Climate Adaptation

Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Enhancement Program (CARE)


Global warming is a reality that can no longer be ignored. In response, CBE has developed innovative strategies to shift California’s energy infrastructure to become more sustainable.

CBE is also addressing the immediate impacts of global warming upon our communities through our CARE program. CARE builds on CBE’s long history of community organizing, participatory research, and environmental justice strategies to reduce and prevent pollution in Richmond and Wilmington, California.

This comprehensive program uses a collaborative approach by working with our members, decision-makers, businesses, academic partners, and other organizations to identify adaptation and mitigation solutions, driven by the community. We’re also working to ensure vulnerable communities are prioritized during adaptation planning and in the allocation of resources.

Cross-cutting strategies and multi-jurisdictional efforts are being developed that will enable the most vulnerable residents to best prepare and cope with climate impacts.

CARE Program main components:

  • Local Climate and Vulnerabilities Assessment
  • Community Education and Leadership Development
  • Creating an Implementation Plan
  • Ensure Community Equity in Adaptation Planning
  • Communications and Dissemination of Information

Engaging community members in the problem-solving and decision-making process is a central component of CARE. Low hanging projects that will create tangible benefits for our communities are: providing residents with cool shelters and homes, permeable street surfaces, cool/green roofs, access to affordable healthy food and water, access to clean renewable locally generated sources of energy.

These proactive measures will prepare, educate, and build community resilience to global warming, lower future costs of dealing with disasters, avoid disproportionate injury to disadvantaged communities, inform regional and state adaptation strategies, and provide a model for other communities.

Supported by Kresge Foundation