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Organizing for Action: We’re the people who don’t just support progressive change—we’re fighting for it.


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President Obama: "Will you commit to finish what you started with OFA?"

"Two years: That's all the time I have left as your president.

I know what I'm going to be fighting for until I leave this office.

And the work you do now with OFA -- whatever it is that you choose to fight for -- will define what we can achieve together in that time."

The President's message to OFA:

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Oneida Rodriguez

2014 OFA Spring Fellow

Oneida Rodriguez wanted to get more involved in the progressive issues she cared about: women's issues and immigration reform.

Do you like the internet? Sign this petition

What President Obama did yesterday is a big deal for anyone who uses the internet. (Hi!)

The concept of a free and open internet has been part of the whole deal from the beginning.

He's urging the Federal Communications Commission to protect net neutrality—the principle that all web traffic should be treated the same, and not controlled by providers.

If you think a free and open internet is a good thing, sign our petition to tell the FCC you stand with President Obama's plan to protect net neutrality.

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When it comes to my health, I don't like to take any chances. Once I became a full-time graduate student, I had to go part-time at my job, and as a result, I got dropped from my insurance plan.