VIDEO: A 90-Year-Old and Two Clergymen Cited, Face Possible Jail Time, for Feeding the Homeless in Fort Lauderdale UPDATED

Categories: Crime

A 90-Year-Old and Two Reverends Cited for Feeding the Homeless in Fort Lauderdale from Voice Media Group on Vimeo.

UPDATE: Arnold Abbott, the 90-year-old homeless advocate who was originally cited for feeding the homeless in this video, has once again been stopped from feeding the homeless and cited by police.

Original post:

Jeff Weinberger is a longtime advocate for the homeless in South Florida.

What began in Fort Lauderdale nine months ago with the soft if ominous whir of a legislative steamroller starting up turned into a crush of law enforcement today as four local stalwarts of helping those in need were issued summonses by Fort Lauderdale Police for violating a newly enacted ordinance restricting public food sharing throughout the city.

At least four police cruisers and a half dozen uniformed cops were ready and waiting for Love Thy Neighbor -- not exactly the Clanton Gang -- when the group showed up at its spot adjacent to Stranahan Park as it does every Sunday at 1 p.m. in a white van armed with trays of hot food. The group's 90-year-old founder, Arnold Abbot, previously had announced that the new ordinance would not deter him from sharing food as he's done for the past 23 years.

See also: Eight Protesters Arrested for Trying to Meet With City Officials Over Homeless Laws; One Is Hunger-Striking

The police presence.
"Drop that plate right now," was the Fort Lauderdale Police officer's directive to Abbott, as he was doling out food to the fourth person in a line of well over 100 homeless and hungry people queuing on the sidewalk on a cool, sunlit day. Abbott later half-joked that from the way the officer barked his order, he seemed to have mistaken the plate in his hand for a gun.

Abbott had been insistent that none of his crew of about ten helpers put themselves in harm's way and risk arrest as he was doing and called for calm among the visibly angry crowd as he was led from behind a table of food to the side of an FLPD cruiser to receive his summons. While the crowd stayed calm, it was too late to prevent others who already had assisted with the sharing from also being issued citations.

See also: Defiant Activists Will Feed the Homeless in Spite of New Ban, "Middle Fingers Fully Extended"

The Rev. Canon Mark Sims of St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church in Coral Springs, the Rev. Dwayne Black of the Sanctuary Church in Fort Lauderdale, and Irene Smith, one of Love Thy Neighbor's helpers, were each issued a summons. Their court dates will be set in the coming weeks. Violations of the ordinance carry penalties of up to a $500 fine and/or 60 days in jail.

The city had announced at a 'town hall' meeting back in January its plans to introduce ordinances restricting camping, panhandling, food sharing, and other activities that are considered "life sustaining" due to the condition of homeless people, who have to conduct their lives outdoors for the most part. The first of the ordinances, passed in early May, banned leaving personal property in public space for more than 24 hours and strengthened an existing ordinance criminalizing public defecation.


My Voice Nation Help

We need to stop, take a long look at ourselves and make some changes.

This is ridiculous.

If you've seen San Francisco, you can get an idea of why the homeless go there:  good state benefits and never gets below freezing.

Imagine a hungry homeless from Chicago getting on a bus to protest in Ft Lauderdale, falling in love with the winter weather in So. Florida and staying. 

It's going to happen



This story is circulating on Facebook.

The thing is this, the law is UnAmerican, Unchristian and inhuman.  It is just out and out wrong to try to stop us from helping to FEED one another.  Food is the most basic need.  What has happened to us that our government officials adopt a law like this?  What happened to the America where anyone hungry could find a sandwich at someone's back door, and a kind word and maybe a couple of bucks and a little work? 

Moreover, I predict a backfire because of the adoption of this law.  After activists get a hold of this, the homeless and protestors alike will Board buses to Ft. Lauderdale to register their protest and eat shared food.  The Police can't arrest everyone peaceably demonstrating or engaging in civil disobedience by sharing food.  Next,  the law will be overturned and Ft. Lauderdale will wind up with more hungry homeless 60 days from now than they had before the law went into effect.  And boy will they prefer the weather in January in Ft. Lauderdale over the Northeast and the Midwest!

Kevin C.


If I was a cop in Fort Lauderdale I would hang my head in shame and know that the time will come when they will beg for food and none shall be given to them unless they have the mark of the beast who they are so reverently supporting.


If I was a cop in Fort Lauderdale I would hang my head in shame and know that the time will come when they will beg for food and none shall be given to them unless they have the mark of the beast who they are so reverently supporting.

frankd4 topcommenter

.....................he should just change his name to ROTHSTEIN then the cops will escort him with his food to wherever he want to park it


Fort Lauderdale is a disgrace to the USA if it arrests people feeding the homeless. May those who support this kind of elitism find themselves living outside society's good graces.


That's the most horrible thing I've seen. People trying to help other people getting arrested. The Fort Lauderdale Police Department need to start cracking down on thieves, rapists, child porn, murders etc.....  Start doing your job cop's and leave these nice people alone. It's crazy nice people getting arrested while some idiot criminal is probably out there raping someone.


The town is run by people of the Jewish faith. I know because I lived in Florida for over 25 years, in an AMERICAN CITY, Orlando.  N.I.M.B.Y. 's  So if your going to Florida, stay away from that city. It has been a unfriendly city since I can remember, and that goes back to the 70's. If your going to fly in, there are other towns like, Jacksonville, Orlando , Tampa, Fort Myers, Miami. Take a wide path away from this town, Don't sleep here, because the police will be arresting people feeding people, and won't have the time to go after that burglar, going through your car, or room 




The officials that put this law on the books should remember the depression era circa 1929 - 1932 where food lines were commonplace and the food was given freely and with welcome to those that were homeless and in need due to the depression.  What have we become where laws are made not to feed or help the poor.  Fort Lauderdale seems to me a  town of heartless, unforgiving bunch of politically correct SNOBS!  SHAME ON YOU!  Prosecuting a 90 year old Veteran for helping his fellow Americans as he did in service to this country.  Seems he is still in service to his fellow Americans more than the government of Fort Lauderdale!


wow smh ! Who wrote this law is the question? They need to be singled out to answer to the public! 


Just up the block is a great Sushi restaurant-- and an Ed Hardy store that sells t-shirts for $500 dollars! 


I think there needs to be a movement to boycott vacationing and travel to Fort Lauderdale.  This is just insane. There needs to be some new officials in that town.


This confirms the concept that people fear the unknown, and clearly, basic human decency is completely unknown for people in charge of that city, but they need to know the consequences of harassing a 90-year old war hero for doing something they're too sleazy and stupid to bother with: being useful. I'm also sure trimming their salaries would create programs that would get many of the needy into jobs and homes, and out of the streets permanently. The extra money could even be used to help the ones who can't be financially independent. 

Tell it like it is: 

Mayor John Seiler 

TEL: 954-828-5003 



And I'll bet you anything those same police officers will go to church on Sunday and pretend to be followers of Jesus. Now what was that the Lord said about what we do for the least of them? I can hear those officers and those who support that rule now - "Barabbas! Barabbas! Free Barabbas!"


You can't blame the police for following the law...........Um, oh yes you can....The asshat that pushed this law through and the cops for following a tyrannical law should be relieved of duty. Really guys? Really? Feeding homeless people? WTF? Hope you all don't get down on your luck one day.... "And the meek shall inherit the Earth" The last will be first!


I am so tempted to move to Ft Lauderdale and run for Mayor and change that freaking the Bible you idiots, if you stop them from feeding them, then you will surely suffer the wraith of are to feed your neighbors when they are hungry, give them the shirt off your back if they are cold...paraphrasing but you get the idea!!!!

Shame on you Ft. jail a 90 year old for doing what in his time was always right to do, you should all burn in hell!!!!


Time to sing Lee Greenwood anyone?  Anyone?  *listens to crickets chirp*


This is creepy.  The idea that people can even make jokes about this. Mankind has become so disconnected from each other, so distant, so self absorbed, that we see little or no comments that are compassionate, concerned, these type of police scare me.  No heart at all in them.  not even human any more.

Dino MacabreEnt
Dino MacabreEnt

Was it the cop who Raped the woman or the Cop protecting the crack dealers for money.?


Who wants to organize a feed the homeless day?? I'm down.. Let me know.. And to be fair lets feed FLPD too..


Who wants to organize a feed the homeless day.. I'm down for it.. Let me know.. To be fair FLPD can feel free to eat too..


Who wants to organize a feed the homeless day?? I'm down.. Let me know.. And to be fair lets feed FLPD too..


Who wants to organize a feed the homeless day?? I'm down.. Let me know.. And to be fair lets feed FLPD too..


Who wants to organize a feed the homeless day.. I'm down for it.. Let me know.. To be fair FLPD can feel free to eat too..


Supreme Court case?   How can it be constitutional (let alone moral) to ban giving food to someone?  

Ft Laud going about it all the wrong way.   Fix the base problem, don't ban dealing with a symptom.

Dan K. Alexander
Dan K. Alexander

No jury will convict. Jury nullification is an ideal way to stop such a horrible law from being enforced. If anyone from that church reads this, I will get arrested to help feed homeless people. Contact me.


odd that reverend simms doesn't just conduct these homeless food giveaways from out of his church in coral springs, or that mr. abbott doesn't just feed the homeless from his home off mcnabb rd. i guess maybe they don't want this army of vagrants setting up permanent camp right outside their front door. 


@fedupwithfools  Stop blaming the Jewish people. I lived in Ft Lauderdale for over 20 years. The politicians just don't want their precious tourists to see a soup kitchen on the streets of the city.


@redone5288 Those of us who live here are just as pissed off at this as you are - quit throwing us under the bus with the City Manager and his brood.


How about the cops abusing SNAP Benefits in Lansing, MI?


@MidniteMike  im in, lets organize, I have a list of contacts and ready to work email me


@MidniteMike  you can always give them 5 dollar subway gift cards and they can then legally use the restroom as well.


Im in, lets organize, I have a list of contacts and ready to work email me


@anon what's odd is the way you attack people that post. You don't live here or there, who cares? The problem lays in a stupid law to try and keep the homeless out of their sterilized  Jewish town. I'll bet that at least half of those homeless people are former vets. you know, the ones that went to war for your ass's, and that monkey you voted for, cut funds for those vets. Bring a vet home, bathe them and feed them. Talk to them. Do what Jesus would do. Or are you all hypocrites in that town?  I've read this thread to the end and this jackass sounds more like a government troll. Hey anon, are you a troll? If not, give us your address, and we'll bring some to your house, to feed


you simply have no heart and no must be a very lonely soul that is why you know not of compassion. you poor'll die sad and miserable...


Rev Sims does also feed in pompano which is where the homeless  congregate. FYI The homeless stay in the city because at night its empty because people go to the suburbs to sleep. The city jail is in the center of the city and where hungry broke  people exit. If you do not feed them then you will find crime will increase as desperate people will do desperate things.  Starving them is not a well thought out idea. Manny of the elderly, mentally challenged and those with physical problems also like the city because of the bus system and clinics and county hospital services. This is the same for all big cities and most deal with the situation by providing adequate shelter where people can shower and eat.

Fort Lauderdale with all its tourism dollars has no such place. so compassionate people feed them at no cost to the city.  The city needs to provide bathrooms but they are neglectful in that area as well but then they give tickets if someone relieves themselves in public. This further exasperates the problem by adding a criminal record to an already desperate persons plight. Again not very well thought our by city officials. Many civilized cities in the world provide such services and the homeless do not look homeless. Starving people, giving them no place to sleep and shower and eat and relieve themselves and confiscating the only belongings they have will only make the homeless problem increase and cost the taxpayers money as the revolving door of jail occurs. we need elected officials that actually have plans to deal with problems rather than try to sweep them away to the suburbs or other cities. If the city was smart they would use the resources and passion of groups that want to help for free and they would solve the problem rather then spend money in court and on jails.


@frankpontillo "the homeless stay in the city because at night its empty..." said the man who clearly does not live downtown and quite possibly has not set foot downtown after dark since the clinton administration.

frank, it is impressive that even though you live 30 minutes away in sunrise, you still deem yourself qualified to lecture the residents of downtown, who actually have to deal with this army of vagrants camped outside their residence on a daily basis, about a homeless problem that does not exist in your neighborhood. 

the reason stranahan park has 35 vagrants per square foot is because stranahan park is where the good reverend and others come to feed them each weekend. if the good reverend cares so deeply for these lost souls, he is certainly free to feed them at his church in coral springs. one by one, these poor unfortunate creatures will make their way out west to coral springs and set up camp outside the good reverend's church awaiting to be fed... which is exactly why the good reverend comes all the way out east to downtown fort lauderdale instead. 


@anon Read above. The Rev. does feed out of his church. Do you know that most of these homeless are vets? This is because that phony person that you voted for president, cut a lot of funds for vets. more empty homes, than homeless vets. Evan some that fought for you, to write your useless tripe. Feed the vets, and homeless. In fact bring a homeless person to your home, and clean them, feed them, that's what Jesus would do. certainly the great upstanding people there will make this law, go into the round circular file, and get a building that the 2 Revs can use. And they go to church, like pious people, more like hypocrites .What will these people that live there, tell Jesus when you try to get in heaven, and St. Pete asks you why your town wouldn't allow people to feed people? 


@anon  I Pastor out of a church in Fort Lauderdale and a good number of the flock live there so I do spend a lot of time there. In fact last night I was there ministering to some folks who were sleeping behind a building that is busy during the day but empty at night because the people who work there were sleeping at home in the suburbs. Many homeless have jobs in Fort Lauderdale and some even cook your food at local eating establishments. Many of the elderly and those with mental problems like to be near the clinics and hospital system which is located there in the city. Many are there because the jail deposits them there and they have no money to get out because pan handling is illegal. If the city was smart they would give them a place to hang out instead of the park. a place where they could shower, eat go to the bathroom ect. You know basic living so they would not look like Zombies roaming around. If they had a place to go the people who feed them would go there. If the city was smart they would tap into the free resources ministries provide instead of fining them and jailing them. The city will find that trying to starve them will not work and will only cost the taxpayer more money as police will become a taxi service for the revolving door of the county jail. Real criminals will be free to steal, deal drugs ect because the police will be tied up arresting 90 year olds and Pastors who are feeding people.  City officials will learn that their policies have failed because they have failed everywhere it has been tried--but only after spending your money. Several cities have actually reduced the homeless population and it would be wise to study those alternatives if you really want to solve the problem. However if you just distain and  hate these folks well then I guess staving them will serve your purpose of punishing them for ruining your scenery.


@frankpontillo so, to clarify, you do not actually live downtown? 

i do not disdain the homeless. if you wish to conduct a weekly homeless food giveaway wherever it is that you live (which i believe we have now firmly established is somewhere other than downtown), i strongly encourage you to do so. i will gladly make a donation to your cause. 

however, i do not believe it would be appropriate for me to come to wherever it is that you live, which again we have established is not downtown, and begin rallying the homeless from all over broward county to come set up permanent camp across the street from your home where your family resides, so that i can feed them for an hour and then drive away leaving you to deal with this army of vagrants while i drive 30 minutes away back to where i live where the homeless population is now virtually nil because they are all camped outside your house. i believe that would be inappropriate, but that's just me. 


@frankpontillo is that a long-winded way of saying that i am correct and you do not actually live downtown? please donate my $100 winnings to the charity of your choice.


@AimeeLynn i'll bet you $100 that not a single one of these commentors actually lives downtown where this is taking place. deal?


@anon @frankpontillo  I agree it would be better for them to have a place to go other than a public sidewalk near your house, however I know of no such homes near Stranahan Park but that is the only place the city has for them because that is where the public library is. Talk to you city  officials and ask them why they do not have a place for them to go. All they need is a building or help churches expand their facilities and they will be off the streets and inside and when they do go out they will be shaven and well fed and will blend in to your landscape. Problem is with your officials way of dealing with them as sub-humans and then complaining because they look bad or a few mentally ill folk  rummage through your trash. By the way if you stop feeding them more than just the mentally ill will be rummaging through your trash.  I just take care of them because as a Pastor that is the job God gave me. If the city did their job I could concentrate on other issues but they do not so I am forced to step in due to the oppressive system your officials set up.


@anon @frankpontillo That isn't the point Mr. Anonymous. I don't live in Fort Lauderdale. However, I do know that every city in America has issues with homelessness. I do have a homeless problem in my neighborhood. However, we have shelters and besides standing the street corner begging for money they look like ordinary people. I don't like when they bother me by asking me for money that I don't have. Doesn't mean I wouldn't like to help them some how, but starving them isn't going help anyone. I agree with what the good pastor is saying. 

There are many reasons why people become homeless. Maybe instead of being heartless and cruel person you should try to affect a positive change for these people. What that is I will leave up to you. Couple suggestions would be to talk to your council about shelters or even basic human decency. In their core no one wants to be homeless. 

I hope you never have to learn the horrors of being homeless directly or indirectly. 


@anon @AimeeLynn I live downtown. And I wrote the article. I'd like a piece of that Benjamin to take some homeless folk out to dinner. Join me, AimeeLynn?


@redwein @AimeeLynn nice try jeff. parc court, west of pine island, doesn't exactly constitute "downtown" fort lauderdale. in fact, it does not even constitute fort lauderdale at all. please feel free to organize as many homeless food donations as you like, out west in plantation where you live. i will gladly donate food and money to this very noble and worthy cause.


@redwein @AimeeLynn nice try jeff. parc court, west of pine island, doesn't exactly constitute "downtown" fort lauderdale. in fact, it does not even constitute fort lauderdale at all. please feel free to organize as many homeless food donations as you like, out west in plantation where you live. i will gladly donate food and money to this very noble and worthy cause. 

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