Illegal Pete's, Colorado Burrito Chain, To Keep its Illegal Name Despite Protests by Chicano Activists

Categories: Mexi Meals

Latest Illegal Pete's logo...

Over in Colorado, there's been a big brouhaha over a burrito chain called Illegal Pete's trying to open an outpost in Fort Collins. Activists there tried to get the owner to change the name, arguing "Illegal" is offensive to Mexicans, arguing it's as offensive as "Redskins" and "Marco Rubio"; the story got picked up by conservative outlets, leading to all sorts of nastiness. The owner, to his credit, listened to the activists and gave his side of the story.

Then, when it was all over, he kept the name.

The move wasn't exactly surprising. Illegal Pete's has been selling burritos in Colorado for 19 years, starting in Boulder and moving on to Denver, part of the city's bizarre embrace of San Francisco's Mission-style burritos (as evidenced by the success of the Chipotle and Qdoba chains, both of which started in the Mile High City) at the expense of Den-Mex's smothered-burrito and breakfast burrito traditions. I ate once at Illegal Pete's (I'm a Chubbys and Santiago's man myself) and remember being struck by its name, but not disturbed; I just figured it was a callback to some frontier days-heritage bullshit that the Rocky Mountains region is still fond of.

In a recent post, owner Pete Turner explained the history of the Illegal Pete's name, even bringing back old logos and marketing campaigns that showed he always leaned more on Sex Pistols and AC/DC iconography for his restaurant instead of Mexican anything. It's still not good enough for activists, who vow to take the campaign to Tucson, where Turner plans to open his next Illegal Pete's. While I sympathize with activists, I still say the bigger scandal is a Colorado guy spreading the gospel of Mission burritos instead of Colorado burritos--refry that.

Email: Twitter: @gustavoarellano.

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My Voice Nation Help
Ramiro de la Herrán
Ramiro de la Herrán

It refers to Pete, who is not illegal, but might have done something illegal! \U0001f61c

Edward Reyna
Edward Reyna

Good for them, free enterprise, all day.

Gc Rivera
Gc Rivera

Christine Lopez Ediss Pak King Maria Zamudio Victoria Tindoc Carmela Tanchauco-Banuelos

Marcia Coro
Marcia Coro

I think...let it go! They've been part of the community in Colorado for so many years it's a fun place to hang out.

Marie Dixon
Marie Dixon

Just don't buy their product. Best way to let your voice be heard.

Kimberly Grani
Kimberly Grani

Not racist. It's not "Illegal Juan's" or "Illegal Pedro's." The owner's name is Pete and he's White. He named the restaurant from a piece of literature. I don't believe the "Illegal" in "Illegal Pete's" refers to immigrants, legal or otherwise.

fishwithoutbicycle topcommenter

Perhaps if Illegal Pete's specialized in hamburgers and not burritos it wouldn't be an issue?

gregbpc topcommenter

But, but, not illegals are Mexicans, so why is it only Mexicans getting pissed off?

Minhpd AnNam Mít
Minhpd AnNam Mít

Blahz. A Korean guy sells sweet tacos to Los angelinos & da world. Take that!

Jairo Ramirez
Jairo Ramirez

Que no mamen. Chicanos always get offended because they don't want to get related to mexicans. I was born and raised in Mexico and don't see the problem with this. Specially since it's Pete not pedro

Olivia Ponce
Olivia Ponce

Exactly! I have a friend that gets fired up if you call him mexican and he is embarrassed of his parents bcus they don't speak english. I mean he gets mad and will.say he is no wetback he is chicano! Smh.

TheresanRudy Guzman-Duenaz
TheresanRudy Guzman-Duenaz

I'm with you...I'm U.S born but Mexican born old school Dad refused to let us set ourselves apart from him and my.mother..he would say look your a U.S citizens but your race and your culture will always be Mexican so if anyone ever asks you what are you you tell them your Mexican..and if they ask for your papers you tell them unless they are an immigration official it's non of their pinche business!

Rick Villagrana
Rick Villagrana

Lmao my white buddy said he's gonna go after cracker barrel for their name .... No mames

Olivia Ponce
Olivia Ponce

And why are Chicano activists getting fired up anyways? They don't even associate themselves with Mexican. I know plenty if chicanos that get offended if you call them mexican or latino/hispano. Some can't stand illegals that come fom the country there mother/father ancestors are from.


Mission? Den-Mex? California? WTF?? No matter where I've been I just say "burrito" and I get pretty much get what I expected when I ordered. And I've been to all the citys and states mentioned, and ate mexican food at them all, Nothing and I do mean nothing differentiated them from anywhere else other than calling them good or bad. None of the regional aspect stood out. so I just see it as more self important poser/hipster bullshit to be ignored (and like Chipotle avoided) in my quest for natures perfect food, the Burrito. Not the Den-Mex not the Mission and not the California! JUST GIVE ME A DAMN BURRITO!!

JBinOC topcommenter

I can't be the only one who got the Marco Rubio joke.  LOL


Figures that reconquistards would be outraged.  Most of them probably weren't even a twinkle in their uncle's eye when the business was started.

The menu for this place is a little problematic and thats what the razzle should be protesting.  "Pork Carnitas"?  What would I expect?  "Tofu Carnitas"?  

And whats with all the potatoes in burritos?  California burritos (with french fries inside) are bad enough.  Don't let this trend spread.  Potatoes belong al otro lado.


I think "Undocumented Pete's" would be more offensive, no?! Interesting how only Mexicans are offended by the term "illegal"

fishingblues topcommenter

Who gives a shit what "activists", chicano or otherwise, have to say.  All they do is bitch, moan and whine.

Mayra Rodriguez
Mayra Rodriguez

I can't believe they wasted their time on this issue. Why not put their energy into serious matters. Immigration reform for example.

Lynn Maners
Lynn Maners

"Undocumented Pete's" just doesn't sound as good...

Matt Munoz
Matt Munoz

'Illegal Pito's' would have been funny, up there with Dumb Starbucks and other wacky gringo inventions.

Robin Resendez
Robin Resendez

My nickname when I was a boy was'm American of Mexican descent...

Mayra Rodriguez
Mayra Rodriguez

I don't see anything wrong with the name. By protesting the name you are associating the word illegal with Latinos. I choose not own the negative connotation.

Jaime Santillan
Jaime Santillan

Go find something better to do already. I'm sick and tired of all the political correctness bull crap. This is what keeps dividing our country. We should all get along man.

Adiel Hernandez
Adiel Hernandez

What does it refer to ? Illegal Pete is based of a western outlaw isn't it ?

Rick Villagrana
Rick Villagrana

It's in ft Collins Colorado I had a chance to visit this place gotta say it was pretty damn good

Rick Villagrana
Rick Villagrana

Funny how Latinos cry about being called illegal yet a restaurant has the name and Latinos quickly associate the name to them selves the name could very well mean that Pete is up to illegal activity and therefore have nothing synonymous with people crossing the border chale

Chris Leon
Chris Leon

I read somewhere that they were going to open a Ginny Spagetti House and a Sambos in the same shopping center. Maybe a Chinks Chinese Food will be next.

gregbpc topcommenter

Remember "Sambo's" restaurants?  

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@fishingblues ... it was you getting pwned again, in public, like the lowlife loser that you are.


fishingblues topcommenter

@fishwithoutbicycle @fishingblues @DonkeyHotay

Stinky the donkey boy thought he was the baddest ass around until I came along and put him in his place (and continue to keep him there).  

You really don't want me to leave him alone. It would get ugly in a hurry.   

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