VIDEO: Republican Climate Change Denial Montage, 2014
This video is a mixture of painfully-awkward, hilarious, and infuriating at the reality of the political system in which we are supposedly represented. Read more...
High Gas Prices: Blame Obama. Lower Prices? Don't Thank Him
Horrible signs attributing higher fuel prices to President Obama made advertisers tons of money. What happens when prices fall? **crickets** Read more...
'Without Me, Humans Could Not Exist. But You Treat Me Like Dirt'
Nature doesn’t need people, people need nature.
Fracking Company Teams Up With Susan G. Komen To ‘End Breast Cancer Forever’
Susan G. Komen hands out pink ribbons for breast cancer awareness, and Baker Hughes fracks. So, there you have it: a pink, fracking, drill head. Read more...
Shocking New Study Finds Oceans Getting Hotter Much Faster Than Anybody Realized
Yet some conservatives still insist there hasn't been any global warming in the last 16 years. Read more...

ALEC CEO Lisa Nelson Doesn't Know ALEC's Climate Change Position
One week after updating its position on climate change, ALEC's new CEO Lisa B. Nelson told Diane Rehm that ALEC doesn't comment on climate change. Read more...
Greenland Ice Sheet Less Stable Than Believed
A new study from a team of British and American scientists has found that the ice sheet may be melting faster than previously thought. Read more...
White Supremacist Group Blames 'Illegals' For California Drought
Vdare, a vehemently white supremacist group of purists found a better way to assign blame for California's desperate water emergency. Blame the 'illegals'! Also? Man-made climate change is still a hoax. Read more...
Energy Companies Propose Ambitious $8 Billion Green Energy Initiative For L.A.
The project, primarily powered by wind energy, would be the first of its kind in the United States. Read more...
2014 Arctic Sea Ice Sixth Lowest On Record
Despite climate science deniers' claims, Arctic sea ice coverage continued its below-average trend this year as the ice declined to its annual minimum on Sept. 17. Read more...
Washington Times Conservatives Make Up Climate Change Facts
The world's leaders should give President Obama "polite applause," but we all know that over reactive Democratic Socialist in the White House is just trying to ruin the economy. Read more...
New Research Predicts 2014 CO2 Emissions In Excess Of 40 Billion Tons
Future CO2 emissions cannot exceed 1,200 billion tons for a likely 66 percent chance of keeping average global warming under 2 degrees Celsius, the researchers said. Read more...
Coal Lobbyist Spanked By Federal Judge In Motion To Dismiss
"Mr. Holmstead’s legal opinions are irrelevant, speculative, and inadmissible," said a federal judge in dismissal of Jeffrey Holmstead as an expert witness. Read more...
In Today's Unusual Weather Event, Arizona Gets Flash Floods For Rush Hour
In other news, Al Gore is still fat!
Professor Mackey cautions that human activities such as industrial logging, mining and agriculture pose a grave threat to these forest lands, especially those located outside of protected areas. Read more...