• Fri
  • Nov 14, 2014
  • Updated: 2:02am
Occupy Central
NewsHong Kong

Occupy Central leaders prepare to surrender as police make plans to clear sites

PUBLISHED : Wednesday, 12 November, 2014, 4:48am
UPDATED : Wednesday, 12 November, 2014, 5:19pm

Occupy Central co-founders tentatively plan to turn themselves in to police next week, the South China Morning Post has learned.

This comes as police sources say the force may begin executing from tomorrow the injunctions taken out against the Mong Kok and Admiralty sit-ins.

A core member of Occupy Central told the Post that the three organisers of the civil disobedience movement and its volunteers were planning to surrender to police on Friday next week, in an attempt to show that they were willing to accept the legal consequences of joining the "unlawful" pro-democracy protest.

"We will sit peacefully on the roads and let the police arrest us if the clearance starts earlier than Friday next week," the source said.

"We don't want to surrender before Monday - when the Hong Kong-Shanghai stocks 'through train' officially kicks off - as the last thing we want to do is to give [Chief Executive] Leung Chun-ying a chance to show Beijing that he can 'resume social order' as he promised [President] Xi Jinping ."

However, the deputy leader of the Federation of Students, Lester Shum, had some reservations. "The police are already planning to clear the sites," he said. "I would rather be arrested than surrender."

Acting Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor yesterday urged the protesters to leave the occupied sites as soon as possible, as police had already started preparations to execute the court orders.

"To uphold the rule of law, police are preparing to enforce the law, including making arrests," she said yesterday. "An injunction is a solemn order made by the court, which should be fully respected and strictly followed by all."

The three injunctions cover sections of Nathan Road, Mong Kok, and the space around Citic Tower in Admiralty, opposite government headquarters.

Under the court orders, protesters face arrest if they prevent bailiffs removing barricades.

Detectives from the elite organised crime and triad bureau, led by senior superintendent Brian Lowcock, had held day-long talks with the Department of Justice to discuss legal issues surrounding the implementation of the injunctions, according to a police source.

An application from two subsidiaries of private transport operator Kwung Chung Bus for further injunctions to eject protesters from the main Admiralty protest site on Harcourt Road was held up at the High Court yesterday. Mr Justice Thomas Au Hing-ching adjourned the case to next week so more evidence could be gathered.

The companies had argued that the blockading of parts of Connaught Road Central and Harcourt Road had hit their business, including school bus services.

Barrister Warren Chan SC, representing the bus companies, read letters from parents detailing how pupils had to wake up at 4.30am to catch school buses.

"The world has turned upside down" since the protest campaign began, Chan said, and parents and pupils were exhausted and suffering in "hell".




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To Hong Kong Police Force: Just Do It.
The time is now ripe for public opinion to be in favor of the police and their coming clearance of the protest sites. So please, I say to you Hong Kong Police Force, don't disappoint us and walk the talk.
Ok, we all understand the police's considerations and concerns, as clearing the protest sites may cause media uproar and backlash. However, I think the time has now come for many HK citizens, some of whom formerly support the protests, to realize this situation is becoming a deadlock that leads us to nowhere. Foreign powers may be forcing the Hong Kong Police into a corner (removing or not removing the protesters will create a period of instability in Hong Kong), however this has been countered by publicly showing the protesters' true colors and selfish desires that benefit no one. The media may report negatively on the day of clearance, and occupiers may play victims, but in the end, they will no longer be sympathized and the public will pass on. They may fight desperately for their self-righteous ideals, and implore you to stand by them, but they shall be ignored and condemned. In their jails they may perhaps reflect in solitude, rethink their strategies, grow up as a responsible adult and, who knows, come out as Nelson Mandela. But until that day, they have lost our support and sympathy.
Personally, it's not a matter of Police clearing the site. I want to know WHO will be there to get arrested.
Chu Yiu-ming
Benny Tai
Chan Kin-man
Alex Chou
Joshua Wong
Lester Shum
Jimmy Lai
And many many more I don't care to name.
Make sure you are there. This is End-Gme. Don't chicken out now!
Over 1.8 millions people of HK signed the ballots opposing OC. These 3 men over their heads thinking they had HK support for leading OC, resulting in many millions of loss incurred by HK citizens.
Time to make them bear the financial loss of many, fire them for being absent from work, and hold them responsible for receiving black money to instigate unrest which is a criminal offence under national security.
s they sda onre What do these 3 ngopposed sopposehamsSeeking fame again after the protest rirm ag
I hope the protesters resist arrest and try to fight back... Then we can see how peaceful these protests really are... it will be a great show to watch... yes.. that's what the whole movement has turned into... a soap opera reality TV show...
I an sure police will do nothing when these three "hand themselves in". Why should police let them dictate when prosecution action should begin. An early morning raid on their homes when they least expect it should be conducted!
I disagree. If the protesters are truly peaceful then I doubt the police would touch them.
Honestly, i dont know what the big deal with the tear gas is. They acted that way because the crowds were trying to surge through the barracks put up by the police.
Tear gas are meant to disburse crowds, and that was what they did.
You should go to youtube and search for the video where it clearly showed them pushing the barracks BEFORE the tear gas was fired before you make such comments.
And honestly, isn't tear gas more preferable than police batons?
Surrendering is just so anti-climax. Bunny and Co's early plans for OC were for the protestors to be arrested. Please continue with the script and create a climatic ending to this worse-than-TVB soap opera.
police should charge them with subversion -
they are city hijacker -taking whole city dweller as hostage.
Letting them surrender is letting them off too easy
No doubt some barristers or lawyers will jump in to volunteer for their defense.
Sigh.. they really should pay for the chaos that they caused.




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