It's Bill O'Reilly's 'War On Christmas' Season Again!
Bill O'Reilly kicked off his annual War on Christmas by declaring that Muslims, who requested to have their holidays celebrated too in Maryland, fired the first salvo. Read more...
More Fox Hype: Oh Noes, The ACA Premiums Going Are Going Up! Well, Not So Much.
Because they never did that before the Affordable Care Act, right? Read more...
Jon Stewart Takes On 'PointerGate' And Gives Minneapolis Cops The Finger
The much ridiculed 'PointerGate' stupidity from KTSP in Minneapolis got the 'Daily Show' treatment last night, with Jon Stewart eventually pointing the finger at the real culprits and their willing dupes in the local media. Read more...
Conservatives Freak Out On Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen was heavily criticized by the conservarazzi for singing an anti-draft song by CCR at HBO's concert supporting our veterans. Read more...
Glenn Beck Announces He Has Brain Problems
"Glenn Beck has a mysterious illness that explains his past craziness, says Glenn Beck..." Read more...

Neil Cavuto Compares Rand Paul To Chris Christie Over His Swipe At Hillary's Age
Not to mention, an indirect swat at St. Ronald Reagan! Read more...
Fox News Supports Federal Funding To Help With Immigrant Influx
The side of the aisle obsessed with state's rights now wants the federal government to intervene with public schools. Didn't they want to get rid of the Department of Education? Read more...
Wingnut Yakker: Obama Is Gay Married To A Muslim Man
Join us for another episode of Conservative Closet Cases On Parade. In this episode, they fantasize that Obama is what they so obviously want to be. Read more...
Chuck Todd Needs A Zombie Exorcism
As Chuck battles his inner demons of love-hate with President Obama, the rest of us are subjected to ridiculous zombie lies. Read more...
Ben Stein Dons White Hood, Blasts 'Pathetic, Self-Defeating Black Underclass'
Stein doesn't bother to explain how one of those members of his so-called black underclass became President of the United States. Read more...
Daniel Tosh Completely Destroys America's #1 Sports Network: 'ESPN Loves Killing Kids.'
In a tremendous rant, comedian Daniel Tosh obliterates the sports network ESPN, Sportscenter, their hosts and the profits they make off the NFL and college athletes Read more...
Hannity's Ratings Must Be Suffering, So He Tore Into Jon Stewart
Hannity's money quote involves heads up asses and President Obama. Read more...
Colbert Destroys Fox Pundits For Feigned Outrage Over Obama's Visit To China
Joe Scarborough Attacks Obama For 'Weak' Response To ISIS
Joe Scarborough continues to attack President Obama for not cleaning up George W. Bush's mess in the Middle East quickly enough to suit him. Read more...
Maddow Hammers Conservative Media: 'They Just Make Stuff Up'
Rachel Maddow went after conservative media for creating an alternate universe for right wing lies to live. Read more...