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Bush Tells Hannity Why He Refuses to Criticize Obama


Sean Hannity dedicated his entire show Thursday night to an extended interview for former President George W. Bush. At one point, Hannity expressed a little frustration over the fact that Bush is so reluctant to offer up any criticisms of President Barack Obama. “Why did you make that decision?” he asked. “Because I’m sure you have a lot to say.”

“I don’t think it’s good for the country to have a former president undermine a current president,” Bush said diplomatically. “I think it’s bad for the presidency, for that matter.”

Bush admitted that the only reason he agreed to appear on Hannity was to help push sales for his new book, 41: A Portrait of My Father. “I really don’t long for publicity,” he said, remarking that the only ways to get it would be to attack either the Republican Party or President Obama. “So, I’m perfectly content to be out of the limelight.”

Watch video below, via Fox News:

[Photo via screengrab]

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