. Now everyone in the newsroom knows what revenge smells like.

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Filed under: Candle • The RidicuList
November 13th, 2014
10:09 PM ET

Ebola patient in Sierra Leone expected to arrive at Nebraska hospital this weekend

The Nebraska Medical Center is one of four hospitals in the U.S. specially equipped to treat Ebola patents. Doctors there are awaiting the arrival of a surgeon who is suffering from Ebola. He is a Sierra Leone national and a legal permanent resident of the United States. Dr. Elizabeth Cohen has the latest on his case.

Filed under: 360° Radar
November 13th, 2014
10:03 PM ET

Family's forensic expert says Michael Brown was shot seven times

The Ferguson grand jury heard testimony today from Dr. Michael Baden. He is a forensics expert hired by Michael Brown's family to conduct an independent autopsy. Shawn Parcells assisted Dr. Baden and spoke to Anderson tonight. Parcells updated earlier findings that Brown was shot at least six times, now saying that he was hit by seven bullets.

The entire proceeding to determine whether Officer Darren Wilson will face an indictment is happening behind closed doors. Anderson discussed the grand jury proceedings with former federal prosecutors Sunny Hostin and Jeffrey Toobin, along with defense attorney Mark O'Mara.

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Filed under: Ferguson • Mark O'Mara • Mark Toobin • Sunny Hostin
November 13th, 2014
09:55 PM ET

Was the Mayor involved in the disappearance of 43 college students in Mexico?

No one knows exactly what happened to 43 college students who disappeared in Mexico. Authorities believe the students were kidnapped, executed and dumped in a river. A mayor and his wife are behind bars and accused of playing a key role in the disappearance. Rosa Flores has new information on the couple's reported ties to violent drug cartels.

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Filed under: Mexico • Rosa Flores
November 13th, 2014
12:04 AM ET

RidicuList: 911 is not a dating service

Let's hope this is not a trend. In less than two weeks, two different guys, in two different states each called 911 and hit on the dispatcher. You have to hear these phone calls to believe them and luckily the RidicuList has both. You may also want to listen to Anderson's advice, "if you're drunk and looking for a date… don't call 911."
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Filed under: The RidicuList
November 12th, 2014
10:36 PM ET

How did Rosetta land on a comet?

Mankind took another giant step in outer space today. A 220-pound lander that's about the size of a washing machine touched down on a comet 300-million miles from earth. The comet is just two-and-a-half miles wide and this accomplishment has been compared to catching a bullet. Anderson spoke to CNN Aviation Analyst Miles O'Brien and Bill Nye 'The Science Guy' about the more than ten years of planning that went into today's landing.

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Filed under: Bill Nye The Science Guy • Miles O'Brien
November 12th, 2014
10:27 PM ET

Crime & Punishment: DA speaks exclusively with AC360 about the McStay family murders

We are learning more about the case against Chase Merritt, the main suspect in the McStay case. Merrit pleaded not guilty at his arraignment today in a Victorville, California courtroom. District Attorney Michael Ramos told Randi Kaye that they only started "putting pieces of the puzzle together" about six months ago.

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Filed under: Crime & Punishment • McStay • Randi Kaye
November 12th, 2014
10:21 PM ET

Ferguson grand jury to hear key forensic evidence

Dr. Michael Baden is a former New York City medical examiner and one of the most high-profile experts in the forensics field. He was hired by Michael Brown's family to do a private autopsy after the teen was shot by Officer Darren Wilson. He is set to testify tomorrow in front of the grand jury. This comes as local authorities brace for the the response from protesters if there is no indictment against Officer Wilson. Jason Carroll takes a look at the forensic case.

Anderson discussed the evidence that we know about and the questions that remain about the case with CNN legal analysts Mark O'Mara and Sunny Hostin.

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Filed under: Ferguson • Jason Carroll • Mark O'Mara • Michael Brown • Officer Darren Wilson • Sunny Hostin
November 12th, 2014
10:13 PM ET

How the FDNY rescued the WTC window washers

Two men survived every window washer's worst nightmare. Their scaffolding collapsed, leaving them dangling hundreds of feet above the streets of New York City. It happened outside the 68th floor of one of the world's most famous addresses, One World Trade Center. Anderson breaks down the FDNY's heroic efforts that saved these two men.

Gerard McEneaney knows what it is like to work while suspended outside of skyscrapers. He is a field representative for the local window washers' union. He told Anderson that when one side of the scaffolding stopped moving the men likely had about two seconds to react.
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Filed under: Jim Sciutto • Turkey
November 12th, 2014
01:04 PM ET

Remembering Fouad Ajami

Viewers of AC360 will likely recognize Fouad Ajami. He was a frequent guest on the show and a Middle East scholar. He passed away last June.

Fouad's writings include some 400 essays on Arab and Islamic politics, US foreign policy, and contemporary international history. Today the Hoover Institution Press is releasing a collection of his essays in the book "This Arab Time."

We wanted to share one of those essays. Click here to read "The Making of Strangers - Muslims, Jews, and the Other 1492."

You can also watch some of Fouad's appearances on AC360:

Fouad Ajami on Mubarak

Fouad Ajami on the Syrian massacre

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Filed under: Fouad Ajami
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