The 10 Goriest Album Covers

Categories: Metal

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One of the best parts about buying a physical album (if you still do that sort of thing) is the album cover art. And if you're a metalhead or crusty punker, the more brutal and bloody it is, the better. After all, metal and punk have never been about bowing down to political correctness or normal standards of decency. In honor of the countless examples of extreme album art that make you look twice, cringe or shake your head in horror and disgust, we now present our picks for the 10 Goriest Album Covers.

See also: The 10 Most Satanic Metal Bands


10. Feed Us a Fetus by Dayglo Abortions (1986)
This is the second album by these obnoxious punk rock societal rejects from Canada. Since the early '80s, this band has been shoveling out a thrashy brand of punk that has been freaking out parents and religious leaders for decades. This album, although artistic in nature, depicts late President Ronald Regan and first Lady Nancy Regan together smiling; below them is a roasted, bloody human fetus covered in candy, served on a platter. 


9.Blood Guts and Pussy by the Dwarves (1990)
 This was the third album, released by the Dwarves, and offered aggressive yet catchy, shock rock-infused hardcore. Think Minor Threat, and Fear mixed with the in your face attitude of Motorhead. The Dwarves were lead by singer Blag Dahlia, who was great at conveying angst, abuse lust, sexuality and abandon in the lyrics and songs.  The band was, and still is fast abrasive and this line up matched the band's image and tactics. The album's image of two beautiful naked women, and one midget, all completely splattered in blood was definitely a hit with feminists too, as you can imagine.


My Voice Nation Help

Mayhems "Dawn of the black hearts" is actually not an Official release, it´s a Bootleg..

If you seek the goriest album covers of all time I have to wonder where the original covers to the two first LP´s by Carcass are??
Both "Reek Of Putrefaction" and "Symphonies Of Sickness" are filled with REAL pictures, no cartoon bullshit there..


Dayglo Abortions, no "w".


butchered at birth and torture by cannibal corpse


Seriously? Cradle of Filth has a gorier cover than Exhumed or Municipal Waste? To quote my WW, "Wipe this down!!!"


The fact that Big Black's HEADACHE ep is not on here makes this list invalid.


No Necrobios? Devourment? Impaled's Last Gasp album cover? Hell you hardly touched brutal death metal, let alone Pornogrind. Those covers make these look like church, except Mayhem, that is for real brutal.

tongue_twister_for_t topcommenter

That is a real picture on the cover of that Mayhem album, I hear that that was the pic of the singer for the band Dissection after he committed suicide. I have that bands 3 cd's, The Somberlain is EXCELLENT. 

tongue_twister_for_t topcommenter

And you posted the same picture twice and forgot about Impaled Nazarene, a very anti-Christian take.

Billy Frame
Billy Frame

You want Gorie. Watch the Cambodia News.

Joel Orozco
Joel Orozco

What!? No butchered at birth!? The Mayhem album takes the cake... Because it's real. Sick people!

Will Eudave
Will Eudave

dino that dude is awesome we opened up for his other band asesino at the whiskey when i was a young pup lol

Paz Uzu
Paz Uzu

Album covers for a band called Brujeria are worse. Actual crime scene photos of some pretty horrific shit. My ex used to know the guitar player and had a couple of their records.


No Pungent Stench?  No Brujeria?  Bah!


NYC Unsane have some brutal album cover artwork as well.


NYC Unsane have some brutal album art as well.


Whoop. Mayhem's Dawn of the Black Hearts won. I can die in peace now, no pun intended....


where is disgorge forensick?


the most brutal cover I've ever seen is DISGORGE "FORENSICK"


I'm not saying it belongs on this list, but Meat Shits - Ecstasy Of Death is a brutal kick ass cover. One of my favorites, and it's a badass Grindcore album. Lots of badass samples.

Chris Roth
Chris Roth

You forgot Carcass they have one early one with photos of butchery

Will Eudave
Will Eudave

*Interesting Cattle Decap fact: The censored version of Humanure is actually the smallest run compact disc the band has ever done totaling under 2,000 units!*

Chris J Caroselli
Chris J Caroselli

Forget it, your music staff ruined its credibility by leaving GWAR out of the mention for concerts to see this week.

GustavoArellano moderator editortopcommenter

Awesome list, but lemme be the first person to complain: Where's Brujeria's album featuring a decapitated head? I'm going to write a letter to the editor to register my complaint...


@KevaRosenberg When I saw the title Headache was my first thought and I've yet to see anything better/worse.


@Chris J Caroselli Grab a tissue and wait for our write up on the show. GWAR doesn't need our help plugging shit.

tongue_twister_for_t topcommenter

@GustavoArellano That's hilarious, you are the editor, you're gonna write a complaint to yourself?


@GustavoArellano  I agree, and regret  leaving out that Brujeria album cover! But, still,  thanks for checking out my list!!! I left out quite a few others, at the risk of truly offending some people.  But, still I think this was a good compilation.

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