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[ - ] Reporting for the daytime crowd: Looking for some advice. DS just started at a new school for Jr-K, entered a class where most of the kids have been together for past 3 years. So far, seems to be doing great, teachers say he is making friends and fits right in. To help him fit in, I have made a real effort to schedule playdates with kids in class, have had probably 5-6 class mates over by now (drop off, no parents). Seemed to go well, everyone had fun and some of the kids have even asked at pickup "when can we come play again." Problem is none of the other moms have reached out to us to schedule a return play date. I don't mind hosting over and over (actually, I enjoy it), but I don't want to seem overeager and annoying if I keep initiating. I don't *think* it's an issue with their kids not liking mine since all seems fine - more likely a combo of those moms already know each other and have their "go-to" playmates + many of the moms seem to WOH (as do I) and are busy. Thoughts? I'm happy to swallow my own pride and keep being the one to ask if it's good for DS, but don't want to be "that mom." 2 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:05 PM Flag
Is this your first (and or only) child? Many of us with 2+ who also work FT etc have lost bandwidth for this stuff. Honest reply. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:05 PM Flag
I think you are worrying too much about it. DS is making friends and fitting in. That's great! It doesn't really matter who the other dcs are having playdates with. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:08 PM Flag
[ - ] What was your pp weight/ height, how much weight did you gain, and how much of it did you ultimately lose? Someone tell me that I'll look normal again one day, please! :) 15 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:01 PM Flag
If you are careful and have restraint you will be fine. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:03 PM Flag
OP: It's a bit late to make any changes now. I have tried and am generally very healthy, but still feel like I've gained a lot. I just wonder if others have had similar experiences and lost the weight. I also wonder what typical is. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:03 PM Flag
How much have you gained? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:06 PM Flag
OP: I'm 36 weeks and have gained almost 40 pounds. Was about 120 before pregnancy. Have been eating healthily but the pounds continue to pile on. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:05 PM Flag
Was 185 just before delivery, now 122. Gained 65 pounds during second pregnancy. No real exercise other than walking, occasional bike ride and breastfeeding forever. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:02 PM Flag
Everyone I know who kept their looks a priority, kept their shape. I watched what I ate, moved around, breastfed, and lost all my pregnancy weight by a few months after weaning, but gained much of it back over the next 5 years of stress eating. No baby this time, just weight. Let this be a cautionary tale! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:05 PM Flag
Started out 130. Gained 30. Lost it all with no real effort. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:05 PM Flag
Gained 35. Lost it all in about 3 months. Only workout walking and carrying DB. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:07 PM Flag
Gained 35. Lost it all in about 3 months. Only workout walking and carrying DB. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:07 PM Flag
150 before pregnancy 192 day of delivery. 149 ,1 week postpartum. I threw up the whole pregnancy and had extreme edema. Pretty much all the weight I gained besides dd was retained water. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:05 PM Flag
I went from 140 to 240 by delivery. Lost it all the first time, then went back to 242, 243, and 242. I lost less each time afterwards and eventually settled at 220-240 where I have been for 13 years. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:07 PM Flag
Gained 15 pounds the first time, and 10 pounds the second. Back below pp weight within a couple of weeks. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:07 PM Flag
You must have been huge before hand? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:09 PM Flag
I gained 22 pounds with my first, lost it all within 1 year, and then 25 pounds with my second. I still have an extra 5 pounds after the second one from my pre-first-pregnancy weight. Started at 128, two kids later, 133. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:10 PM Flag
pp-116 lbs; gained 22 lbs. Now: 113 lbs. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:08 PM Flag
[ - ] Looking for advice on 4 year old behavior. In the past couple of weeks, my 4 year old daughter has been acting out a ton - stomping feet, NOs, name calling, defiant behavior. The only discipline that seems to work is taking away her comfort items (is this horrible of me??). Looking for a more positive approach and any advice. Thanks in advance. (reposting from last night) 1 Reply [ Reply | Watch | More ]
Preschool/Kids 11.13.14, 08:00 PM Flag
We keep nothing in 4, 5, & 7yo DCs' bedroom except their beds, a night table with a lamp, and their clothes & extra sheets in their dresser & closet. When they misbehave, they are sent to their room for an appropriate amount of time, and there is *nothing* to do in there, so even 15 minutes feels like an eternity to them. They calm down & apologize every time. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:02 PM Flag
[ - ] What do you think about women who constantly post pictures of themselves on Facebook or partying all the time? Smoke and mirrors? 2 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:00 PM Flag
Depends on the age of the woman. I'm in my 30s and I only post photos from the assorts galas and cocktail parties I go to. Because I'm dressed up and look nice! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:07 PM Flag
I think a lot of it is. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:08 PM Flag
[ - ] once breastmilk has been warmed up to give to db, it can't be re-refrigerated, right? i was able to go home during lunch break and wanted to nurse db myself, but nanny had already warmed up the bottle as db slept and is ready for him to take when he wakes up.... i guess i could feed him bottle and go back to office to pump... ugh. 3 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:54 PM Flag
No, you can't, sorry!! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:55 PM Flag
Call it a loss and nurse him anyway, however if he will have it in the next 4-6 hrs leave it on the counter and he can have it room temp [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:56 PM Flag
Nope. Sorry I know it sucks when it gets wasted! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:08 PM Flag
[ - ] If you rent and they are taking the building across the street down and building a high rise, would you move? 2 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:54 PM Flag
Depends how often you are home during the day. Construction jobs are usually union so their hours are regular. It's only ConEd, etc., who like to jack hammer in the middle of the night. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:03 PM Flag
No way. Watching construction is good fun, and DCs love watching the machines & trucks. Watching a whole high rise go up would be a blast. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:08 PM Flag
[ - ] dh just came back from business trip and is really pissed because nanny was showing dc cartoons against our instructions to not do so. to add fuel to the fire it was dc's nap time and to dh's request to put dc to bed the nanny calmly replied "in 5 minutes when he is done". should i talk my dh out of firing her. he is very angry more about her attitude than about the cartoon itself. 54 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:47 PM Flag
What happens when you ask an overtired child to stop watching a TV show before it's finished? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:47 PM Flag
Shouldn't have been watching in the first place. Wouldn't be an issue. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:50 PM Flag
But he was. You want your kid to have a temper tantrum and not nap so that the absentee parents can PROVE THEY ARE IN CHARGE? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:51 PM Flag
What happens when you talk back to a man who just took a red eye flight? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:50 PM Flag
He's clearly the one who needed the nap. Stop micromanaging the nanny. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:51 PM Flag
micromanaging? so we can't have any rules or any input? this is beyond crazy [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:10 PM Flag
if you like everything else about her, give it another shot. talk to her about what happened. we all make mistakes. also, from now on - nannycam [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:52 PM Flag
Have some respect for the people that you hire to watch your children. If you don't trust them, don't keep them! No need to creepily spy on their every move. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:06 PM Flag
I am with him. That's 2 strikes. She's lazy and rude [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:47 PM Flag
He told me to place an ad right away and find a replacement over weekend. I don't know if he is this annoyed because he got no sleep or this is really something to fire over. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:51 PM Flag
If he wants to fire her, he can place the ad and interview the candidates. Why should you have to up-end your life because he was cranky? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:53 PM Flag
Do you like her? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:50 PM Flag
yes but she does do whatever she wants. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:52 PM Flag
np - well, that would really annoy me. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:53 PM Flag
it is annoying but she is totally amazing at some things. preschool dismissal was at 11:30 and dc's nap time is 12:30 so I can't even understand what would posses her to start cartoons vs just eat and bed time. She started her workday at pickup so its not like she was tired from a long day or anything. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:54 PM Flag
Wild guess but maybe - DS is too wound up from school to go down from a nap an hour later? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:54 PM Flag
I am as sure as a mother can be that this was not an issue and it was nanny being lazy to take care of dc. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:02 PM Flag
That's a bad sign. If she can't even deal with an hour in between, she probably has been leaving your DC in front of TV constantly. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:57 PM Flag
Your husband is a nutjob for 1) not letting your child watch cartoons and 2) being so rigid-to-the-minute about naptimes. Let the nanny do her job. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:51 PM Flag
1) we both don't want dc to watch cartoons while with nanny 2) dc #2 needs to be picked up at 3pm so missed nap time does create issues. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:56 PM Flag
1) you're both nuts 2) five minutes? really? I hope you do fire your nanny; she deserves better employers. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:55 PM Flag
ok. i guess we should release her then [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:59 PM Flag
I'm not OP, but I also don't allow TV time, esp right before bedtime. That actually fire the kids up a lot. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:58 PM Flag
I guarantee you let him watch cartoons, I've seen this hundreds of times and it's so annoying. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:57 PM Flag
Right. "We both don't want DC to watch cartoons WHILE WITH NANNY..." [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:59 PM Flag
x1000 [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:02 PM Flag
But so what? OP is the one paying the nanny. I wouldn't want my employee watching TV at work either. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:04 PM Flag
The kid is watching TV, not the nanny [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:07 PM Flag
what is the nanny doing? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:09 PM Flag
op: we believe in moderation. we do have movie night once in a while. we aren't tv nazzis but yes we don't want it to be a regular pass time. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:08 PM Flag
i would fire a nanny for that simply because I had strict no tv rule except on weekend nights. lots of people don't care about tv watching, but for those of us who do, it's a big deal to flagrantly disregard. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:04 PM Flag
The OP doesn't have a strict no TV rule. She has a strict "no TV with the nanny" rule. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:08 PM Flag
tell dh to chill - your child probably was wound up/over tired, a cartoon or two wont kill him and he'll be relaxed enough to maybe take a nap [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:53 PM Flag
Why are you making up reasons for why cartoons where needed? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:58 PM Flag
because I am trying to show OP that there could be a reason for it - to maybe ask her nanny what was goign on before going right to firing [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:01 PM Flag
op: what if I tell you that I am willing to bet $1000 that dc was not overtired. He isn't the type to be hyper and doesn't get overtired unless he misses nap. Also, when he is overtired, he reacts best to being read to in bed. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:03 PM Flag
Your DH comes back from a business trip and instead of being happy to see his kid, he wants the nanny to pack him off to bed immediately? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:52 PM Flag
I would not keep a nanny who ignored my instructions adn preferences. She thinks she knows better than you and your husband. if you agree that overall, she knows better, than fine. Otherwise, i would tell her, I know you disagree with me on a, b and c. but I'm the mom. So if you dont' feel like you can follow my policies because you think I am wrong, then this won't work. I think you're great and i dont' want to lose you. So it's really up to you whether you feel comfortable followin gmy poliices re cartoons or whatever,or if you dont. if she says she won't do as you say, then I would start looking for someone knew. and she will start looking too. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:57 PM Flag
I would not keep a nanny who ignored my instructions adn preferences. She thinks she knows better than you and your husband. if you agree that overall, she knows better, than fine. Otherwise, i would tell her, I know you disagree with me on a, b and c. but I'm the mom. So if you dont' feel like you can follow my policies because you think I am wrong, then this won't work. I think you're great and i dont' want to lose you. So it's really up to you whether you feel comfortable followin gmy poliices re cartoons or whatever,or if you dont. if she says she won't do as you say, then I would start looking for someone knew. and she will start looking too. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:57 PM Flag
I would not keep a nanny who ignored my instructions adn preferences. She thinks she knows better than you and your husband. if you agree that overall, she knows better, than fine. Otherwise, i would tell her, I know you disagree with me on a, b and c. but I'm the mom. So if you dont' feel like you can follow my policies because you think I am wrong, then this won't work. I think you're great and i dont' want to lose you. So it's really up to you whether you feel comfortable followin gmy poliices re cartoons or whatever,or if you dont. if she says she won't do as you say, then I would start looking for someone knew. and she will start looking too. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:57 PM Flag
I wouldn't hire a nanny I didn't trust to think for herself [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:58 PM Flag
He took a red eye flight. He hasn't slept at all. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:01 PM Flag
And? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:01 PM Flag
And he was taking a nap. What is wrong with you. He is both jet-legged and hasn't slept at all for 2 days. We have a nanny and its her job to take care of dc. My dh did see dc this morning and took him to school. DH was napping after that. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:06 PM Flag
Get over yourselves, unclench please [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:55 PM Flag
Nanny shouldn't let DC watch TV if that's your rule. Set a password on the TV next time. If first offense, let it go. If she repeatedly dismiss your rules, then fire. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:56 PM Flag
She brings her tablet for this. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:04 PM Flag
I'm with your DH - that kind of attitude is a red flag. I don't agree with him about the timeline, but I think firing her now will save you heartache later. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:57 PM Flag
She just wanted the kid to finish the show so he wouldn't freak out (which would have just made the father angrier). [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:00 PM Flag
OR: My mistake, missed the part in the OP where the nanny explains it calmly [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:06 PM Flag
OP: she didn't explain anything. she just told my dh to f off (in a nutshell) This is what made my dh upset more so than the cartoon. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:08 PM Flag
She brought a tablet to show cartoons while instructed to not show cartoons. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:07 PM Flag
As a nanny who deals with passive aggressive dh's all the time, I feel her pain. He was probably interfering and pestering. I'd tell your husband that she is your employee and to leave this alone. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:07 PM Flag
dh is never home. she almost never sees him. you are projecting. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:10 PM Flag
[ - ] What age was your dc when you stopped initiating play dates? 5 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:47 PM Flag
7 or 8 [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:49 PM Flag
by the end of 2nd grade. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:53 PM Flag
I never started [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:54 PM Flag
You are a genius. I don't do them a lot but I wish I'd done none. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:56 PM Flag
Thank you - that and not making bath part of everyday bedtime routine were my best decisions ever [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:03 PM Flag
[ - ] Part brag / part pet peeve: At p/t conference, we were informed dc is highly gifted in math. Thanks, we knew that. Glad it only took the school 7 years to figure it out. 6 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:46 PM Flag
May I ask how old your dc is and how you know he is highly gifted in math? What is he doing in math to qualify for the highly gifted status? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:49 PM Flag
11, he's always been in the advanced group or math class at his school but there are lots of kids in that category so that would not make him unusual. I think it was a combo of standardized test scores and some in-house challenge assessments and the fact that the math has finally gotten advanced enough that it's easier to see how quickly he gets new material, especially things like geometry and complex word problems. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:54 PM Flag
NP: you just know. Pretty easy with math [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:55 PM Flag
Part snot. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:51 PM Flag
lol [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:53 PM Flag
Ha! I love when they pompously inform you of blindingly obvious things about your own kid. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:01 PM Flag
[ - ] Cost of living aside, do you think it's easier to live in NYC with young DCs or easier in the suburbs? 20 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:43 PM Flag
NYC [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:43 PM Flag
For me, it would be easier in NYC because I don't like to drive. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:46 PM Flag
I would have agreed with you, but when I moved to burbs I realized, yes, you drive more in burbs, but the driving (or actually the parking) is so much easier. You don't worry about finding a spot. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:52 PM Flag
NP: I hate the driving, not the parking. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:58 PM Flag
OR: I would agree with you about the parking, but I don't even have a car. I grew up in the suburbs (it was more rural than suburb back in the day) and I just didn't like the aspect of having to drive to get anywhere. The city has spoiled me with respect to just having to walk around the block if I need something. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:03 PM Flag
NYC for me personally [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:45 PM Flag
I think it depends on how many dc. I only have 1 in the city and love it, but I think 3+ kids would be easier in suburbs. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:47 PM Flag
See, you can't really extricate cost of living from this thought-experiment. If you can afford to have some space in NYC- DCs in their own rooms, some place for them to play, cabs/Uber whenever you need to get from here to there, close proximity to CP or another outdoor space, good schools, etc, then the city wins hands down. If you can't, burbs might be easier. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:47 PM Flag
For me, it's the suburbs, because we have a fenced-in yard where the kids can just be let loose, and we can bicycle everywhere (library, grocery store, school, park, shopping center). [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:47 PM Flag
all things being equal, including square footage, NYC [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:49 PM Flag
I live in Brooklyn and find it easier, walk everywhere, very close to (public) school, neighbors look out for each other, quick commute to work but can have a car for longer trips. Burbs is too much driving for me but Manhattan may be harder than burbs. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:48 PM Flag
NYC as long as 1-2 kids. With 3+, transportation becomes very difficult. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:49 PM Flag
I can't imagine NYC being easier. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:56 PM Flag
I can't imagine 'burbs being easier - it's such an individual thing. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:57 PM Flag
I only have two kids, but they are noisy boys. It has gotten much better since we moved, they can run around more, I am not always shussing them. We are happier, and they are actually better behavied. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:55 PM Flag
Suburbs. Kids can run outside and play all day. I also find driving easier than walking everywhere, but I have four little kids so this might be an issue of numbers. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:55 PM Flag
For me it's the burbs, but for others it might be the city. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:00 PM Flag
Much easier in NYC. I can get grocery on my way home, and it's in and out. I can order delivery 24 hours a day. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:01 PM Flag
How is this different than the burbs? I get groceries on my way home all the time... [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:10 PM Flag
So much easier. There really is a million things to do here. Even just going to a new playground is an adventure. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:05 PM Flag
[ - ] Have a great boss and just found out I'll be reporting into someone else who's indirect, not a leader, gives unclear direction, works around the clock. Have been working with this new boss on a few projects, so they thought it would make sense to formalize the working relationship and move me to her team. I absolutely refuse to report to her. I'm emotional now but need to either get a new job or decide to hand in my resignation. Completely swamped at work. 5 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:43 PM Flag
Just keep working while you look unless you can absorb resigning now. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:47 PM Flag
Key words: "just found out." get a clear head and then make a plan. Try it, if it's miserable, leave. Start looking if you wish. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:49 PM Flag
I knew you were referring to a woman before you even got that far. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:52 PM Flag
don't draw the line in the sand unless you are willing to jump [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:53 PM Flag
Update the resume, give it at least a few weeks to see how it turns out. Then apply for other jobs if you still feel the same way. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:53 PM Flag
[ - ] Any teachers around? Wondering if you can share the signs of parents being checked-out vs. engaged? Suddenly insecure about my WOHM ways. 13 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:36 PM Flag
If you care enough to post this question, then you are engaged. You're doing a good job, lady! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:37 PM Flag
Ha, thanks ~ [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:39 PM Flag
^ This is in the context of parent teacher conferences [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:37 PM Flag
The checked-out parent doesn't come to parent teacher conferences. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:46 PM Flag
Not true. Teachers told us not to come - dc doing great - would rather parents who needed to talk have the time [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:04 PM Flag
I don't know one parent who would qualify as checked out. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:43 PM Flag
Depends on child's age? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:43 PM Flag
OP: Preschool [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:45 PM Flag
LOL [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:46 PM Flag
OP: I do dropoff but never pickup. I know the names and faces of all 15 kids in the class, and the personalities of about half of them, and they recognize me. Few of the parents recognize me as a parent (but then I'm a minority and a bit frumpy so I bear a strong resemblance to a few of the staff members). I guess what concerns me is that 4yo DD always complains about not getting enough mom time, that I'm too tired in the morning to pay attention to everything she says, and that 1-2 nights a week I'm not around to put her to bed. The other nights I'm home by 6 at latest. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:49 PM Flag
np: I am much more of a checked out parent than you are. I know a handful of names and know nothing about these kids. I have 3 kids and consider myself a very hands on parent. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:53 PM Flag
Thanks for the reality check NP. I think maybe DD's only childness is throwing me off. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:59 PM Flag
np - don't let the guilt get to you. tell her that your time w/ her is even more special then if you were together more and that you really love your job.... [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:52 PM Flag
[ - ] My kid is on my nerves. Does this happen to you? She won't nap, won't listen , driving me nuts! 7 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:35 PM Flag
Look in the mirror and brush up your love and logic. It is a phase and this too shall pass. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:38 PM Flag
NP: Yeah, I need to reread that book. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:38 PM Flag
Constantly. Takes lots of deep breaths and inventing new games to play to keep me sane-ish. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:37 PM Flag
What did you do when kids behaved that way when you were babysitting or nannying? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:37 PM Flag
No, this never happens to anyone but you. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:38 PM Flag
Read a story I read this morning in the Daily Mail about a father who lost his wife in childbirth, then the baby. Heartbreaking and puts everything in perspective. You will grab onto your child and never let go. We all go through days like this hang in there and take a deep breath. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:39 PM Flag
No. You are the first person who has ever had their child get on their nerves. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:44 PM Flag
[ - ] SA losing students left and right. Another kids has left the school on the UWS! Crazy. 8 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:32 PM Flag
lol. i guess they'll just have to go to their pages long waitlist... [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:35 PM Flag
Why? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:37 PM Flag
Hey there chess mom! How's it going? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:38 PM Flag
SA s awful on the UWS. Soon enough it will crumble. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:50 PM Flag
Who is chess mom? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:50 PM Flag
Some woman came on here all crazy upset because her kid got to school late and had to sit with a teacher until official start time, instead of being allowed to join the early morning chess club meeting in progress. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:08 PM Flag
Like a house of cards? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:58 PM Flag
Why? Care to explain? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:02 PM Flag
[ - ] Movies/shows you like that would be NOKD on UB. 21 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:28 PM Flag
Dancing with the Stars [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:31 PM Flag
The voice. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:33 PM Flag
This isn't a movie or show, but i love all of the celeb tabloids. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:32 PM Flag
Daily Mail. Love. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:51 PM Flag
say yes to the dress [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:34 PM Flag
Sadly I like it too. Dresses. Ooooh, pretty (or trashy, as many are). [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:37 PM Flag
True Tori [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:34 PM Flag
Impractical Jokers [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:40 PM Flag
Life below zero [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:38 PM Flag
chopped [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:39 PM Flag
GH [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:40 PM Flag
RHONJ [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:41 PM Flag
PBS Newshour [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:43 PM Flag
Bridges of Madison County [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:46 PM Flag
Teen Mom/16 & Pregnant [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:47 PM Flag
Sons of Anarchy [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:52 PM Flag
Anything Food Network [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:52 PM Flag
Diners drive-ins and dives [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:58 PM Flag
I stopped watching it - it was so repetitive. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:04 PM Flag
I like Guy, but how many ways can you pull pork? Not many, apparently. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:05 PM Flag
Ink Master! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 08:08 PM Flag
[ - ] Kid is 4 1/2. Is it normal that he cannot entertain himself for more than 10 minutes? 10 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:27 PM Flag
If he is an only child/first child, I think that is a pretty typical kid. My 4th who is 4.5 can go missing for quite some period of time. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:28 PM Flag
I have an only who keeps herself busy plenty (4 yo) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:32 PM Flag
Lucky. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:36 PM Flag
Op: Yes, only. Drives me batshit. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:36 PM Flag
Wean slowly using a timer. Mom is off duty for the next 20 minutes.... and just be unavailable to engage if she comes to you during that time. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:36 PM Flag
No [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:32 PM Flag
Yes. Especially bright ones [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:35 PM Flag
depends on the day. my 3yo might sometimes play with a puzzle for fifteen minutes until she finishes it, or maybe do an art project for a while, but mostly she has lots of questions about various things. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:37 PM Flag
If the only kid at home, pretty normal. Kids like company. in absence of siblings, they will demand attention of adults. My only was very demanding at home at that age, but take him anywhere else where there were other children he was lower maintenance than most kids. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:37 PM Flag
Normal to me, I have a 4 yo and an older DS, 4 yo is terrible at entertaining himself, he either wants his brother (who isn't always interested) or me. I cannot even leave him in another room, he has to come and get me to entertain him. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.13.14, 07:52 PM Flag
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