The 10 Best Band Names In St. Louis

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Fister, definitely appearing on this list.
Coming up with a good name for your band is crucial. A rose by any other name may smell as sweet, but it's hard to imagine Coldplay becoming the vanilla-rock powerhouse it is today as Pectoralz. That said, if one of the world's most famous bands started out with a name that godawful, then there's hope for us all, right?

While the rest of us are still scratching our heads and naming our bands after misspelled foods, these ten St. Louis acts have succeeded in crafting memorable monikers that are well suited to their musical endeavors.


Adult Fur

Sometimes, when you put two words together, magic happens. Such is the case with the delightfully vague title of Ryan McNeely's difficult-to-classify project, Adult Fur. Both conjuring up images of André Breton's iconic Breakfast in Fur and suggesting the physiological changes that accompany puberty, Adult Fur's textural moniker is a perfect name for McNeely's music, which emphasizes the interplay of distinctive aesthetic textures.

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Ou Où

Named after a set of sometimes-confusing French homophones, Ou Où (pronounced like "boo-hoo" without the initial consonants) is a near-perfect name for the particular brand of ambient electronic music the duo -- composed of Travis Bursik and Patrick Weston -- produce. The soft vowel sounds and lack of harsh consonants in the moniker "Ou Où" perfectly echo the soothing sustain of the band's music, and the name's lack of discernible meaning leaves the listener's imagination free to make what it will of the hypnotizing sounds Ou Où creates.

Theo Welling

Bug Chaser

Mixing the nastiest of classic-rock riffage with sticky psychedelia and spacey electronics, Bug Chaser's sound and live show are an exuberant celebration of weirdness. Blending that same zaniness with a big dose of rock & roll self-destructiveness, the name of the eight-piece band refers to one who seeks out HIV-positive sex partners with the goal of contracting the disease. Weird, indeed.

Continue to page two for more.


My Voice Nation Help
This is our Dance
This is our Dance

This is our Dance, the Former Me and Scouts Honour are all pretty sweet


Please add my copyright info to the FISTER image please! 

Sarah Wortman
Sarah Wortman

Hey, Danny Blaies where's Brother Lee & the Leather Jackals on this list, eh? :P

John Becks
John Becks

Anthony, not sure what the middle L name is, and Ingracia. Tony's the hardest working musician is St. Louis!

John Loness
John Loness

I know the band but what does it stand for?


Bastard and the Crows!


What about the "Funky Butt Brass Band"? The are an Stl Fav!

Jennifer Moser
Jennifer Moser

Its a toss up between Ass Goblin and Witch Titts\U0001f603\U0001f603\U0001f604

Aliya Waldman
Aliya Waldman

Kinda sad Dots Not Feathers didn't make this list!

Samuel Thomas
Samuel Thomas

I don't know how "Brother Lee and the Leather Jackals" didn't make this list.

Joe Copley
Joe Copley

Shitstorm. The band is better than their name would imply.

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