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Thursday, November 13, 2014


Liberia President, Citing Ebola Gains, Ends State of Emergency

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said she would not extend the state of emergency, which had angered critics.

Car Bombs Explode Near Egyptian and U.A.E. Embassies in Libya

The blasts were said to be a backlash against the two countries for their role in a regional proxy war, and officials said no one was injured.

Health Officials Reassess Strategy to Combat Ebola in Liberia

As the rate of new infections has slowed, American and Liberian officials are debating whether to shift money that was planned for the centers into other programs to combat future outbreaks.

U.N. Seeks a More Nimble Response to Ebola in Africa

The organization has struggled to keep up with the spread and decline of the disease in specific localities.

South Africa Consolidates Graft Inquiry Against Zuma

The decision revived accusations that the leader has shrugged off, saying the improvements at his homestead were related to his office’s security requirements.

Africa Cup Disrupted by Ebola Concerns

Because it sought to delay the championship, fearing a spread of Ebola, Morocco was barred from the 2015 Cup, another disruption to soccer related to the outbreak.

Bomb at School in Nigeria Kills Nearly 50 Boys

Nearly 50 boys at a boarding school were killed in the bombing, and suspicion focused on the Boko Haram militant group, which has carried out similar attacks.

Braving Ebola

The men and women of one Ebola clinic in rural Liberia reflect on life inside the gates.

From Opinion
Op-Ed Contributor

Saving Libya, Again

European states must send an intervention force to keep the country together.

Op-Ed Contributor

Pistorius’s Nightmare, Meyiwa’s Reality

The imagined crime that Oscar Pistorius so dreaded is an everyday occurrence for black South Africans.

Lens Blog
Illuminating a Central African Crisis, Photo by Photo

While the world was watching the funeral of Nelson Mandela, Jerome Delay made it his mission to remain in the violence-wracked Central African Republic, hoping to shed light on the crisis there.

Inside Nairobi’s Devastated Westgate Mall

More than a week after militants killed scores of people in the Westgate mall in Nairobi, Kenya, investigators sought clues to the attack. These are among the first pictures to emerge from inside the mall since the investigation began.

Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s Liberator as Prisoner and President, Dies at 95

Mr. Mandela’s quest for freedom in South Africa’s system of white rule took him from the court of tribal royalty to the liberation underground to a prison cell to the presidency.

The Price of Ivory

Articles and multimedia in this series explore how the surge of poaching in Africa both feeds off and fuels instability on the continent.

TIMELINE: Timeline on Mali

Mali has been in turmoil since 2012, as events there and in Algeria raised the possibility of drawing an increasing number of foreign countries into direct involvement. Below, a timeline of the two crises.

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